
Chapter 4 - Necklace

"I Promise you, Father." 

"Good," King Valle took her hand as they swam into the Palace. "Don't ever go to the surface again, okay?"

"I won't." 

"Did she go to the surface?" Queen Raya asked in alarm as they arrived. She had woken up to find her husband missing from her side. She went to Marissa's room to look for him but she found the room also empty. She was about going in search of them, but they arrived on their own.

"It's okay, she already promised not to go there anymore." 

"And you believed her?"

"Why shouldn't I?" King Valle patted Marissa's hair. "She is my daughter, the future queen of Teravenia. She knows that we don't make fake promises, Right Mari?"

"Yes, Father." Mari placed her hand on her chest and bowed again. She bowed to her mother too. 

"Mari dear, Listen to your father. The Surface has nothing to offer you but......

"....Death and destruction," Marissa completed. "I know Mom and that is why I have promised not to go there anymore." 

"It will do you more good if you don't." 

"Alright Mom, I'll go to sleep now."

"Okay, dear." 

Marissa bowed to her parents again then she swam to her room. She laid on the bed and closed her eyes. However, as soon as she did, the loud voices of people calling out a name was ringing in her head.



The name was continuously being screamed out in her head. She sat up and held her chest and her heart was pounding.

 "Why is my heart pounding so much? What exactly am I afraid of?

She looked around to see if there was anyone or anything suspicious, but there was none. She huffed and laid back down. She closed her eyes but instead of drifting to sleep, she drifted back to the incident earlier. She saw the boy's face and his mouth seemed like he was calling out to her. She saw how she kissed him and she suddenly felt her heart beat faster again. 

"I think I have been infected by a disease. I'll go see Attina at dawn." Marissa laid back down and tried sleeping. 

"Go away! She shouted at the face that was haunting her and just as if he could hear her. The face vanished and she finally fell asleep.

When she woke up, she touched her neck to bring out her necklace. She had the habit of always greeting the sea by kissing her necklace. However, when she touched her neck that morning, the necklace wasn't there.

"Did I lose it?

But Where? 

Marissa suddenly remembered where the necklace might be, so she decided to wait until night time again, to go in search of the necklace. 

"I'm sorry Father, I'll just be back."

*At the same time in the Chapmans Manor....*

Colton opened his eyes and he sat up. He looked around to make sure that there was no one around. He changed his clothes and was preparing to leave but as soon as he took off his clothes, a necklace fell off it. The necklace was designed as a moon surrounded by the sea, and the mermaid flew upward to touch the moon.

"What a beautiful necklace," Colton murmured as he looked at the beautiful necklace. Then he realized that it doesn't belong to him or anyone he knew. "How did I get this?"

"Oh," Colton gasped as he realized it.  "Maybe it belongs to her." He rushed up his dressing and he snuck out of the house, using the back gate. He rushed back to the sea, in search of her.

"Hello!" Colton called out as he arrived at the seaside. "Hello!!!

He noticed a head pop out again from the middle of the Sea and she swam towards him. She stayed in the Sea, resting her hands on the shores. 

"Hello too." Marissa greeted with a smile. "How are you, now?

"Better, thanks." Colton's low voice replied. "Do you own this?" He raised the necklace and Mari's smile widened. 

"Yes please." She put forth her hand to collect it, flashing him the most genuine and appreciative Smile. 

"Have it." He handed the necklace to her. 

"Thank You," Mari muttered happily and she turned to leave. But she stopped when she heard him ask, 

"Did you see my Mom?"

"Your Mom?" Mari frowned lightly. "Where is she?"

Colton took a seat by the seashore and he looked longingly at the sea like he was expecting his mother to walk out of it. "She died."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." 

"I thought I saw her with you the other day." 

"With me?" Marissa Shook her head slightly as she seemed to understood things now. "Was that why you followed me?

"Yes," Colton sighed and looked down. "I miss her so much, I badly want to see her."

"But you know that cannot happen, right?"

"I know, and that was why I was excited when I saw you, I thought it was her or Maybe she sent you to me."

"I'm sorry Colton but I haven't seen your Mom."

"You know my name?" 

"Yes, I heard your family call you the other day."

Colton's face immediately showed a frown. "They are not my family."

"But they were worried about you that day." 

"I don't know why they won't let me be! They probably want to kill me as they did to my Mom."

Marissa's eyes widened. "You mean those people are killers?" Even those young ones?

"Humans are evil, no matter how old they are." Colton seethed in rage.

"So, you aren't human?" 

"I am human, but I don't live or support their evil ways." 

"Oh, okay." Marissa nodded briefly. "Do you Mind telling me all they did to you, maybe I can help?"

Marissa put on the necklace and she stepped out of the sea, sitting right beside him. Colton told her his story and she took his hand. 

"I'm sorry Col," 

"What...Say that again." 

"Huh?" Colton liked the way his name sounded when she called him.

"Please call my name." 

"Colton," Marissa repeated.

"No, please Say it without the last syllable."


"Wow! You sound like my Mom. That's exactly how she calls me. 

"Oh," Marissa Smiled. "I didn't know I could sound like your Mom. But anyways, I have to go."

"No please, stay with me," Colton pleaded sadly. "With you around, I will be reminded of my Mom and I will miss her less."

"I can't come back."

"Please come back for me." 

Seeing Colton plead so humbly, Marissa couldn't bear to say no, but she remembered her promise and she was about to refuse but Colton pleaded More. 

"Please don't take my Mom away from me again."

Marissa couldn't bear to see him sad, for some reason, she felt bad seeing him so broken, so she nodded.

"I'll always come, but only at this time."

"Do you promise......? Colton realized he doesn't even know her name. 

"My name is Marissa." She replied like she could hear his thoughts.

"So Marissa, do you promise to come back?"

"I Promise."