
Zhi Enterprise?

Even the car drove away from their but Jun is still looking at the side the drove away with his longing eyes at the entrance of the building.

Then an employee who is entering into the office stopped near li jun.

" head secretary did something happened to you?"

li jun who was still shocked with the news of his master marrying a women looked at him and said" master is getting married!"

" but why are you reacting like you are his wife"

"what ?w-w-wife?" and jun turned around and look at him with his blank Expression.

The person got to know that, he just now offended the head secretary to company, and it must be as an backfire on him

Than that person point out at other person who was busying with his work.

" Mr. jin, wait!" he waved at that person and use that moment to escape from their before secretary Jun punished him with some sort of work, but others in the company were still talking about secretary Jun

" hey! what wrong with secretary Jun, I have never seen him like this in a while"

" didn't you heard he was like this since Mr li left. By any chance, did he got yelled up by mr. li"

" No, he was like this after the news of mr. li getting married"

"what Mr. li is marrying? whom? when? what sort of person she is?"

" perhaps, that women could be all after boss money"

Jun heard all those gossips, and his face was darkened, than he gave those all a cold glare, that all of them were frightened and move back to their work without any word.

Jun stand still and thought for a while and decided and he stretched his hand towards up and pointed with his index finger towards up and with brighten eyes " wait I should investigate about this miss, with whom Master Yi had agreed to marry, there must be something special about her, otherwise master Yi won't be in hurry to leave with her" and returned to his investigation about this new miss young lady

And he imagined himself as an detective in black suit and black tie with a black deerstalker cap on his head and black shiny shoes holding a magnifying glass in his one hand.

Ah! I'm really hungry

she hold her stomach with both of her hand and looking outside of the window with her dazzling eyes.

Yi looked at her when he was still driving, but the second he looked at her face, she was looking totally faded out, then he lay his eyes down on her stomach and seeing her sitting with holding her stomach tight and looking outside of the car window with her dazzling eyes

could it be she is hungry! ya she hadn't eaten anything till now, the moment she woke up it was late so she had rushed to get ready and after that she didn't got anytime to have breakfast and she didn't eat much last night too.

xiaozia didn't spoke to him this time no matter, but she was kinda bored too so she took out her phone from her bag and continued to tapping down her finger all over the screen and scrolling up and down,

I should try to gather some information about Zhi enterprise and his heir through internet rather than asking him cause I don't want to be in any conversation with him

and continued scrolling and tapping

and soon wow their is so much information about zhi Enterprise on the news feed rather than I know that this is the first most powerful enterprises in Asia and this entertainment Enterprise produce famous actor and actressess like Zhao lin xing the handsome, gentle and kind actor who always make other hearts flatter with his actions and moves; Ye xingling with a bold personality and sexy attitude and her voice is even gentle and soft and her expression was so cute that make her fans heart to go more crazy; and the top first was yuanfeng with the godlike face and kind heart there never had been any news against him from the last four years from his debute every girl in china want him more than anything because he know how to make others heart flatter with his expression and with his funny side cause it would be great to have him as a boyfriend and her eyes were full of imagination and shine

and again continued to scroll and tapping of screen.

Seeing xiaozia lost in her imagination he slightly peeked at her phone screen which lighting bright and he read out the words which were visible on that bright phone screen it was "zhi Enterprise".

what? she is trying to figure out about me and zhi Enterprise via internet, she can ask me it's not like I won't reply or lie to her, does she really hate talking to me that much, doesn't she know asking the person helps you to have great information than the news with most of the rumors on internet.

the expression of Yi faces has grown colder.
