
where are we going?

she really wanted to say no but on the second thought she thought about her parents and nodded and said " yes! aunty"

" what? aunty? are you serious, you're more like my daughter, and aunty makes me feel like I'm really old just call me sister ming or mom, ok!"

" sure mom!"

"oh! my little xiaozia is really a good girl"

" alright now you both go and have fun, ok bye!"

" bye! "

" Yi take a good care of my little xiaozia"

And after all xiaozia has to go with him.

They came out of their home where in the front a black maybach exelero was standing.

Yi took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door for her, she just sat inside and Yi closed the for her and get into the car.

it's been more than 10 minutes but none of them spoke to each other.

huh! what the he**! I should atleast ask him where we are going? to break this awkward silence.

" uh! where we are going? "

the moment when she asked her, his phone rang, it was his assistant li jun.

" what is it?"

" sir, you need to through some paperwork, it's really important"

" Jun, you should tell me earlier, I'm busy right know, I can't come"

xiaozia heard all their talk, she thought the maybe she got an way to escape from him, so she said " wait! you should better go to office, maybe it is really something important, I'll go back to home by my own, you can really go"

He was surprised for her being so considerable all of sudden " are you sure I can go office"

" ya! I'm Damm sure"

"Alright! I'll be there in 10 min, meet me at entrance" he said this to his assistant and hung up the call

" okay! you can drop me here, I'll go back on my own" xiaozia said to him

" no chance, I'm not going to leave you there, you're also going with me "

" what? why should I have to go with you "

" 'cause my mom asked me to take care of you"

After that she didn't dare to fight with the wolfish guy, and sat quietly until they reached there.

They reached there, the building was quite big, which has almost 18 floors and the whole building was hold by Zhi enterprises not only this building there are more buildings as big as this were own by Zhi enterprises at other places too.

Yi got out of the car and opened the door for her but she didn't get off " what are you not going to come out?"

" no!" and turned her face to other direction

" okay I'll back in 5 minutes, you better wait for me here"

And he went inside the building

' " you better wait for me here!" huh! why the he** I have to listen to him ' she was copying what he said earlier to her with funny expression

As he entered into the building all of the people who were wandering around here and there stopped at their places at were the were and bow down to him to greet him.

" good morning sir! good morning sir!..."

Then li jun walked towards him and followed him to the meeting room

He opened the door for him, than Yi walked in and draw a chair and sat on it.

" where are the documents?"

Then li jun passed the document to hum which he was holding in his hand.

" sir! here! here and here!" then he opened the file for him and showed him the places where he has signed the papers.

Then out of his curiousity he asked " sir! I had heard some female voice from the background while I was on phone with you, sir who was with you, you know you can't get into any trouble"

" I know that, you don't have to tell me, I was with you future boss lady"he calmly replied to him while signing the papers

" what? you are getting married" he looked at him with surprise

" why? are you expecting me to stay single forever"

he glupsed" n- no boss why would I be"

Then he put down the pen on table at stood up" okay! now everything is done, I'm leaving!"

he was stand still for a moment on his placed and then he noticed that the to had already left, so he followed him and stopped him from back

" sir, but who are you marrying?" Jun asked but Yi didn't have any reply to him and continue walking out of the building, and walked towards his maybach.

Jun followed him to there and try to sneek, that who was inside the car but no matter what he can't able to see anything inside the car from outside.

Than before getting inside the car Yi turned and look at him and said " Mr. Jun if you don't have anything to do, you can leave the company"

" no..no... I'm going" Jun understand this was a warning sign from him to stop sneek inside the car and get back to work.

Then Yi get inside the car and drove away