
breakfast time!

Xiaozia returned back to reality from her imagination and realized that she was still hungry and she looked at the time on her phone screen, it was 10:47 a.m.

and hold her stomach with her one hand tightly than before, soon Yi noticed this again and speed up his driving and stopped at the restaurant,

it was " Green world" although it was a restaurant but it was more like a green Park which was covered with trees and flowers surrounding, the most attractive part about this palace is the air here smells so fresh because to beautiful trees and flowers. the restaurant was like build in between the garden, the roof of the restaurant was painted in wooden brown colour and the three side of restaurant was covered with glass, the sitting arrangement was really good with the different peoples choice, and the smell of the fresh scent inside the restaurant was quite pleasant, and the interior was even more beautiful than the outside, it's really beautiful, this must be a highly rated restaurant, that even for a minute I forget that I was even hungry

This manwho** has a good taste too.

it's finally the breakfast time!

and looked at him with sweet pleasant eyes and she step out of the car, Yi also got out of the car after her and followed her inside.

A waiter walked towards them a lead them towards the empty place to seat.

they both seated facing each other.

the waiter handled over the tab to both of them to select order from the menu" sir! ma'am! what would like to order?"

xiaozia take a look at the menu

wow! they have so many things and the prices are not even that high.

Yi looked at the menu and moved his finger a bit and select the iced white chocolate mocha and entered quantity one and handled back to the waiter and looked at her and said" xiaozia go ahead! order whatever you like, you haven't had breakfast yet!"

the waiter looked at her

what he knew that I haven't eaten anything yet, anyway what should I order and end up choosing some dish ' savory pan fried bun, rice stick noodles, Jian bing, one fresh orange juice ' and handled it over to waiter

the waiter read out to confirm the order," one iced white chocolate mocha, savory pan fried bun, rice stick noodles, Juan bing and one fresh orange juice, is it correct!"

xiaozia nodded and said "yes!".

and the waiter went away return with two glasses of water and put them on table " please! wait a moment" and went away

Yi and xiaozia both got busy on their phones

and soon after a few minutes the waiter returned with their order, and serve them, "is their anything else you need"

xiaozia " no! thank you!"

the waiter was flatter with the sweet voice of her and said "it's ok miss! please have a good meal!" and left

xiaozia pick up the chopstick and put a fried bun a bite a small piece of it

wow! it's heaven, it's too good.

Yi put out down his phone and asked her" is it good?"

" it's really delicious!" he grabbed her hand with chopstick and bun and took a bite of it. " indeed! this restaurant food is quite good"

what is he trying to flirt with me, this manwh*** how could he think I will fall for his charms like others girl do, I won't let it happen me, I won't fall for you never in a million years and continued eating her food

does this girl mouth will hurt if reply to me more or talk to me more.

than Yi phone rang and the bright screen of phone which is kept in the table shows the caller name " miss Jun"

He picked up the call and went outside to talk.

who can be this girl, and what relation do she have with him, anyway it's not my concern whoever she is should I ask him, no! I shouldn't ask him, he might get any wrong ideas. ya! I should focus on my food now but she kept looking outside from the window when Yi was still on the call.

that quite place didn't last quite much when she heard the two women gossiping behind her back who was sitting at a meters away from them " hey! isn't it is CEO li from zhi enterprise"

the other women sitting next to her" ya it's him, I wish I can be in bed with him, look at him he is so rich and handsome a total nation crush"

" ya he turns everyone in red carpet quickly, he is super rich, and so handsome too, I wish I can be his girl for a night even"

" anyway he is super hot, from near, let's click some photos of him" she pick up her phone and start clicking his photos from the window

" hey! isn't he is with that girl today"pointed towards xiaozia

" ya! but she isn't half of me, let's just eat food rather than wasting a minute to look at her, she is too ugly she really disgust me"

what those girls think I don't deserve a minute look from them even and they were too disgust by me

she controlled her anger and smashed that chopstick on the table with a force

xiaozia calm down! calm down! you can't lose your control over those idiotic talk just eat your food

Yi came back at took his seat back, and xiaozia didn't said anything and quietly busy in eating food but her expression looks like she wants to chop someone in pieces, but Yi can't get any had happened to her

but when the moment she was eating food she was looking so cute that Yi just wants to look at her so he secretly took some photos of xiaozia eating her food from his phone while she was too focus on her food.

After a while

" I'm done! let's go"

Yi called out the waiter" check please!"