
where is she?

' It's really an good opportunity for me but I can't do this...I have never done this, it's not that hard but make a fool of myself here! I must think of an good excuse to make an exit from here '.

"uh! actually, I just remembered a really big lunch" but in her heart she is cursing herself, can't she think of an other good excuse rather than this silly one" so, I won't able to do modeling today".

" because of a lunch?"He looks at her with surprise

" I'm so sorry! can we please reschedule, this photoshoot is very important for my agency" She feels bad. She had no other option but to ask for more time so she could persuade another model to do the modeling for this photoshoot.

Varez Angrily screams at xiaozia and said " I don't have time for this, Mr. li is coming today, so Bye!" as he was running out of patience and then left.


xiaozia starts running after him but suddenly gets hit on her right and she falls into the pool while she is running through the edge of the pool. And the black post went in front of her eyes.

And remember something when she was still drowning in the pool unconsciously

' I remembered the pain of the water gushing into my lungs, I flailed around helplessly, as my silent cries only brought more pain. Cold... it was really cold'.

' I was sinking deeper into an abyss of darkness and dread, why? wasn't anyone coming to rescue me, how they all forgotten about me?'.

And then she feels that someone hand is on her waist and that tall figure is pulling her towards him and then she feels the same heat on her body as if someone is kissing her or helping her to breathe.

And then he takes her out of the water with him and laid her down on the chair and turn around and walked near Varez and shouted on him" what kind of human being would see someone drown and not help?!?!".

All of them were scared to death seeing him shouting like this on varez and for a moment they thought they were done for today.

"I..I... I'm really sorry Mr.li ! I was preoccupied with..." he was scared badly, and can't able to escape from that cold devilishly eyes which were on him and it looked like he was going to pass out soon from those cold glance of Mr. li, so he just gather all his courage and immediately apologize to Mr. li for his better sake.

Although Mr.li is some kind of Playboy, but he is much more sincere to work too and he hate the people who look down on others and don't help them, but just on chairs and enjoy the show.

"she was f***king drowning! she could have died!" he shouted on him to make him realize his mistake" you are fired!". And that very right moment his secretary li Jun rushed towards him and asked " are you alright, Mr. li?".

" yes! but send a doctor to check on the girl..." as he moved around to point the girl, the girl was already gone" where did she go?".