
xiaozia is all in his mind

After escaping from there, xiaozia goes to her house and takes shower to freshen up herself and change her clothes and leave for the hospital.

live life hospital, this is were her father Tang Huang zhi, was admitted from a long time as he was suffering from illness from the past one year in room B-186.

" xiaozia! you're here to visit" as she entered in the room her dad looked at her and ask her to try to talk to her so on other hand xiaozia took out an apple from the basket placed on the right side of his bed and took a knife and plate start cutting it in pieces.

he continued himself and asked "how was the shoot with lifestyle today?" but when he didn't heard any reply and she just kept cutting the apples and didn't say a word, He speaks again after being silent for a while "I had to pull in a lot of favours to get that for us".

She is searching for an answer in her mind and says to herself ' Actually no one wanted that job, I'm certainly wasn't good for it"

as she didn't spoke a single word her dad again ask her for an answer from her" wait did you give that job to li ting? Daiyu? maybe, guan yin?".

she said herself but didn't let a single word out ' they quit ages ago '.

he still continued himself seeing xiaozia not answering a little" wait! didn't you give that job to Cuifen? that girl has an attitude problem and I don't".

xiaozia was done with cutting apples for him then she handed over the plate to him and she thought that he was criticizing her the way she is running the agency, so she stood up and left cause she no it would badly affect his health if she tell him all the mishapping.

As she left, he felt too bad for her daughter Because she had to go through a lot of things without anyone help from the past one year.

And then he picks up his phone from the table and scrolls down a bit and select an contact and make a call.

after a few rings when the other party picks up the phone" hello! Wang? it's huangzhi". After this both party talk to each other for a while then they hang up and her dad laid down on the bed and fall asleep.

' the pool wasn't too deep. she could have easily wanddled up to the surface even if she didn't know how to swim' li Hongyi was sitting in an private area of an bar and a young beautiful lady was sitting next to him who was one of a ex- mamber of TX agency, Guan yin! but he keep thinking about the girl he saved earlier.

" I can't believe she dashed off after I save her, not even thanks? I ruined my suit for her" he kept thinking about this as he felt like he was been disrespected or disobeyed by someone in his heart.

" Mr. li?" the lady call his name to draw his attention towards her as he was sitting quietly from the moment he reached there and kept thinking about something from that tight moment.

then he shook his head off to not to think about her anymore as she was the only person in all his mind from the afternoon.