
epic opportunity

As soon XiaoZia and cuifen reached at the set, Then the photographer Varez become completely engrossed while waiting for the them and then move towards them and yell at xiaozia" This is so unprofessional! do you even know how late you are?".

then xiaozia apologizes with his head slightly lowered and said" I'm really sorry!" Because she knew that she was already 20 minutes late for the shoot.

after that cuifen asked them in her that same rude voice which is completely full of arrogance" Um! where's my trailer? I need to get ready".

Varez replied calmly"there is no trailer for models at this location".

The current location for Lifestyle quite simple and freshing but that place doesn't have much rooms the only things it has was the great view and it has an open air swimming in a leafy suburb and few lounging chairs.

"No trailer? " at this matter Cuifen got more furious then before and shouted on all of them" this is ridiculous! we should have just never came".

xiaozia speaks in middle and tries to calm her down"Cuifen...cut it out!".

but Cuifen continue saying things and about to explode like an boom" I have never been treated so badly by a mere photographer, And I won't start now, I QUITTT! " And left that place in anger.

everyone was now in a big trouble and their face looked tired from all this and then the director speaks restlessly" now we don't have a model!".

Then when one of their staff arrives there and said loudly in a rush" Mr. Li is on the way!".

After hearing this one of the model Qingling quickly ordered her stylist" Quick! fix my hair!".

After seeing this the photographer got panicked and can't think of anything then he ran close to xiaozia and asked her " you aren't a model, are you? ".

xiaozia relaxed up herself and replied him calmly" I'm the agent"

" We can't screw up in front of Mr.Li"

"don't panic, but what are you going to do now?"xiaozia asked him

" I have an idea!" the face of him which was looking like a corpse a minute ago was lighten up suddenly as he said that.

" what was it?" she asked curiously

he continued " We guys are desperate for a model and I'm sure you were also desperate for your....cash, and I'm sure you have seen many models do this million times, so you know what to do!".

" ya! it's true I have seen my models doing this many times, but what do you mean by all of this" she was totally confused by what this photographer mean but she wasn't completely clueless

" I mean just think about it, it's like an win-win situation for both of us, Trust me!"

it's really a win-win situation for xiaozia as she was in a desperate need of money and she also knows in her heart that it's not even a bad idea too.

" Believe me! it's great idea, only you could save all of ours jobs" he tried to persuade her and to agree on being the model for her as she had all the things which were needed in a model, and she was beautiful like a white pearl anyone could mistook her with the model on first glance.

And this would we epic opportunity her her to save the day and be a star in a glamorous photoshoot.