
spend some time with each other!

xiaozia entered in her room and close the door with a sound. she was really tired so she went onto the bed without taking a bath and changing her clothes.

Next day, was quite normal as other morning until she left her room. Because when she went downstairs towards living room, she was surprised to see the Li family at her house that all her sleep flew away.

As soon as she saw them she rushed back to her room before any one of them notice her.

what are they doing at my house so early in the morning it was just 10 a.m. in the morning!

And quickly went into the bathroom and take a quick shower and put on some good clothes to leave for office. And it just took her 15 minutes to get ready.

she put some makeup on her face before leaving and flipped her hairs back from one hand and opened a door.

As she put a step forward, she was starled to see Yi standing outside her room. And her eyes were wide open for a moment. The distance between both of them were merely a inch.

She started to take some move backwards to increase the distance between them.

But Yi face didn't react a bit on her moments but his eyes were all fixed on her and he just continue to stare at her with his dark brown eyes, his one hand is in his pocket and with the other facing towards her.

" what are you doing on front of my room?" xiaozia asked him but her expression wasn't looking so great

" your mom asked me to bring you downstairs" he replied while staring at her.

why the hell he always stare at me, and what hell he was doing at my place so early.

she followed him to the downstairs


she was really curious to know what the hell to her parents planning against her this time.

" By the way, why are you here at this time"

" You will know in a sort moment"

How rude, what a jerk! I'm sure I'll never fall for him in a million years

And she starts walking ahead of him,

She is really cute, don't worry my wifey I was always ready to follow you

But suddenly xiaozia turned and look at him for a second and then turn back walk towards where her parents were sitting. For a while when she looked at him, he thought maybe xiaozia listened what he just said to himself.

xiaozia greeted them all and sat on the couch, and then only Yi also sat next to her.

She didn't like being sitting next to him so she distanced herself from him.

And she was still trying to figure out why are they at her home.

" xiaozia you aren't busy at all today, right" Mrs li asked her

Before she speak up for herself her mom said " No, she isn't"

" Xiaozia are you sure you are not busy" Mrs li again asked her

" yes! not at all, but what is it?" she replied her with a warm smile which isn't fake, because she is a way so nice to her and always treat her nice so she can't be fake to her.

" dear! today is party where we were announcing your engagement with Yi, so I want you both to go out together to spend time alone with each other to get to know each other a little before the evening party"

what I have to spend almost half day with that manwh*re in alone. God why are you punishing me that bad.

but she didn't dare to say those words.