

"hello! xiaozia speaking! from TX artiste agency" as she said, on the other end, the person Angrily and irritatingly, he says while chilling" you're five minutes late! we can't begin the shoot without you!".

She then gets tensed up, and took a deep breath in and out and then speak" sorry! Wang Wei, we're on our way to there".

And then the call cuts off.

' I'm f***ed!!!, Cuifen is right.... dad's company is doomed, doomed in my hands '.

Xiaozhi's dad suffered from a stroke a year ago. He couldn't handle the news of his failing agency - a far cry from his golden haydays.

You see, in the unscrupulous world of entertainment industry, one has to be rich, influential and deceitful to emerge on the top of the entertainment food chain.

but my dad had nothing!..

He did the best he could but he was eventually trampled to bottom, and left it to me to keep his agency from sinking any further.

' YOU CAN DO THIS! XIAOZIA!!..' she cheered up her inner-self to flight for gold until dawn.

"what part of 'last night was fun, you may leave now ' did you understand, miss...?" the man was sitting shirtless on the edge of the desk in the room and stare at the unknown girl who was quite in short and sexy outfit and one of the girl do anything for what she wants and said that to her and trying to remember her name .

"Qingyuan! my name is Qingyuan" the girl angrily glare towards him like she will chopped him off the next moment.

but the calmly replied to her in single word as he didn't said anything to her" right!" and turned his face away from her.

she was anger to dead that she left the place at the right moment.

as she left he took a sigh of relief and comfortably sat down on the chair next to the desk.

then a young cheerful, clam, playful, and kind person step in the room after he knocked at the door couple of times. The person who entered in was his secretary and his best friend Li Jun and he totally like his name talented and handsome.

"I told driver to send her home" he said in his clam and professional way and continued " "should I contact the florist to send a bouquet to her house".

" Sure but what possessed me to bed that women last night escaped me"he said as he was quite disappointed.

li jun laughed out after hearing him but then again turn on his professional mode and said " I have more updates on lifestyle".

" Ah yes! leave it to my beloved step-mother to insist on starting a magazine because her friends were doing it....only to sink it into the ground with disastrous article and industry boycott" he said it all in his cold free and Careless voice while tapping his fingers on the keyboard of his computer.

"GENIUS" li Jun said in his excited tone and he quickly stopped what he was doing and quickly stand up and asked " what is it?".

" Your insists you to handle the situation" he looked down and said it professionally.

"why am I not surprised" he folded his arms and said to him without any expression on his face and at him.

and then he said a few words in his cold tone " Reschedule all my appointments for today, looks like we'll be paying lifestyle a little visit".