
taste the disgust

" check please!"

the waiter go near them and handled over the tab to Yi the bright screen of tablet shows the bill total amount ¥XXX.

" sir! through what would like to pay with" he asked Yi

Yi took out the legendary black credit card, which is only issued to a platinum card holder, and only the people with great assets can afford it " here! " and gave that card to the waiter

The waiter was amused to see that legendary card cause it was the first time he saw that legendary card from that close " yes! sir!" and went away and soon returned with that card and handed over to him " thank you sir for coming, please visit us again" and left

" let's go!" xiaozia turned stood up and turned around to walk outside but when she was almost to stepped her foot outside the restaurant, she stopped and turned, Yi who was behind her stopped at his place and xiaozia turned her head and said to Yi is her voice as sweet can as " wait a minute! I forgot something, please wait for me near car"

Yi didn't find it unusual about her, and replied " you wait for me! I will bring it back, what is it?"

xiaozia smiled and said " you don't have to bother just wait for me outside"

Yi couldn't help and went outside to wait for her near car

when xiaozia saw that Yi went quite away from there she walked towards those bit*h from before who was talking about them behind their back, and took out a scraf from her bag and wrap around her face and stepped near them

And spoke to them in her as sweet as Candy voice " young lady! you're so beautiful can I please borrow your phone, it's really urgent please! please! my phone is out of battery can you lend me yours"

Although they can't have a proper look on her face because of the mask but her voice and shinny eyes which were looking so pure

what can this little girl can do anything bad, I can lend her my phone for a minute" sure! go ahead! but be quick"

" thank you so much!" she took the phone from her hand a pretend to call while trying to delete the photos they had taken before of them, she tapped on the screen like she dialing the number but she was deleting the photos

I really disgust you, right! let me tell you what disgust is and how ugly I'm.

when she delete them all she quickly put the phone near her ear and spoke few words " ok!" " I will..." " byeee!" with pause to let them think that she was really on call with someone,

Wait but why did I had deleted that bastard photos?...anyways let them make them take the taste of disgust.

when she finished all her business she quickly return them their phone back and she was looking so pleased and said

" thank you so much for lending me you phone, I would like to return your generosity with an bottle of wine, and please don't say no! and don't worry I'm paying for that"

"hey! there is no need for that"

" please don't say no!"

and they both didn't denied her offer, then she called an waiter and took the tab from him to order drinks, she looked at the few drinks and tell him " please! get a bottle of changyu dry red wine"

" okay miss" the waiter replied with a sweet smile

"this miss is sure rich she ordered the most expensive wine just to thank us" a women in red dress bit** wispeard to the other women ear

" ya! I haven't ever had this wine in my 26 years to life I heard it taste really amazing" she replied back to her in very low pitch

" miss! you're becoming more generous to us" one of them said that

" no-no! I'm not"

maybe that call is really important for her, and her clothes and bag was even branded too.

soon the waiter return with two glasses and the bottle of wine and carefully put them on table, and about to serve them but xiaozia stopped him " no! leave it, I will do it!"

xiaozia pick up the bottle and opened it and splashed it on one of them and make it look like it was an accident but before anyone can notice what's going on there she quickly smashed other women food on her leftovers and then splashed whole bottle of wine all over their body and put the bottle and ran away from there as quick as an light.

she came outside near the car and quickly sat inside and told Yi " quickly drive!"

Yi was lost of words and looked at her blankly

xiaozia holded his hand and shake his arm forcefully " drive fast! quick! quick!"

They said I disgust them now they must be looking more disgusting ever hahahaha! and laughed inside

Yi was totally startled by what happened just now but follow her orders and started the car and drove the car at high speed from there.

those women was totally furious and came out of restaurant after her but there was so sign of her, they were so frustrated over her, but a waiter came outside and told them " Miss you can't leave like this you had haven't paid the bill yet"

" OK WE'RE PAYING!!! HOW MUCH CAN IT BE?" they went inside the waiter was after them