
Marriage With My Ex Fiance

"We shouldn't Share the same room" "We are married" "But it's a contract marriage" "And there is no rule" Laura and Chris had an arranged marriage since little but Laura wasn't in support of her mother's idea to marry a poor man and got herself a boyfriend. Her father's betrayal and her mother's going into coma made matters worse and she break things off totally between the two family. Chris left the country devastated and came back years later as a very rich billionaire while Laura's company was in deep trouble and about to lose it to her stepbrother and needed his help badly. Chris agreed to help only if she fulfil their marriage agreement years back and the two found themselves in a contract marriage till the end of the project.

jayeobakehinde123 · Urban
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59 Chs

Chapter 55


Josh sat down at his desk attending to some documents when Amanda comes in to inform him of her lunch date with one of their partners. Josh nodded his head at her and closed the file in front of him then asked some details about the date which she explained.

"I will make sure to get his signature today Sir" she said with confidence and left.

Josh turned back to his work and continued to work for the next hour, her ring the bell thinking that Amanda should be back already but there is no answer from her.

He waited for a few more minutes before standing up from his seat and went out to check on her, he saw Katie at her desk instead and questioned her on Amanda's whereabouts

"She left to meet with Mr Mars" Katie answered

"Its been over an hour" he pointed out and Katie shrugged

"Maybe she went somewhere else after meeting him" she replied and continued to pick up a document from her desk and bow her head slightly to Josh before leaving

Josh took out his phone from his pocket and tried calling her but didn't get a response so he decide to go out and look for her instead.

Remembering her words, she is probably at the restaurant about five minutes walk from the company.

Josh got to Katie's desk and told her he will be out for a few minutes before leaving the office premises.

He walked to the restaurant still trying Amanda's number and this time she hang the call. Josh got to the restaurant and went in, he looked around for a few seconds but couldn't find them so he asked one of the waiters and describe Amanda to her

"She left not long ago with a gentleman" she answered

"Okay thanks" Josh said and left. He walked back to the company not knowing how else to contact her, he stopped in front of a clothing mall and a familiar voice laughing inside caught his attention. He turned to confirm and saw Amanda laughing heartily with Mars holding up a skirt

He is pissed to see that she is shopping with another man and even using office hours to do that, Josh snort in disgust at the sight in front of him and went in to meet them, he can't believe she really moved on so quickly and is really going on with pretending that nothing happened between them

"You must be having a good time" Amanda heard Josh's voice behind her and stopped laughing.

"Boss, you are here" she said to acknowledge him and Mars also greeted him

"Mr Josh, long time no see. I must say you have a great secretary" he commended beaming with smiles

"Of course I do, she is so great that she is buying clothes during office hours" Josh respond sarcastically and threw a hateful glance at Mars

"I informed you that I will be out till I get the contract signed" Amanda said but Josh ignored her and turned to Mars

"If you don't want to sign the contract with me then its fine but don't pester my employee" he warned with glaring eyes

"I just took her out for a shopping and we are on a date" Mars said to Josh's horror

"A date?! A date?" He repeated and turned to Amanda for an explanation but none was forthcoming

"Mr Josh, I will be back in the office soon, can you please excuse us" Amanda said politely but those sound like she telling him to not disturb her date and wants him gone as soon as possible.

"I need you to come to the office with me right now!" Josh said leaving no room for negotiation but Amanda still reject him

"I really have a very important thing to do right now, I will go back when am done"

"Yes Mr Josh, you should go ahead, I will sign them" Mars also said and they continued chatting and picking clothes.

Josh couldn't do anything and doesn't want to make himself look pathetic so he left reluctantly


Everyone click their glasses together as they cheer for the celebration of the just concluded business contract between their company and Mars's. Amanda smiled happily as everyone congratulate her for closing the deal as quickly as possible, she took another glass and click her glass with Mars specially then drank the whole content of the cup in one go and dropped the glass to take another one.

Josh, who is obviously not happy with the celebration sat down unnoticed without drinking the wine in his glass, His gaze is focused on every movement between Amanda and Mars and he hissed from time to time irritated with their interaction with each other.

He feels like tearing that smile away from their face but knows he shouldn't behave anyhow

"Boss, why aren't you drinking?" John, one of his employee noticed and called out to him. Josh took a mouthful from his drink to show them he is drinking and placed the cup down

"Mr Mars, why are you still here? Don't you have other important things to do?" Josh questioned

"I have things to do with Miss Amanda later today" Mars answered and Josh flared up

"Later today? Its seven in the evening already!" He said and flung his face to Amanda who is surprised with his attitude.

"Why are you raising your voice? You have a problem with that?" Mars asked but he shakes his head no and sat down

"They just went on one date and now they are going to sleep with each other?" Josh felt unease as he thought about it and finished the drink in his glass then took another one and drank it in the same manner.

"But then he shouldn't be surprised, after all she slept with him too" he thought and took another one. Amanda noticed his unusual behavior and stood up from her seat to sit beside him

"Boss, what's wrong? You are drinking too much" she said and took the wine from him but Josh snatch it back rudely pouring the content on her accidentally.

Amanda stood up instantly to clean her dress and glares at him annoyed, Mars quickly come to her side to help her by using his handkerchief to clean her dress but that seems to agitate Josh more as he stood up to the both of them and punch Mars forcefully making him stumbled to the floor.

"You bastard!" Josh cursed feeling tispy

"Josh! What is wrong with you?" Amanda yelled at him without realizing that she called out his name then squat down to help Mars who is still on the floor.

He got up and looked at Josh pissed off and dust his clothes but didn't want to get into a fight with him

"Please, am very sorry am sure he is drunk and doesn't know what he is doing, I will make sure he apologize to you properly tomorrow" Amanda has really worked hard to make Mars sign the contract with them and even agreed to help him tonight.

"Who are you to apologize to him on my behalf? Are you my wife or is it because you are dating him" Josh barked and everyone looked at Amanda doubtedly while some gave her a dirty look.

Everyone in the company knows how much of a playboy Josh is and the fact that he doesn't mess with his employees is clear but everyone noticed the different way he treats Amanda and assumed that he has changed his principles but doesn't except that Amanda is dating Mars as well. How can she be shameless to cheat on her own boss.

"What the.." Mars exclaimed and punch him back but Amanda didn't go to him and stood with Mars trying to calm him down.

She didn't except him to get angry because she was a date with Mars yesterday and he didn't even ask her about it. Josh stood up as Katie and the others rushed to him and stood in front of Amanda

"Why do you look angry? You found another man so soon and you are even planning to sleep…" Josh didn't finish his words before Amanda slapped him. Josh held his face for a second before walking away in anger while Amanda looked on disappointed and feeling ashamed with everyone's stare

Mars who seems to have noticed the tension between the both of them encourage Amanda and asked her to leave together with him which she gratefully did leaving the rest to guess and talk behind their backs.

Josh returned to the office instead of going home and went into his office then collapsed into the seat there, he touched his bruised lips from Mars punch earlier and cursed him again although he feels like a loser for saying those things to Amanda.

He just acted like an idiot and make a mess of everything, even if he apologize now, she will probably not forgive him. He wish he could turn back the time and correct his action but that is already too late.

Josh closed his throbbing eyes to sleep feeling very tired but heard a disturbing noise outside which made him keep his eyes opened.

He didn't turn on the light as he entered except the one in Amanda's office but the light suddenly turned on and flashed in his eyes, he closed his eyes slightly to avoid the lights and opened them again to see Amanda standing in front of him.

He blinked his eyes severally to be sure he is not dreaming or imagining things but Amanda ignored his surprised looks and walk closer with a bottle of water in her hand then offered him while sitting down at the same time.