
March of Life

Calais was an underachiever. When things he wanted were often just given to him. Or when having to do something, he proved to be capable pretty quickly. He became a complacent creature of habit. Never pushing to achieve true heights. Leading to a dull monotonous life, where his main source of entertainment and joy is reading novels. Calais wanted a change, he got it. ... The story is a progression fantasy. Mc is reincarnated in a world where everyone has a system and can see their stats and skills.  ... I am the author of this novel and have posted it on a different website. Just posting here as well.

VictimofFeminism · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 - First Breath


Everything is so groggy I can't…


Stats, levels, skills…

YES! I Remember I'm being reborn! This must be my Mothers womb. Wow, it is comfortable I could get…

It took many cycles of waking than falling back to sleep but Calais eventually was able to hold a train of thought.

Yes! Awake again! I Remember I'm being reborn and I'm a baby this is the best time to get high-tier skills! If I could just stay focused and awake…

I need to get skills…status! He shouted in his mind, causing a blue screen to appear.

Calais Ithai



Age: 0 months

Level:3 (100/400)

Mana: (10/10)

Stamina: (1/1)

Vitality: 1

Endurance: 1

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 1

Senses: 1

Mind: 4

Clarity: 1

Magic: 1

Charisma: 1

Luck: 0

Skills: Tier 4 (Eidetic Memory)

Okay, I should go over all my knowledge and get the related skills and see if I can gain skills.

Lets see 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. 1+1…. 10 x 456.4 = 4564.... 3.14959265….. Algebra, Factoring, Polynomials, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Inequalities. Yada yada, I never learned Calculus so I guess that's done. Onto languages and everything else!

7 Months later

Alright, it's almost time. My Moms gotta pop any time now. I should angle my head towards the bottom just to help things go smoothly. I should check my progress, Status!

Calais Ithai



Age: 0 months

Level: 7 (2,700/12,800)

Health: (30/30)

Mana: (10/10)

Stamina: (2/2)

Vitality: 3

Endurance: 2

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 2

Senses: 2

Mind: 4

Clarity: 2

Magic: 1

Charisma: 1

Luck: 0

Free Stat Points: 7


Tier 1: Tier 1: Swimming (LV5) Meditation (LV10) ) Time Sense (LV10) Listening (8) Mathematics (LV10) Reading (LV10) English (LV10) Economics (LV6) Spanish (LV10) French (LV10) Russian (LV10) Italian (LV10) Japanese (LV10) Arabic (LV10) Mandarin (LV10)Composition (LV10) Sense Mana (LV1)

Tier 2: Eavesdropping (LV1)

Tier 3: None

Tier 4: Eidetic Memory (LV1)

Calais couldn't help but feel disappointed, not only in himself. But in the power scaling and difficulty of the world, he appeared to be in.

Calais's stats weren't increasing for the levels of skills he was getting. As well as each Skill was taking a long time to level or just wasn't leveling once they got to 10. On top of that, his required experience to level was doubled each time.

If it is like this I have to put some serious thought into my stat points. Also what I want to be and do. I refuse to waste this second chance. I have always played mages if they were an option. So I'm leaning heavily toward that. But what should I aim to do as a goal?

As Calias was stuck in an inter monologue his Mother started to have contractions.

In the middle of the night. In a large 3-story building in a city. 4 people gathered in a room. A beautiful black-haired blue-eyed woman sweating while laying down. Being attended to by 2 older men while the last young man paced anxiously back and forth.



"1,2,3, PUSH!"


"Ready, 1,2…"


"Okay, Mrs. Ithai I can see a head. Keep going!"


"Almost there a few more!"


"Sorry love!" The tall young man said now standing still as a tree.


"Yes! 1 more push."



And with that, the Doctor known as Howard handed the child to his assistant. Who quickly cleaned the baby and swaddled it.

"Here, Mr. and Mrs. Ithai, Your son." said the Doctor while handing the newborn child to his Mother.

Everything hurts. "WAHHHHHHHHHH!" Calais whined.

I'm never dying again. "WAHHHHWHAHHHH!" I have no control over anything, I can't see anything, and I think I'm hyperventilating.

As Calais suffered in anguish and inner turmoil. His new Mother gently received him from the doctors. The young woman immediately broke into a smile as she tried to soothe Calais, cradling him against her chest.

Finally calming down, Calais got control of himself and willed his eyes open. Blinded for a brief second by the light but quickly adjusted to the large face in front of him.

His new Mother had tanned skin, long black hair, and eyes that looked like the ocean. She was smiling noticing she caught his attention.

"Welcome to the world my little Calais."

Well, that wasn't a language from Earth. Calais confirmed that he was in a foreign place, a new world. But Calais also confirmed that his rebirth had been successful. He had been given a second chance. Something he intended to put to good use.

The next day Calais awoke in a crib swattled in some sort of cloth. Restrained, on his back, alone in the dark. He did just about what was expected of him.

"WAAHHHHHH!" Calais whined.

Get me out of this thing!


A slight shuffle in the dark caused Calais to stop and listen. Only to then be picked up by the very women who brought him into this world.

"Sh sh sh sh, there, there honey. Are you hungry or did we have an accident?"

No accidents here woman! Get this off of me! Calais commanded.

"Wah! Wah!"

"OH, grumpy fellow huh? Your very talkative little Calais." The woman said while sitting down and opening her nightwear.

"Here you go honey, open up."

Fine, Fine I'm only doing this so I can grow strong and healthy though. Calais said while sucking his Mothers breast.

A few moments later the slight glow of the sun rising peaked over the horizon and through the second-floor window. Thus making it officially Calais's first morning in his new world and new family.

"All done then, let's get started on the day then. Your older brother will be up shortly and I have many things to do." The woman said while taking Calais to the hall.

Carrying him past a couple of doors and down the stairwell. The woman walked into an open atrium area and then opened another door to a garden. Walking along the edges of a path she made her way to another door which was a dining area and a kitchen.

This house would be owned by a middle-class family at least on earth. Calais thought.

The woman laid Calais down in a cradle in the corner and then walked to the kitchen.

Now is a good time as any, hopefully like most of the novels I read people can't see your status while you open it. Calais thought while opening his status window.


Calais Ithai



Age: 0 months

Level: 7 (2,700/12,800)

Health: (30/30)

Mana: (10/10)

Stamina: (2/2)

Vitality: 3

Endurance: 2

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 2

Senses: 2

Mind: 4

Clarity: 2

Magic: 1

Charisma: 1

Luck: 0

Free Stat Points: 7


Tier 1: Swimming (LV5) Meditation (LV10) ) Time Sense (LV10) Listening (8) Mathematics (LV10) Reading (LV10) English (LV10) Economics (LV6) Spanish (LV10) French (LV10) Russian (LV10) Italian (LV10) Japanese (LV10) Arabic (LV10) Mandarin (LV10)Composition (LV10) Sense Mana (LV1)

Tier 2: Eavesdropping (LV1)

Tier 3: None

Tier 4: Eidetic Memory (LV1)

Ok well, everything is the same as it was before I was born. But now I can earn more skills actually interacting with things.

Thinking this, Calais tried to move his body about. Only to realize once again. He was still utterly incapable of controlling himself on top of being in a straight jacket.

Well, that was just option one anyway. Onto option two, investigate my system! I have gained 100 exp for each level of my tier one skills, and 200 for my tier two. Following this pattern, I should gain 300 for each level in tier three and so on. I know you can get tier-5 skills. I would have been able to purchase one if I had more points when I was customizing my character.


That brings me to stats, I'm a baby so I assume they will go up naturally. But they should only go to 10, which I believe is the base for adolescent humans. This implies I can't raise them through exercise and various other ways.

That brings me to Magic power. It was 0 before I added a point, following my previous train of thought this must mean most humans don't have magic unlocked, without using stat points.

This brings up another question how do I level up magic natural, without stat points? Meditation? Maybe expelling it all than letting it regenerate over and over?

Another question for later. But next, what do my stats do? My mind is four, but I don't feel less smart. I definitely feel weaker but I don't think 1 strength is the cause. I was literally just born. Man, I can't get any definite answers right NOW!