
March of Life

Calais was an underachiever. When things he wanted were often just given to him. Or when having to do something, he proved to be capable pretty quickly. He became a complacent creature of habit. Never pushing to achieve true heights. Leading to a dull monotonous life, where his main source of entertainment and joy is reading novels. Calais wanted a change, he got it. ... The story is a progression fantasy. Mc is reincarnated in a world where everyone has a system and can see their stats and skills.  ... I am the author of this novel and have posted it on a different website. Just posting here as well.

VictimofFeminism · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1 - Another Day

Another day…

He thought to himself as he awoke at an early 2 pm. The first thing he did was try to find his phone in his bed. A true creature of habit. With a few turns and twists and he found his phone underneath him. It somehow always changes positions at night. Causing him a slight inconvenience to find every day.

He immediately unlocked it. Started browsing Bitter, Snapcat, and his favorite RoyalRoad to see what was new. After a few hours, he got up and got ready for the day by taking a shower and taking care of his hygiene.

Then he went to get ready for work. He went to his room and put on his work uniform. Gray sweatpants, one of the t-shirts that were on top of his dresser because he never puts his clothes away. And a Black hat with a Raiders logo on it. This was his work uniform because he had no uniform.

He was a dishwasher at a restaurant down the street from his Dad's house, which he was still living in at 22.

With a sigh, he finished getting ready and got into his black 2002 Missan Altima, and went to work. Today he played Dancing Queen in his car. He needed an uplifting mood so he could put his happy face on and enjoy his 5-hour shift.

Arriving at the restaurant he entered and greeted the waitress and bartender with a wave and a smile. They returned and said

"Hey Calais"

"Hey how you doing?" he responded.

"I'm fine, slow lunch, as usual. Hopefully, it will pick up later." She said,

A sentiment he did not share. As he hoped no one showed up so he wouldn't have to wash their dishes.

He went to that back room and got an apron before entering the kitchen. Upon entering he saw one of the cooks, Tom.

"How you doing Tom?"

"Chilling, you?"


Saying that he went over to the freezer got himself a chicken patty and threw it in the fryer. After making and eating his chicken patty he settled in for the dinner rush and the rest of his shift.


A few hours later, Calais was mopping the kitchen as it was a day he had to clean the kitchen floors. He was just about done when Tom finished cleaning the counters.

"Alright Calais, I'm heading out."

"Aight see ya."

And with that, it was just Calais and Beth the bartender left. She had to lock up when he left and was likely finishing wrapping up as well.

After finishing cleaning Calais put his Apron in the laundry and left after saying bye to Beth.

He got into his car and was about to turn the keys in the ignition when he stopped. Letting out a long sigh he leaned back into his seat slightly slouching.

My life sucks. I don't want to keep living like this. Maybe I should just roll the dice on if reincarnation is like all my favorite novels. He thought to himself, sighing again.

Starting the car he began the drive home. He couldn't help but look up at the sky with few stars visible even though it was a clear night.

Turning onto his street which was always rather busy, but had no one on it this late. He steeled his resolve. Tightening his grip on his steering wheel, and spotted headlights. On the other side of the road was a car going slightly above the speed limit.

Calais turned his car slightly to the left so he was in the middle of the road.

He could see the car coming and things began to slow down.

He could feel the sweat on his palm.

Hear the slight movement of the ice in his water bottle.

He could see nothing but the headlights of the oncoming car on this clear night.

Do it.

The incoming car was coming closer. Still not having noticed he was slightly turning into his lane

Do it!


I Can't.

He went back to his lane with plenty of time to spare. About 15 seconds later the car passed him peacefully unaware of how close he was to


That wouldn't have even killed me. He thought looking down at his seatbelt.


With that, he pulled into his Dad's driveway parking. Went inside he changed out of his clothes and flopped into his bed.

I need a change. Tomorrow I'm waking up early in the morning and going to the gym—time to start exercising and eating healthy.

After that, he read his favorite novels, watched Foutube, and streams until he fell asleep. Not forgetting to set an alarm for 7 am.


Next morning

Calais stirred as the weird robotic chime sound rang letting him know it was 7 am.

Groaning and contemplating if it was worth it. He got out of bed and took care of his hygiene. Then set out for the local gym about 15 minutes away.

As he was driving he played 'rich girl' to uplift his spirits.

As he was turning onto the on-ramp for the highway a semi horn blared to his left. Turning to look out his window all he saw was the front of an all-white semi-truck.

Oh shii...



He floated for what felt like an eternity when all of a sudden a screen popped up in front of him.





Eye Color-

Skin tone-

Vitality: 10 +

Endurance: 10 +

Strength: 10 +

Dexterity: 10 +

Senses: 10 +

Mind: 10 +

Clarity: 10 +

Magic: 0 +

Charisma: 10 +

Luck: 0 +


Tier 1 costs 10

Tier 2 costs 20

Tier 3 costs 40

Tier 4 costs 80

Tier 5 costs 160

Spendable points = 100



Then proceeded to fill out his answers to his preferences.




Height 6'5

Hair Very Dark Brown

Eyes Oceanic Blue

Slightly tan

Once Calais finished, a character model popped up of a 6'5 dark-haired tan male. Upon touching it he realized he could customize the model even more. He quickly found the slider for penile length and put that bitch to max only to realize 15 inches might be a problem. He quickly readjusted it to a large 10 incher. Now that the most important part was done. He edited the face giving himself a mix of Henry Cavil's looks and Tom Hiddleston's.

With that done he went to adjust his stats with the plus signs. Only to realize he had already used up 21 points on his character. Each increase in stats took 1 more, and he hadn't even bought his skills yet!

Seeing the prices he settled on 1 tier 4 skill and decided to try and get back some points by editing his character. Reluctantly he lowered his penile length by an inch. And made himself look more like Henry Cavil getting rid of all the rest.

This brought his points expenditure back down to 19 leaving him to browse through the tier 4 skills. Scrolling through, he saw skills like (Magic Blacksmithing), (Parallel Processing), (Virtuoso), (Polyglot), (Stone Sight), (Multiple Minds), and (Eidetic Memory). He saw various resistance skills like (Mental Resistance) and (Fire Resistance). But scrolling through all his options just to make sure he already saw one that he knew he needed.

Looking over his character one more time he saw he had 1 point left so he threw it in Magic.




Height 6'5

Hair Very Dark Brown

Eyes Oceanic Blue

Slightly tan

Vitality: 10 +

Endurance: 10 +

Strength: 10 +

Dexterity: 10 +

Senses: 10 +

Mind: 10 +

Clarity: 10 +

Magic: 1 +

Charisma: 15 +

Luck: 0 +


Tier 4: Eidetic Memory (LV 1)

Points left = 0