
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The chapter of Veer is finally closed.

Veer tells Leon that you are still a child and you cannot kill me. Leon laughingly says that you know that every next generation is more powerful than the previous generation. Veer asks who said this. Leon laughs out loud and says it's my concept. After that Veer says that let's see how much truth is there in your concept. After that Veer and Leon run towards each other at lightning speed with their swords. Their sword collides and an explosion occurs. Due to the impact of that explosion, Leon and Veer fall a hundred meters away from each other.The sword of Leon breaks the sword of Veer into many pieces. After that Veer again makes that sword with the help of reflection and once again starts running fast towards Leon. Samar asks Professor Sir I don't think Leon will be able to defeat Veer. Professor says why do you feel that Leon cannot defeat Veer. Sir, every time Leon breaks his sword, it will happen so many times. Looks like this battle will never end. The professor laughs and says that the real sword is the real sword. Samar asks in Confusion what does it mean. The professor says that every time Veer's sword is breaking, he is slowly getting injured.Veer shouts and says that the time has come for your death, child. As soon as he speaks this, Veer makes his hundreds of reflections and all the Veers change their places rapidly and confuse Leon.Leon's sword begins to glow with a bright flame and kills Veer's reflections that were coming to kill him.Killing hundreds of reflections, Leon starts searching for the real Veer. Seeing this move of Veer and restlessness of Leon, the professor says in concern that I had underestimated Veer.Suddenly a Veer cuts Leon's hand and Katna falls two hundred meters away.The professor tries to go to help Leon but Samar stops him and says sir please don't go or else you will die too because Veer hates you. But Leon will be killed.Sir, we will find some other mutant to kill Veer.The professor shouts holding Samar's collar and says that no one can use that sword except Leon.What does it mean Professor? 10 years ago, When Veer's terror was at its peak, we got this sword from a ruin on the planet Cuffed-9.When we were returning, Leon collided with our ship. He was very injured at that time. And when we brought Leon inside the ship, the sword itself glowed in a bright flame.Then we found out that it was Leon's relationship with Sword.For this reason, we got a way so that we can defeat the terror of Veer.It took him 8 years to recover completely, after that he took ninja training for 2 years.That's why I came here so that the terror of Veer would end forever.Only then the professor sees that Veer starts coming towards Leon for the last attack and says that child your concept has been proved wrong.Veer then makes a strike to kill Leon.Suddenly Leon disappears and Veer's strike misses.This time it was Veer's turn to be shocked.But this time not only Veer, Professor and Samar also get shocked.Because till date neither any such mutant was born which could teleport nor any technology had been created by which one could teleport.Veer walks out of shock and looks around and realizes that Leon is standing ten meters behind him in the sky.Just then Veer sees that Leon's eyes start burning with a black flame and the flames start to flow out from both sides of his mouth.Veer at first thought that it was Leon's beard, which has grown suddenly, but after looking closely, it is known that it was a black fire.Seeing this, not only the Veer, but the professor and Samar also get shocked.Soon Leon launches a flamethrower towards Veer.Fire coming out of Leon's mouth looked like a volcano had opened its mouth and started throwing lava.Veer creates a reflection of water to counter that flame and starts the water generator on the side of that flame.Veer felt that his water generator would easily counter Leon's flamethrower as the fire was easily extinguished by water.Veer is again shocked when he sees that the water thrown by him turns into wasp as soon as touches the Leon's fire and still the fire is coming towards him. Veer quickly dodges the fire. Veer quickly turns around and his eyes remain wide open when he sees that another flamethrower has come five meters away from him.Veer tries to dodge it but is unable to dodge and comes in contact with that fire.In a few moments, Veer turns into a heap of ashes and not a single bone is left of him.Samar, who was recording all this, uploads this video on the social site soon after Veer's death and gives the title that "The chapter of Veer is finally closed".