
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Veer Vs leon

After grabbing the sword, Leon feels a strange feeling of power and begins to see some strange sight again. Leon overcomes his mind and passes out. Veer and his group reach the mountain top by destroying the mountain's security system. Veer sees through binoculars that apart from the professor, other mutants and elites are guarding the plane.The Professor and that ninja were nowhere to be seen. Veer orders Paul to go and see what is happening. Paul is actually a mutant who becomes invisible in such a way that no human, mutants or technology can detect him.Paul, invisible for an hour, scours the entire area but the professor and that ninja are nowhere to be found. Then Paul is shown an underground path where the two meet him. As Paul turns back, two men stand in front of him.Paul felt that both of them could not see him, so he starts decorating his side.Just then a punch comes and Paul falls ten meters away.Paul gets shocked and says no how can you see me.Leon and the Professor both start laughing and Leon says that there is a very low Electro-Harmonix field in this place where the mutants can't use their power.Get ready to kill As soon as he speaks, Paul pulls out the parkidium dagger and attacks Leon. Just then Leon comes out to Katna Sword which was glowing in bright flame and attacks Paul, in that attack both Paul and his dagger are cut in two pieces and Paul dies.Veer who was looking at the communicator from the camera mounted on Paul. Orders the rest to attack.As soon as Veer gets orders, John turns into Cuolas and starts showering lava on the elites.Hypnosis Beast uses psychic power to freeze some of the elites and Miax kills them. Veer makes an image of a sword and takes out a sword from it and starts cutting the elites.Seeing the situation deteriorating, Samar quickly goes inside and says that Veer has started killing people.Then Leon breaks the roof of the plane and jumps into the sky and comes in front of John.Before John knew anything, Leon splits him into two and dies with a single strike.After that the sword starts burning in a strange light and Leon comes down from the sky and strikes again.This time both the miax and hypnosis beast are cut into two parts with a single strike. After the death of all his men, Veer creates a reflection of Léon's sword and pulls it out.After that Veer and Leon come face to face.Professor and Samar watching the fight from above. Samar asks the professor why did you lies to Leon that we have developed this katana. Rather we found it from a ruin.The professor says that Leon came from the sky. But who is he and where has he come from, this was forgotten. "what the fuck is this?" Leon says.