
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Where did this sword come from?

After Veer's death, Leon becomes normal and comes down from the sky.Professor Cheri and Samar come and hug Leon and shout that we have done it, after all, the Veer's empire ends. Leon removes them and says don't hug me, I don't like it. After saying this, Leon goes to the sword and picks it up and hangs it on his back. Leon, Professor and Samar all head back to the World Ministry Headquarters. Leon wonders how I got the fire out of my mouth and that was black. Summer tells the professor that the video he posted has got trillions of views and Leon has become the hope of the people. There has been a lot of response from other planets too, those people are also very happy with Veer's death. Leon types Veer's history on the internet to find out about Veer. Leon learns that 62 years ago Veer worked with one of the rubber type mutants. Veer kills that mutant and takes his place and by accumulating mutants, threatens the world ministry and many planets to surrender in front of him. That's why people hated Veer so much. Leon reads a little more and goes to see that sword.Actually Leon had never seen that sword up close.That's why he starts seeing it comfortably because it was going to take ten hours to reach the headquarters from Russia. When Leon looks closely at the sword, he learns that the sword is made of a composition that cannot be broken or rebuilt. Leon gets shocked and thinks that how can it be that the professor had told that this is made of some special element of the planet plash. Something was also written on that word in some strange language which was not the language of Earth or any other planet. Seeing that sword, again and again, some dark picture was coming in Leon's mind. Leon overcomes his mind and goes to the professor to find out about it. Leon asks the professor where did you get this sword from? The professor gets shocked and wonders how he came to know that we got the sword from somewhere. Hiding his shocked face, the professor says that we have made it with ten years of hard work.Leon says after making the embarrassing look that you do not lie and tell me where did this sword come from.Ok, How did you know that this sword has not been created? I have realized that its composition is such that it cannot be made or broken and if you made it, then why would you write this strange language which is not of Earth or any planet. Professor tells No doubt! you are brilliant. Actually we got it from the ruins of a planet named Cuffed-9. Leon asks whether you had found anything else there. Surprisingly except this only stones were there. Leon wanted to ask something else but the professor sends him to sleep. "No it can't happen, Marc" Leon wakes up in turmoil and sees that he is drenched with sweat from top to bottom.Who is this Marc? Leon strains his mind but can't remember anything. Just then Leon hears some sound outside and asks Samar what has happened. Maybe there is some big problem, we don't even know anything. what type of problem? Leon asks. We are going to land at the headquarters in ten minutes, only then will we know anything.