
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Sword is finally activated

The professor takes Leon to Katna and says that this is the only weapon with which we can kill mutants like Veer. Leon asks what element is this weapon made of, Professor. The professor says that it is made from the element which we had ordered from the planet Plash. Why have you come here with this weapon and what do you want from me? Leon asks. Professor says that I want you to kill Veer by using this weapon. OK Professor but I'll take this weapon forever. Professor says it can't happen Leon this is military property. You are only looking at your benefit but I should also have some benefit. Don't worry, I'll be there whenever you need it next, Leon tells the professor. After thinking for a long time, the professor says yes. On the other hand, Veer reaches Russia with his remaining group and kills all the airport staff and captures the airport and started seeing the old reading of Radar. After some times, finally Veer found a plane that goes to the northern side of Russia. Veer asks Paul what is the safest place in Northern Russia? Paul says that there is a place where people can be. Veer says, where is that place? That place is surrounded by mountains from all sides. We have to go there at any cost. Ready that plane. On the other hand, the professor asks Leon that you told me that you have developed a new strength in yourself, what is it. Leon says that you know that I can copy anything by looking at it. Professor says yes. And I can copy what I've seen once. This means I can copy any mutants. And even the illusion of the Veer can't harm me.Eventually the professor tells Leon to come on and activate that weapon.Let's go. In fact, Leon was only interested in that katana. Actually Leon did not belong to Earth. Due to the loss of his memory, he had forgotten why he had come to Earth. After seeing that sword he feels like

That he is missing something.That is why Leon had put a condition to keep that weapon with him. On the other hand, Veer reaches the bottom of the mountain and asks his team to climb up.Veer could not go straight to that place because the security system of the mountains had dropped him.Meanwhile, a robot approaches Leon and flashes a video.The Professor and Leon are left unconscious due to the shock.Actually that video was of Veer who was climbing the mountain.After Seeing Veer, both of them quickly go to Sword and Leon takes that sword in his hand. A aura escapes from Leon's body and enters the sword and the sword burns with a bright flame.Professor shouts that finally the sword has been activated.