
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A copycat mutant

The professor tells Samar that he is a special mutant. What is the name of that mutant sir? Summer asks. His name is Leon and he lives in northern Russia.How can you say that he is a special mutant? Samar asks. Because his body is mutated in such a way that he can copy anyone or anything that can found in this universe.Actually I met Leon two years ago. At that time he was taking ninja training. He has become a top class ninja. You remember an incident a few months back where some of the black group members were killed by a ninja warrior. Samar says yes sir I have heard about him. On the other hand Veer, John and Paul started Searching Professor and his team. Suddenly Veer remembers that a ninja had killed some mutants of the Black Group alone in Russia. One of his men had returned and told that that ninja had killed him by imitating his power. Suddenly Veer sees that his pet hypnosis beast is coming to the three of them with Miax. Veer's happiness knows no bounds on seeing both of them. Veer asks Hypnosis Beast if anyone else is alive. The Hypnosis Beast nods. Veer tells John that I have come to know where the professor has gone. Get the plane ready quickly, we have to leave Russia. John wants to ask something but Veer stops him and says that I will tell you the rest of the matter in the plane. John prepares the plane and the five leave for Russia. After that Paul asks Veer that sir how can you say with so much certainty that the professor and his team have gone to Russia. Veer says do you remember few months back some people of our group were killed by a ninja. Paul reply yes sir. Veer then says that the mutant who survived that day had said that a ninja is not just a ninja but a copycat mutant. John says how will we find him in such a big Russia. Veer says that the people must have come by plane and the radar must have detected them. That's where we'll catch them. On the other hand, Professor lands in northern Russia where Leon is already waiting for him. The professor hugs Leon as soon as he leaves and says that the time has come when we can free the earth from the terror of Veer. The professor orders the rest of the mutants and humans to keep guard by hiding here. Leon says don't worry Professor no one can come here because we are surrounded by mountains from all sides. The professor says that Veer has no trust.