
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Black Group vanished

Suddenly, A live hologram appears in front of Veer. This is the hologram of professor Cherry. Professor says that welcome Veer, finally you are trapped in my plan. You are trapped in a hall that contains huge amount of albacol ( a destructive solution). See on that TV, this is showing a timer. When this timer will end then this secret laboratory will explode and you and your group will be vanished. Veer shouted loudly, fucker professor I will kill you. Veer ordered his army to find any way quickly because timer is of only 10 minutes. One of the mutants says to Veer, Master what would we do next? Veer shouted again, Fuckers find the way quickly because only 4 minutes are left. Veer is started about a plan to escape. "There is only one way to escape, that is, I will create a path illusion and I will escape from this bloody plan. But I will take only two of my group. Otherwise maximum mutants are weak and are not useful for me. I will take only John and Paul"Veer thinked. Finally Veer casted a path illusion and escape from there with John and Paul to a place far from laboratory. After 2 minutes, a huge explosion take place and half of the Cargo Island vanished. "We lost our group" John says to all. "That fucker professor will have to pay for this" Veer shouted loudly. "What will we do next master"Paul says to Veer. Go and find that professor, Veer roared to John and Paul. In the plane, Samar asked to professor that Whole Black Group with Veer finally finished. Professor says that no Samar I know Veer very well, He makes real illusion. He had escaped with two of their teammates. Samar when we will reach Russia professor asked to Samar. within 3 hours we will be in Russia. "Sir what power that mutant have who will able to kill Veer according to you" Samar asked from Professor. professor says that He is a very good fighter as well as a good man. But he always says that he has neither goodness nor badness.

"What does he have?" Samar asked to Professor. professor says that He says that he has only madness and the intensity of madness makes him good or bad at any time. He has no power but he is a very talented mutant. Samar got shocked that how can anyone be mutant without power?