
Marc chapter 1 (revival)

When earth is in the mutant era, a natural phenomena that has never been seen comes and destroy almost whole milky way galaxy and also other galaxies. Some of the humans escape and go to the island where the real story started and many secrets reveals that shocked the whole omniverse. After escaping from that mysterious Island a fighter named Marc will have to revive by his disciple Trade. In this story we Will know how can Marc be revived and what happens to him.

Dark_ninja_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Black Group got trapped

"Professor we have to do something otherwise we all will be killed" Samar says to professor. "Samar ready the plane, we have to escape this island. We have to go Russia to find that mutant who will kill Veer" professor told to him. On the other side, Veer started their journey to reach cargo island to kill professor Cherry and take that sword. "Paul when we reach that island" Veer asked to Paul. Paul says that we will reach cargo island within 1 hour. "John Miax is taken over by the Hypnosis Beast" Veer says. John said that Yes Miax is finally under our control. On the other hand, Samar asks the professor that if we go, the black group will catch us. The professor says that don't worry, when Samar comes here, Veer will feel such a shock that he will remember for life. Samar asks what kind of shock Professor. Finally after 1 hour the Black Group lands on the shore of Cargo Island. Lord Veer should order what we have to do. Veer says that we will go according to the plan. John screams Shielded Mutants will tan and Long Ranged Mutants will attack from behind. After that the mutants take their position as told by John. Actually the Secret Laboratory was one of the safest places on Earth. It is guarded by the top elites of the military. John sees that no one is guarding outside. It seems that other people have hidden inside because of fear. Veer shouts to attack the mutants. All mutants attack together. Shielded mutants tan and Long Rangers launch an attack. A lot of robots from the laboratory and some mutants that the professor left in the laboratory and come out to counter attack. Eventually the war begins and massacres take place everywhere. John turns into cualos and starts raining fire. Veer creates water ellusions and turns them into real water generators. Due to the impact of water, many robots are killed in a single shot. John and other Mutants killed robots and those mutants. After half an hour all guard of laboratory has been killed. Doors opened and Black Group enters the laboratory. They all reached the secret hall, but they find nobody there. Suddenly all the doors and windows became closed and all the Black Group got trapped in that hall.