
Manhattan's Legacy

Lux Osterman. The descendant of a being akin to a God. Lux, who's Narrative differs not from God. A Mind defying the very limitation set by endless odds and strange variables of the Cosmos. Pragmatistic approach in uncovering the secrets of the cosmos... Paradoxically Nihilistic, greatly caring for things he knew lack meaning. Apathetic yet greatly Curious to things he uncovers, Impersonal yet Personally Engaged. The anti-social who's thoughts are Ineffable and impossible to relate by the Common Narrative... That is Lux. And now a legacy was passed on to him. And so he asks himself "What changed could have a torch passed on to a star do?" =================================== Additional Info that MAY be referenced upon... Recommended Reads/Watch(Optional) : All comics which Dr. Manhattan appears, Doomsday Clock, Lucifer(by Mike Carey), Sandman(Neil Gaiman). Cthulhu Mythos, SCP Foundation. MHA, OPM, MCU, Tensura, DBS, Toriko, Mondaiji Tachi, Campione, Medaka Box, Umineko, and more... You may also just Wiki Fandom on characters you may not know. Note: Most referenced are mostly just the characters or some item and only few big events like the Thanos invasion, Power tournament, and all that interesting events will have the highest possibility to be referenced. Disclaimer: If they are yours, now you know that I don't own them. If you want it taken down, leave a comment. =================================== I created this fanfic on an arbitrary thought for fun, not really thinking much of a plot and more just running my thoughts just run wild. Also, I'm too lazy to edit any misspell or awkward sentence structure as that would just hinder me from updating since editing itself takes those times I'm being productive. And despite it being my 3rd language, I think I'm proficient enough in English for my works to be coherent, relative to this site maybe one of the higher end. Speaking of updates, expect it somewhere between once or thrice per a week or two. Depending on the levels of my desire for escapism which is common these days. Oh yeah, check out my novel if you want to get mindfucked. Also, it explains abstract concepts which I'll just glossed over here: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24765255205776605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4322821953

BeyondNarratives · Anime & Comics
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My Lightbringer

My head leaning on her shoulder, "Meli... how about we 'awaken' your quirk?" I ask Meli, randomly remembering that she almost always faints every time she reaches climax and how she randomly twitches every now and then right after.

"Awaken a quirk huh... I've done the math, but is it really possible? It's on a quantum scale of so specific a mutation afterall..." she doesn't seem to be against the idea but is reluctant about the process itself.

Instead of showing her my calculations this time, I just smile and respond with my usual tone, "Who do you think you're talking to? Besides, this will be more of a direct approach..."

"Direct approach?" she tilted her head in bewilderment.

An action which I took as an opportunity to ...kissed her lips.

Light enveloped her body as she turned brighter than even all the stars in the Universe combined for an instant so brief that it is beyond Time that it was undetected by anyone's perception aside from mine.

A few moments later, my lips departed from hers, revealing her beauty for my eyes to see.

Her blond hair turned even brighter as it took a golden shade shimmering about as it glitters swayed by a sort of invisible force and her amber eyes turned bright golden as they stare at mine like two golden stars magnificent than any other star but she closes them right after.

Her seemingly immaculate face void of any imperfection turned even more perfect yet did not lose the trace of the face that I loved and her body so beautiful that it must be the basis of the so-called 'divine proportion'.

She became objectively perfect beyond perspectivism.

Her marshmallowy yet perky breast pressed against mine atleast seems like so, the feeling of absolute balance between firmness and softness sure is orgasmic.

"W-What just happened..? Where am I..?" dazed, she asks, fumbling through her words as she felt her perception suddenly widen.

Wrapping my arms around her, I kissed her forehead as I softly reply, "Be not afraid... I just 'awakened' your ability and now you're perceiving everything the stars perceive..."

Though I call it 'awakened' it's more of a bestowal really or a reconstruction of her conceptual identity.

"Everything the stars perceives?" she asks further.

"Yes everything the stars perceive... This is your ability or rather, what you are, my dear. The key to control is to determine where Schrodingers cat is and see the world in an objective view to..."

My voice trails off as I slowly guide her through the process of gaining control over her domain as I did so before after I was disintegrated. For both of us, the process is easy, grasping omnipotence is a topic we've discussed countless times before as we tricked those 4th dimensional creatures off our back. Thus she quickly gain control after I impart to her the necessary 'formulas'.

Her long and beautiful eyelashes slowly flutter as her eyes open.

Eventually, she regained her sense of self as she drowned in my kisses.


Our lips separate minutes later, making a sound with our saliva.

"So I became the stars..?" Meli then asked, still a bit incredulous.

"No, you were always the stars." I replied with a smile.

Quite literally, she is. She became the weaver and embodiment of all the Stars there are in this Multiverse, my very own Lightbringer.

And also the Shaper of Worlds, or atleast of this Quantum Multiverse.

The Embodiment of the Multiverse's Will.

Although warping Causality with my current expertise required total 'disassembling' of Everything, so I can build it like a lego without the entangled mess that its original creator left it as.

Basically, I have to reverse engineer Everything from the very beginning so I know how it was assembled and reassemble it again right after. Thankfully, I won't need to do that anymore with the knowledge of the process of reassembling brought me.

Not that it's hard, after all, I did it in a canonical blink.

Something Manhattan took years of research and contemplation using his newfound perception to gaze at everything beyond just the quantum and macro scale, beyond the 'plan' of Yahweh. Though I guess, I already have the knowledge to begin with.

Giving my answer careful consideration as she gaze aupon the endless knowledge she now has access to, Meli asks with her even more refined euphonious voice, "So my life is a lie?" hugging me tightly.

"Depends on how you see it." I simply replied. In this world full of uncertainty, perspective is everything.

In the same way how reality is subjective to one's perception, to me, quite literally.

"Then it is not..." she mutters, determining her perception of it.

We continue to enjoy each other's embrace as silence ensues.

Time passes, and eventually, the sun starts to set. Our perception of time unchanged as we see it atemporal.

Seeing how the planet has finished its cycle, "We should head home too... I believe our parent's call will be upon us soon." I asked my Meli in my embrace.

"Umu... but just a bit more..." Meli replied rather reluctantly, hugging me tightly for warmth in this cold Omniverse.

In all of Existance, I guess I am the only one who could gave further warmth to the Stars.

Eventually, we had to let go of each other, and went our separate ways. Not that our house is far, in fact, they're basically facing each other only separated by a street.

She then disappeared in bright golden lights, probably intending to give her parents a heart-attacking reveal. Oh well, there is no point in hiding them.

And thus the scenery changes and I'm now sitting at the dinner table before my parents could even call me.

"W-what? How'd you do that, Lux? Is it a new invention?" mother stumbled at her word at first but knowing my capability to build anything, she just attributed it to a new invention.

"Did you create another invention base on the 'cat'?" father asks, knowing the uncertainty principle could possibly produce a teleportation device.

Giving them a little smile to indicate a false sense of happiness, "No, actually, I awakened my quirk." I replied causing them to be dumbfounded.

"Y-y-you awakened your quirk..? H-how..?" my mother was the first one to ask as since she's a biologist, she knew the significance of what I just uttered.

Gazing at her incredulous face, I slowly explained with a hologram device with my usual voice of soft-placidity, "The calculations are easy enough, the process is gruesome though. Basically, you just have to be disintegrated into subatomic particles after keeping track of every single bit of it in your body then reassemble the body in an area filled with 'quirk energy' as it envelopes and mutates the particles as you slowly assembled it."

"B-but that's impossible..." my father was the one to react. He knows best just how many subatomic particles an average human body is composed of. Essentially there is septillion upon septillions of them and that much data is impossible to store, much less keep track of.

To his reaction, I simply replied, "Apparantly not for me. The process is atill cumbersome though..."

"S-so y-you disintegrated yourself..?" mother worried worriedly asked.

"Is that why your appearance change a bit with new colors?" Father chimed in another question.

"Yes, and yes. I'm confident with my calculations and I regret nothing." I lied through my teeth, but all lies are relative and so is truth, and all lies I uttered shall be the truth.

""I see..."" both of them replied at the same time, seemingly use to my tendency to do risky experiments as long as I'm confident with my calculations. Well, I did the same thing with the Quantum Gate that the world is now putting some use which they thought of as something that would create a blackhole and annihilate all life.

My parents was credited in my stead as I want to stay low-key relative to my own home planet, they tried to give me all the money it brings, but it's not that I need it that much so I gave them half of it. Nonetheless, I still have several dozen billions in my bank account.

Money which I shall use in 'officially' moving to Japan.

Silence ensues for the next few seconds as our food was being brought by the AI I built.

"Oh yeah, Lux, what will you be doing for highschool..? I mean you could just drop out if you want but—"

"I'll go to UA." having mother brought the topic so conveniently, I replied immediately.

"U.A huh... Wise choice, son, you did say that you awaken your quirk. With just your intilligence your already sure to be a top hero but with newly awaken quirk, I'm sure you'd be the number one hero soon enough." father replies with a smile, ambitioning his son to show what science can do.

"Forgetting Superman already ain't we, honey?"

"What Superman? Lux could disintegrate him to nothing with a single kryptonite nuke you know...!"

"It's not about pure power honey, it's about love and compassion; the goodness in one's heart. Besides, Superman is too fast for anyone's speed of thought or pushing a button to shoot. Even if your nukes is at the speed of light, you'd be pulling your trigger at nothing."

"Yeah-yeah, morals are self impose concept of the human mind. It's nothing but a bunch of bullshit."


Seeing my parents argue about such trivial things, I couldn't help but smile a little in amusement. Mother is clearly the more compassionate type who leans more on the metaphysical concepts of moralityanf miracles of the God of covenant which I now knowdoes indeed exist, and father is the type to believe in pure reason, materialistic views that belived that Matter as all that exists and all other is but an illusion created by it that can be explained by high rough understanding.

They're two polar opposites yet they compliment each other.

Also, it seems father misunderstood my power as only limited to teleportation which I just displayed. They shall find out soon enough, no need to explain myself.