
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Omake: An Adventure

Huffing and puffing, Momoyo was currently in a battle against Ronin.

It was their fated fight to see who is the one who is stronger.

A battle of conquerors that will inevitably clash with one another.

"You're too much Ronin! You've even seduced Yami-Yami's mother! This ends here!" Momoyo's aggrievance was his harem was getting too large.

"Then we're at an impasse, Momoyo. Let's settle this right here and now." Ronin went into a stance.

Momoyo suddenly disappeared and golden streaks of light was left behind by her trajectory.

"The energy shunted from my body, turns into a propelling force!" Everything around Momoyo melted due to the immense heat she was releasing.

Hills and mountains turn to rubble with her every step, releasing kinetic energy on par with bombs.

"Elevating my speed and power! Beyond the limits of flesh and blood!" Momoyo threw a straight at Ronin.

He blocked it with his arms. Golden energy poured out behind him, parting the clouds and evaporating a whole mountain.

Ronin then flew away like a rocket, being sent to space.

He quickly shook his arms to get rid of her encroaching ki. "Hands of Typhon."

Ronin created a construct made of his ki and blue hands intercepted Momoyo who was like a stream of light headed to him.

The two hands clapped, smashing against each other with Momoyo in the middle.

Ronin then waited for her. "Kawakami forbidden art: blackhole!" Momoyo released one of her strongest attacks.

And it wouldn't evaporate until something gets sucked into it.

"Momoyo, are you an idiot? We'll get sucked into that!" Ronin huffed at his girlfriend.

"Heh, I'll still win because I'm the one who made it." Momoyo had a smug look on her face.

And due to their exhaustion, they were sucked into her blackhole.

"Come here!" Ronin pulled her and they combined their energy together to protect themselves.

Momoyo then enjoyed his hug and it was all part of the plan she made up. 'Kukuku, thanks Lala. Nice idea.'

Lala taught her that parallel universes existed. And if they enter through something that bends time and space to the maximum like a blackhole.

Then they'll create a bridge towards another dimension. If they could survive the trip.

__A Different Dimension__

"We can fly!" Momoyo spread her arms and they were descending from the sky in terminal velocity.

"We were able to fly ages ago with our ki, Momoyo." Ronin deadpanned at her.

"Shut up! We're skydiving right now! And what is that?" Momoyo saw a prett large tower.

It was in the middle of a walled city. And she immediately pointed at it.

"Let's go there!" Momoyo forgot that she was supposed to be upset with him.

"You're awfully excited about this, hmm?" Ronin raised a brow and Momoyo flinched.

"Eh, really? I'm just curious." Momoyo whistled and they went for a bullet dive towards the city.

Finding a pretty isolated place, the duo dropped down and used their ki to levitate softly.

"Where are we? There's no place like this on earth." Ronin looked at the tower.

It would've been pretty famous if there was something like that on earth.

"Ehh? Maybe it's like that!" Momoyo was enthusiastic.

"Like what?" Ronin raised a brow. "Isekai, you normie!" Momoyo huffed at him.

"Ahh, like those manga that you guys read? Another world huh?" Ronin rubbed his chin.

"Aren't you excited? Let's explore this place and have a nice time!" Momoyo just wanted to have a date.

A few days alone with him to be exact. "I'll check the city for a quick second."

Ronin jumped to the skies and he memorized the layout of the whole city with one glance.

He then closed his eyes while falling, listening to thousands of conversations.

After he landed back on the ground, he had a pretty good idea on where they are and how the place works.

"We can still communicate with people here, that's a relief. Though they have a weird accent." Ronin shared his findings.

"We're in a place called Orario. Where gods descend and make groups called familias." Ronin explained.

"Gods? I want to fight one!" Momoyo grinned and he sighed.

"Based on my observations, they're not fighters at all. They're like administrators for their familias and that's it." Ronin shrugged.

Momoyo then got sad, thinking that fighting a god would be quite exciting.

"There's adventurers here though. And they dive to a place called a dungeon." Ronin cheered her up with that.

"Ohhh! A dungeon! Let's go!" Momoyo wanted to beat some stuff up.

"You need to be an adventurer first." Ronin grabbed her arm.

"Ehhh? Why though? I don't care about any of that crap, let's just go dungeon diving! Maybe we'll get some cool loot." Momoyo whined.

"Hah, we'll get in trouble. Don't forget that you put us here. And we have to be inconspicuous." Ronin rolledvhis eyes.

"Ugh, fine." Momoyo huffed, but he was right. And it would be annoying to be hounded by the police.

Not that there were any there in the first place.

Ronin guided Momoyo to the guild and when they entered, people looked at them.

They were beautiful after all. Not to mention that Momoyo is a bombshell.

"Oi, why don't you leave this guy and have some fun with us?" An adventurer that thought Ronin was just a normal guy walked up to them.

"Ooh! Ronin, look! It's the cliche piece of garbage in guilds! Oh man, that's so funny!" Momoyo started laughing.

"What!? I was going to be nice, but I'm a level 3 adventurer!" The guy was fuming.

"Is this what they call, courting death?" Ronin raised a brow.

"You bitch, come here!" The man tried to pull Momoyo's arm, but she gripped his wrist.

"Aghhhh!" He kneeled on the ground immediately.

"Oi, don't touch me. Garbage." She spitted on his face.

The bones in his wrist turned into dust and even though he had bracers, a hand print appeared on it.

"T-that guy's a genuine level 3 you know? Are they 1st class adventurers? Shit, we have to get out of here." People started whispering.

"Calling my girlfriend a bitch, you have some nerve." Ronin sighed.

He stomped on the guy's knees and his legs got bent the wrong way.

The guild members then thought that it was the right time to intervene. "Halt! What are you doing!?" A black haired elf girl shouted at them.

"What are we doing? That should be my question, miss." Ronin snorted.

"Huh? You're clearly using dealt force against him!" The woman pointed at the sobbing adventurer on the ground.

"Then are you going to be responsible? You're a guild employee, right? We're not adventurers. And you just watched things unfold." Ronin countered immediately.

"N-not an adventurer?" She was stunned to oblivion.

"Yeah, we came here to register. And this guy, tried to assault us." Momoyo pointed at the adventurer and she kicked him on the balls.

All the men in the vicinity winced and they closed their legs.

"T-that's..." The elf didn't know what to do next.

"How about you let me do this as payment?" Momoyo disappeared and she started fondling the elf girl.

"U-uwaah!" She screamed as she felt Momoyo rub her breasts.

"Hmm, what wonderful puppies you have here." Momoyo nodded like a connoisseur.

"What seems to be the problem here?" A red haired woman with dog ears and a tail intervened.

"We're not adventurers, we just came here. Supposed to register, and this guy attacked. While all of you useless employees watched." Ronin tore through them.

The wolf girl flinched and she thought that they were adventurers. And fighting in the guild can happen from time to time.

"S-sorry sir. In return, we'll help you get your temporary ID's for free. And advise you about familias." The wolf girl bowed.

"No, I don't think we'll accept. Tons of weaker adventurers must have been the victim of your inaction. We'll be opening a case." Ronin's eyes glowed.

If that was the norm here, then that has to change.

The guild employees winced. They were civilians, and the guild is sort of the government in Orario.

"Let's go Momoyo, we'll file a complaint with the top brass here, I'm sure they'll love to meet with us." Ronin gestured for her that it was time to leave.

"Eina... We're in deep shit, those guys look rich and strong." The wolf girl was getting anxious.

"Rose, who are those people? They aren't even adventurers, yet they thrashed a level 3." Eina looked at the guy on the ground who looked half dead.

"I don't know, but they're going to be big trouble." Rose frowned heavily.

Ronin and Momoyo then created a hole in the pavement after they felt an energy source under the guild.

Arriving in a dank place with torches, they clearly found a secret.

"This is an event! This is where people find a hidden boss." Momoyo observed the surroundings.

They then saw an old man sitting on a chair. "Who are you?" He frowned heavily.

"You must be important, right? Are you perhaps the head of the guild?" Ronin squinted his eyes.

Momoyo's golden aura leaked from her and Ronin's royal blue ki was also released like a tsunami.

The whole city trembled and the old man's eyes widened.

'Impossible, they aren't gods... But why are they inconceivably powerful? Even the argonauts pale in comparison.' The man thought.

"I am Ouranos, yes. I am the head of the guild." He introduced himself.

"Then keep your adventurers in line. Or we'll make them. If your guild can't even keep them from committing crimes. Then we'll just blow this place up." Ronin's energy converged.

Momoyo also pointed her hand on the ground. Now that she felt the auras around the city. There were tons of malicious bastards around.

And a cesspool should be eliminated pretty quickly.

"I... I will." Ouranos nodded nervously. They weren't bluffing at all. Gods could tell if people are lying. And they were intent in blowing the city up.

"Good, better clean up this place old man." Momoyo snorted.

They then left because Momoyo was hungry. And she wanted to try the local cuisine.

"Fels! This is an emergency of utmost importance. Gather the guild, we need to purge adventurers that have bad behaviors." Ouranos was sweating bullets.


Momoyo found a stand where a shortstack was selling something that looked like croquettes.

"Hi! Jagamarkun, wanna buy one?" The big breasted loli did a spiel.

"You accept this as payment?" Ronin took out some gold.

"T-that's certainly a good way to pay!" The loli's eyes shone.

"Then give us everything you have!" Momoyo smelled the food and it had a pleasant scent.

Ronin smiled wryly and he took out a gold bar.

The loli then took it, but she struggled against the 25kg bar. It must have weighed more than half of her total weight.

"Holy! This is the real deal!" She couldn't help but be happy.

Ronin then took out his d-dial and stored everything in there.

Momoyo bit into one, and her eyes shone. "Ohhh! It's a crispier, juicier croquette!"

"You little glutton you. Come on, let's find a familia then." Ronin smiled at her.

"A familia!? Hey, you guys want to be in my familia?" The loli offered them.

"Woah, a goddess is working in a stall? How crazy is that?" Momoyo laughed.

"Hmm, sure why not?" Ronin shrugged and the loli's eyes shone.

They felt it, she was elated. And they thought that the goddess was a pretty good one.

"Okay! Let's go to my house! My name is Hestia by the way!" She introduced herself with a beaming smile.

"Goddess of the hearth? I'm Ronin and this is Momoyo." Ronin introduced themselves.

They were then guided towards a dilapitated church.

"Uhhh, is this really where you live? Damn." Momoyo pitied her.

Hestia then thought they'll abandon her immediately.

"We can just use this for that." Ronin took out few spheres out of his d-dial.

They started floating in the air and Ronin pointed at the church.

The spheres started to renovate the church with amazing speed. And Hestia blinked dumbly.

After the little intermission, Hestia explained how the familias work. And Ronin took his shirt off for Hestia to do her work.

She pricked her finger with a needle and started giving him her falna; a god's blessing.

A symbol of a hearth appeared on his back and Momoyo watched on in interest.

"Magic, that's definitely magic!" Momoyo was excited.

She wants to cast spells and throw fireballs at enemies.

"You can already manipulate the elements with ki, Momoyo." Ronin rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, you uncultured swine. Magic is different!" Momoyo huffed at him.

"There, done and dusted..." Hestia froze when she saw his status and skills.

Ronin saw that she wrote something on some paper and he grabbed it from the frozen goddess.

Kuki, Ronin; level 1

Vitality: ?

Agility: ?

Strength: ?

Dexterity: ?

Magic: I0


Martial God

Adamantine Body

Killer Instinct

Army of One

Divine Strength

Iron Will

Limitless Stamina

"Hoh? This falna thing can categorize my skills? Interesting." Ronin was amused.

"Me next!" Momoyo took off her shirt and Hestia panicked.

"H-hey! He's still here!" Hestia pointed at Ronin who didn't look flustered.

"Ohh, he's my boyfriend. He loves my breasts, so that's fine." Momoyo shrugged.

Hestia was stunned, being a monster virgin that is millions of years old.

"O-okay." Hestia gave Momoyo her falna as well and she was quiet.

"Who are you guys?" Hestia handed Momoyo her stats.

And it was pretty much the same as Ronin's except the skills.

Kawakami, Momoyo; Level 1


Goddess of War

Opulent Vitality

Herald of Destruction

Heavenly Warrior

Ultimate Mortal

Limitless Stamina

"Hey, this is going to make me blush." Momoyo read it and she thought it was praising her too much.

"Let's go and conquer a dungeon then." Ronin thought this will be quite a vacation.

They then left Hestia who was still contemplating reality.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.