
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 32: Mixed Feelings

Currently, Ronin was taking a shower with Aka and Miyo.

He appreciated their bodies and he washed them off with his hands.

Though something did enter his mind. It was his little tryst with Momoyo.

They were caught in the moment, but Momoyo isn't someone who's wishy washy.

She absolutely wanted it to happen. And the martial artist doesn't hesitate when she wants something.

So he was feeling a bit complicated at the moment.

"Something's troubling you." Aka noticed immediately as his hands wandered around their bodies aimlessly.

"Yeah, you're spacing out." Miyo added and he sighed.

"Momoyo and I got into a heated moment in the penthouse. We reached heavy petting before Miyako came." Ronin explained.

"You sure work fast... But I guess it was pretty much a done deal." Aka shrugged.

"You're like Momoyo's ideal man. You're rich, strong, and with a strong will." Miyo sighed.

He was too fast with it, well. Momoyo isn't one to mess around anyways. So it was expected.

"Yeah, but I can't help thinking of you guys while we were at it." Ronin hugged their waists.

The warm water falling on their heads as their blue eyes stared at each other.

"We were prepared for it a long time ago. You're never going to be left alone by girls anyways." Aka put a hand on his cheek.

"Momoyo's a steal as far as we know. She's very passionate and fiercely protective. Momoyo will take care of you nicely." Miyo explained.

"So you guys have been thinking about it for some time now. I knew you were, analyzing them closely." Ronin snorted.

"We weren't being secretive about it in the first place." Aka rolled her eyes.

"Yeah you weren't." Ronin chuckled and they finished up their bath.

They were then ambushed by a wild Lala. "Ronin! You don't have to worry about something like that!"

She overheard their conversation. "Uhhh, Lala. This is more complicated than you think." Ronin smiled wryly.

"Hmm, really? But if we marry and you turn into the emperor of Deviluke, then you can legally have a harem." Lala mused.

The twins looked at each other. They didn't really give a flying fuck to what peope would think.

But hearing Lala's explanation did amuse them.

After all, Ronin's harem would be legal. And nobody can say anything about it. He would own earth as the galactic overlord.

Anything he says goes. "Well, earthlings are quite complicated. They have this practice called monogamy." Ronin sighed.

And that was one of the things that worries him. When he brought up Aka and Miyo, Momoyo was extremely jealous.

That was just two, if he decided to accept Miyako and Koyuki's affection, that'll be four in total.

Momoyo is a passionate, young woman. She'd can't just shoo them away because they were her friends.

But she'll most likely try to dominate them. And a hierarchy will be made, which didn't sit well with him.

"Ehh? You earthlings are weird, wouldn't it be better for strong or smart people to reproduce more?" Lala tilted her head.

"That was the case back in the past, Lala. But not anymore, humans are the most abundant apex predators on earth." Ronin shrugged.

"Ohhh, population control? But that's still counterproductive. You'll like make super babies with Momoyo and them." Lala pointed at the twins.

"Ahem, that would be true. But as Ronin said earlier. Humans are quite complicated creatures sometimes." Aka coughed.

"They're predictable, yes. But they won't always think with pure logic like you, Lala." Miyo explained.

"Umu, so it's like that huh? But having a harem would be fun I think. Spending time with sister wives will be amazing." Lala imagined it.

'Fun, eh? I don't think the concubines our main wives that fell out of favor in the past will agree to that statement.' Ronin smiled wryly.

With a cough, Momo appeared and she looked at them with a smile.

"Then, how about we think about it like this." Momo sat down and she clasped her fingers together.

"They're obviously going to try to win your affection. You are now in a precarious game, Ronin-san." Momo started explaining.

"I know what you mean, Momo. But calling this a game is a bit..." Ronin frowned.

"But it's a good comparison. You'll have to carefully balance your time, effort, words, and level of intimacy. Or you'll meet a bad end." Momo shrugged.

"A bad end!? How are we going to avoid that, Momo!?" Lala went up to her immediately.

"Don't worry, nee-sama. Ronin-san is quite amazing in reading people. Aka and Miyo as well." Momo assured her.

"Then what should I do?" Ronin raised a brow and Momo snorted.

"That's easy, you just max their affection level until they can't leave you. Or the Kazama family will fracture." Momo shrugged.

"Isn't that just a lame eroge? Things don't work like that in the real world." Aka deadpanned at her.

"You've been playing things like that, aren't you?" Miyo squinted her eyes and the trio was immediately onto her.

Momo started sweating. 'How did they know that I got the inspiration from an eroge?'

"No, no. You've got me all wrong. Look at Miyako-san and Koyuki-san. Even though they know your relationship status, they're still devoted to you." Momo gave an example.

"You'd be right, but that's due to special circumstances. They're an exception, not the rule." Ronin rebutted.

"Ahem, I call it the harem plan. You will release your beastly urges on them and make them yours." Momo just wanted to see a real life eroge.

"That sounds... Lame." The trio said at the same time and Lala nodded.

"That is kinda lame, Momo. And you went and hyped it up too." Lala didn't have her back at all.

Momo was sent reeling by the betrayal. She was helping Lala, but her sister didn't back her up.

"Kuu! Then think of other things to call it!" Momo huffed.

"How about, operation flamboyance? A group of flamingos are called that. And the samurai girls are certainly flamboyant." Aka suggested.

"Oooh, those pink birds? They sure are pretty." Lala nodded and she was satisfied with the name.

"Okay, let's go with that. Birds of the same feather, flock together towards the prize." Miyo pointed at Ronin.

"Hah, I'm some sort of prize now?" Ronin sighed and they nodded.

"Yeah, you're like rich, smart, caring, and handsome." They shrugged.

"You're going to make me blush." Ronin rolled his eyes.

"It still begs the question though, how am I going to deal with Momoyo? She's quite the passionate woman." Ronin clicked his tongue.

"You unleash the beast! Take her and make her yours!" Momo's eyes turned bloodshot.

"Ahh, your sister is quite the horny teenager Lala." The twins commented.

"Horny? She doesn't have any. We do have tails though." Lala didn't understand.

"Nee-sama, don't change." Momo looked at her sister with a nod.

"Hmm?" Lala tilted her head and she just smiled, even when confused.

Ending their conversation there, they went downstairs and saw someone cooking already.

"Ahh, Tacchan. You're quite early huh? Thinking of giving Wanko a bento?" Ronin chortled.

"Shut up, you idiot. I'm just making some food is all." Tadakatsu Minamoto glared at him.

"Well, he did grow up with Kazuko. So it's the childhood friends cliche for him." Momo shrugged.

"Hmmm, Wanko's quite charismatic Tacchan. She might not get suitors right now besides Hideo. But her popularity will explode once she calms down a bit." Ronin explained.

"Shut your trap, I know that." Tadakatsu frowned heavily.

"Well, that time won't be pleasant at all. Momoyo has to tell her that her dreams won't ever come true." Ronin sighed.

Kazuko trains dilligently every single day. And she dreams of being rivals with Momoyo.

Alas, she might be a pretty decent samurai girl. But Momoyo is destined to be a godlike mortal that could destroy planets if she wishes.

And Momoyo is the one that has to tell her that in the future.

"You assholes just come in here and ruin my day." Tadakatsu clicked his tongue.

"Come on, Tacchan. You should learn a little from Yamato. When that time comes, comfort her." Ronin shrugged.

"And take advantage of her time of weakness?" Tadakatsu furrowed his brows.

"No, don't be silly. It's an opportunity that will inevitably happen. You're not an idiot Tacchan, I'm helping you here. Or do you want me to support my brother?" Ronin raised a brow.

Tadakatsu clicked his tongue again and thought that was true.

"Stubborn tsundere, go on and give her some breakfast at the Tama river. Earn some brownie points. People don't fall in love with you by just waiting." The twins advised.

Tadakatsu took it to heart and he went to the Tama river with some food. Kazuko's route when running will pass by there a couple of times.

"Do you really have the leisure to help someone else when you have this problem at hand?" Momo raised a brow at him.

"Well, what am I going to do? Keep on stressing myself out? Uncertainty and variables will only lead to failure. You have to be lax." Ronin rolled his eyes.

"I'll go look for Momoyo, talk to her a bit." Ronin shrugged and he also went to the Tama river.

__Tama River__

"Nee-sama, it sure is a good day today. You're even training with me." Kazuko grinned at Momoyo.

"Ohh, my imouto. Are you after your sister?" Momoyo chuckled.

"Un! I can see it, we'll get entangled. It's fate!" Kazuko shouted.

"Ahh, you're in for that sister on sister action huh? But I have to tell you, I'm not one to be a bottom. So I hope you're ready for that." Momoyo reminded her.

"Then I'll just have to work hard to be at the top! Just wait, nee-sama. I'll be a worthy rival for you!" Kazuko started running faster.

"She meant that huh? Kazuko! Oi, Kazuko!" Momoyo tried to call out to her, but she just kept running.

Momoyo sighed, she knew that Kazuko won't be able to rival her. And Momoyo wanted to start priming her sister.

Or she'll just have a broken heart, along with a shattered dream. "Kazuko, contrary to belief. Hard work doesn't solve everything." Momoyo frowned.

"The look on your face is intense." Ronin appeared besides her.

"Shit! You have to stop doing that." Momoyo hissed at him.

"Did you say something?" Ronin cleaned his ears with his pinky.

"I'm going to hit you." Momoyo deadpanned at him.

"Hah, don't worry about Wanko. She'll have the Kazama family to help her when that time comes." Ronin assured her.

"You heard me huh? I just can't help but worry about her you know?" Momoyo sighed.

"Don't underestimate your friends, they'll be able to cheer her up. What I'm worried about is you rampaging." Ronin shrugged.

"Why you, how about I show you how I rampage right now!" Momoyo went into a stance.

"Kawakami style: mach punch!" With a blistering straight, a sonic boom exploded behind her.

Ronin quickly parried it with a back hand and he pulled on her wrist.

"So hot headed. Temper, temper." Ronin shook his head at her.

"Tch, you're annoying as always." Momoyo crossed her arms with a huff.

"Hmm, then how about this?" He turned her around and hugged her waist from behind.

"W-wha!?" Momoyo was surprised, but she relaxed when she felt his ki.

"Let's sit down and watch the ebb and flow of the Tama river." Ronin put her on his lap and they sat down at the grass.

"What if the others see us?" Momoyo didn't know what to think about the Kazama family seeing them like that.

"You're worried? Are you really Momoyo?" Ronin raised a brow.

"Ey! Shut up you annoying bastard!" Momoyo squirmed and she tried to elbow him.

"Momoyo, I'm telling you this again. But you'll be sharing me." Ronin hugged her more tightly.

"I know that... And it annoys me to no end." Momoyo huffed.

"But... It's fine if they're our friends. I can smell it on you Ronin. You killed people before haven't you?" Momoyo looked at him seriously.

He knew that her senses would be strong enough to notice that one day. So he just nodded.

"You must've lived a hard life then... So I'll spoil you rotten." Momoyo straddled him and she started kissing him.

They injected their energy inside of them and their bodies were in sync.

"Pwah, I love it when I kiss you. I just feel so calm and cool like a cucumber." Momoyo touched her forehead with his as she whispered.

"Hmmm, and you feel like a toasty blanket." Ronin chuckled.

"You bastard, I'm Kawakami Momoyo. The strongest woman in the world. You better spoil me too." Momoyo pouted at him.

"Sure thing." Ronin kissed her again and they enjoyed their make out session.

"As I expected... Momoyo-senpai can be quite stealthy." Miyako who was watching them with binoculars clenched her fists.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.