
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 33: Yami-Yami and Confrontation

At Ronin's penthouse, the gang were currently spoiled rotten.

They were having the usual wagyu A-5 yakiniku.

And there's also a hotpot made of the most exquisite spices, herbs, and other ingredients.

They would definitely have gout once they reach twenty if Ronin kept fattening them up.

"Are you thinking of something rude?" Wanko stared at Ronin with squinted eyes.

"No, just. You'll have high blood pressure and gout once all of you reach your twenties." Ronin sipped his tea.

"Ha? Are you calling us fat?" Momoyo cracked her knuckles.

"You've got a fat chest and butt, if that's what you mean." Ronin ate some celery and lean beef instead.

"Senpai... You're definitely courageous, what a man!" Gakuto thought that Momoyo would definitely beat him up for his comment.

"You're praising me a bit too much." Momoyo had a smug look on her face.

Miyako was quiet and she just gave them glances from time to time.

'Momoyo-senpai would definitely not let that pass in the past.' Miyako furrowed her brows.

Ronin noticed it and he almost frowned. 'Miyako knows that something is wrong.'

He was impressed by the girl's instincts. It also didn't help that she knew them like the back of her hand.

"Ahem, anyways. I want you guys to meet a friend that we just made." Ronin announced and Wanko's eyes glittered.

"Ahhh! Yami-Yami? Is she going to be here?" Wanko got excited.

"Yami-Yami? Wanko, tell this nee-san if she's a gorgeous girl." Momoyo put her arm over her shoulder.

"Un! Yami-Yami is a blonde foreigner!" Wanko described her a bit too simply.

"A blonde bombshell!?" Gakuto hoped and they all thought of a typical blonde.

"You guys are too easy to read. She's not a blonde from America. You should stop watching that trash called television." Aka huffed at them.

"Yami is a cute, small girl. Definitely not your type, unless you guys have unsavory hobbies like Inoue Jun?" Miyo raised a brow at them.

The room's temperature went cold and the guys shuddered.

"W-what are you talking about senpai?" Yamato immediately feigned ignorance.

"Who are you calling a lolicon!?" Shouichi still thought that girls were yucky.

"That's some serious accusation, Miyo-senpai." Moro smiled wryly.

"Good, or else." Miyo took a sausage from the table and crushed it with her bare hands. Cured meat flying onto the guys' faces.

They immediately nodded while sweating.

'She'll definitely do it!' They thought at the same time as a bead of sweat dropped from their brows.

The bell of the elevator then resounded. And Yami came out of it with her signature blank face.

"Yami-Yami! You made it! Come here." Wanko immediately ran up to her and hugged her.

"Wanko... This is unpleasant." Kazuko was up to her face, but she didn't push her away.

"Wanko, let go of her. Come here Yami." Ronin immediately baited her in with his brownies.

'This feels kinda illegal.' Ronin could hear sirens blaring.

"Ohhh." Yami thought that Ronin won't honor their deal or forget about it. But he prepared a whole tray just for her.

Momoyo was about to snatch a piece, but she got smacked by Ronin.

"No, this isn't for you. Behave yourself, you even have some drool on your face." Ronin pointed out.

"Wha!?" Momoyo immediately wiped her face, but there was nothing there. And she has been had.

Momoyo glared at him. "What about Tatsuko?" She pointed at the blue haired Itagaki.

She was even snoring a bit, but instead of the visceral type. It was just a cute sigh and some smacking of lips from time to time.

"Tatsuko's not bothering anyone." Ronin rolled his eyes and Momoyo huffed.

Yami then saw their huge boobs and she looked at her relatively small chest.

"Yami-Yami huh? Nice to meet you!" Lala beamed at her and Yami nodded at her slowly.

"Don't overwhelm her, she's the shy type." Ronin smiled.

Truthfully, she was the reclusive kind. But they didn't need to know that.

"Hello, Yami-san. Are you perhaps a friend of Ronin-senpai's from Europe?" Moro asked a pretty standard question.

"Un, we met in Paris." Yami shrugged. The Kazama family then thought of the same thing.

'She's kind of like Ronin, Aka, and Miyo when we were kids.' They immediately saw the connection.

"Eh, too bad. Yami-Yami is younger than me. I'm not interested in younger girls. And she looks like she's still developing." Gakuto commented insensitively.

He was then slugged immediately by her hair, shaped into a fist.

"I don't like ecchi..." Yami glared at Gakuto who was nailed on the wall.

She then went wide eyed at her unconscious movement. They now know that he was a trans weapon.

"D-did she just transform her hair!?" Capt shouted immediately.

"She did..." Moro and Yamato were in disbelief.

"Yami-Yami..." Momoyo's expression turned serious.

"That's seriously amazing. Imagine all the things I can do with that! I don't even need to move and let my hair do all the work while I read manga!" Momoyo nodded sagely.

"I can also carry all of my fans and let them spoil me. Ahhh, some people are truly born lucky." Momoyo sighed.

"L-lucky?" Yami's face darkened and Ronin decided to gamble.

"Un! Nee-sama is right, it's a really nifty ability! You can do a lot with it! Like eat more food at once!" Kazuko drooled while imagining it.

"Yeah, I can multitask with that kind of ability." Yamato nodded at the Kawakami sisters.

"Playing games with that will make me the god of the iron fist tournament." Moro imagined going to the arcade with that.

"Traversing steep slopes and rock climbing will be piss easy! Man, that's so cool." Capt shook his head in jealousy.

"You think this is cool?" Yami asked with a shaky voice.

They nodded and Yami suddenly created blades with her arms.

"It's a very dangerous ability." Yami pointed it at Capt who seemed to want her trans ability the most.

"Heh, then those pesky tigers won't be able to get me! And I won't need to wear a mask behind my head when I go on an adventure!" Shouichi grinned at her.

Yami couldn't understand them. Her trans ability was a curse.

Something that led to her current life. And she hated it, more than anything.

Her life was ruined because of it. Her innocence, taken from her.

'Tear...' She remembered a blonde scientist from her childhood that disappeared.

Ronin then noticed that Yami was stewing in her thoughts.

"Here, don't think too much about it Yami." Ronin tapped her lips with a piece of brownies.

She bit into it and Yami calmed down a bit. She was about to have a breakdown.

"Isn't it nice? To have people think that your trans ability isn't something heinous." Ronin whispered to her.

"It is not... I am a weapon, I was made for that purpose. Nothing more, nothing less." Yami denied his words.

'This is going to take some work.' Ronin sighed heavily.

"Then sign up to Kawakami academy, people won't care about your ability one bit." Ronin shrugged.

Before she could think and refuse, he trapped her.

"Yami says that she wants to transfer to our school." Ronin announced.

"Ohhh! That's going to be great Yami-Yami!" Wanko beamed at her.

"School?" Yami frowned as she didn't need to be in an educational facility.

"Yatta! I wonder if you'll enter our class, Yami-Yami!" Wanko put an arm on her shoulder.

Yami saw it in her eyes, the joy of the thought of being with her.

When all of the people she worked with in the past only showed fear against her.

Wanko and the others smiled at her, urging her to go to their class.

Because she was apparently a part of the Kuki famiglia.

"Yami-Yami in our uniform!? Don't you think that's going to be so cute?" Lala imagined her in their uniform.

"Aka, Miyo. Put her in 1-F. She doesn't need to be in class S nor be in the 2nd year." Ronin instructed them.

She needed to be with the more carefree Kazama family. Yami would be comfortable with them.

But she didn't need them to be there all the time. What she needed is normal human interaction.

Yami then experienced peer pressure for the first time. Under her cold exterior, she was a kind girl.

And she couldn't refuse when Wanko was all smiles in front of her right now.

"Hah, I will go. Wanko." Yami rationalized and she thought that she could study anthropology in a school.


After their friday meeting, somebody decided to be left behind. Wanting to have a conversation with someone.

"Miyako, you can come out now." Ronin sighed and he thought that this was inevitable.

"Senpai..." Miyako sat down beside him and she was quiet for a good second.

"Are you... And Momo-senpai an item?" Miyako already knew the answer, but she couldn't help asking.

Just like how people in denial would ask in hopes of hearing a different outcome.

"Yes, yes we are." Ronin replied instantly and Miyako gritted her teeth so hard they almost shattered.

"Why? Why her and not me? She hasn't shown interest in you until recently." Miyako looked downwards as she clenched her hands.

She was trying to prevent herself from crying, but her tears started to drop onto her skirt.

"Who's next? Koyuki? Wanko? Tatsuko? I saw how you treated Umeko-sensei. Is she next in your list?" Miyako sobbed uncontrollably.

"Honestly? It's because your confession is outdated. That was years ago, Miyako." Ronin shrugged.

"Wha? What?" Miyako was stunned. "You think I was the one who came onto Momoyo? Then you know her less than you thought.

Momoyo is a force of nature that won't hesitate one bit to get what she wants. While you just bided your time, hoping for a miracle." Ronin explained.

Miyako went quiet and she thought about it. And it was true.

She would just joke all the time about wanting his kids or something.

But ever since her confession in the past, she never professed her love seriously.

"I'm a man of equality, Miyako. I like you, but I don't love you. You're the one courting me, waiting for me to make a move on you isn't going to work." Ronin gave her a reality check.

She then realized her mistake. And why the twins kept on gatekeeping them.

"So... My inaction has been my downfall. How careless of me." Miyako wiped her tears.

She got frustrated instead. Miyako always believed that she loved him the most.

But she couldn't even try to show him that she truly did. And her inaction turned into stagnation.

Momoyo who they believed will be a lesbian even went for him in full force.

And she was ashamed. She always proclaimed her love for him. But it was lukewarm.

Just like how Yamato got ignored by Momoyo in the past.

"Senpai... I want you. I love you so much my heart hurts whenever I saw you with Momo-senpai, Aka, and Miyo." Miyako straddled him.

"My body is burning in desire, can't you feel it? Maybe I'm just like my mother, but only for you." Miyako grabbed his hand and put it on her chest.

"Won't you love me back, Ronin? Can't you see it? I love you so much." Miyako stared at him seriously.

After a tense moment, Ronin replied. "No." Miyako went wide eyed and she was shaken to the core.

"I can't love you back, yet. After all, relationships are made from the ground up Miyako." Ronin shrugged.

She breathed heavily and sighed in relief. "Senpai... Are you a sadist? Playing with my heart like that." Miyako hit him softly.

"Gotta keep you on your toes. Women eat that crap up." Ronin chuckled.

"Senpai, can I kiss you?" Miyako looked at his lips with desire.

"Hmm, I wonder? I don't know." Ronin smirked at her.

"Stop playing, Ronin-senpai." Miyako crossed her arms over his shoulder.

"Then come and take the prize, Miyako." Ronin's blue eyes glowed under the moonlight.

She was enchanted by them. Ever since she saw them when they were kids. It never left her mind since.

Miyako slowly gave him a peck on the lips. And it was better than she expected.

Her body shuddered in delight at the contact. Miyako was in ecstasy, drunk in the mood and atmosphere.

He then gave her a surprise as he entered her mouth with his tongue. He was no herbivore that only gives chaste kisses.

That was for when they were in public. In private, it was different.

Miyako twitched as she climaxed. She will get addicted to this.

"Senpai... You're such a bad man. I already want more, like a junkie." Miyako caught her breath.

"Then, we will have to make you resistant. Later that is." Ronin smirked at her.

"Sadist..." Miyako hit his chest again. She then put her head under his chin as she snuggled against him.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.