
Main God

Our Main character dies and seemingly travels back in time to his high school years. However what’s with the home room teacher having books slowly floating around them? Why are my classmates focused on how to effectively kill goblins? Isn’t it just World of Warcraft, a video game? (Basically reincarnated to a world where a VR game is the center of the world. This VR game encompasses all fiction on Earth, but what’s more surprising for the MC is technology, skills, and items can be brought out of the game.)

Seabass · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ch. 6

The three who were beaten up by Zack instantly went to their leader the dude from the Culver family. They explained the situation and asked him take revenge for them. But this Nick Culver has other plans.

At Guy's training space a much more humble figure arrives inviting Zack to meet with the leader, Nick. Being led the way to a dingy apartment arranged for the war orphans Zack walks in and sees the guy who persuaded him to join his team in the beginning of the mission. They greet each other and get to business.

"I'm once again inviting you to join the team." Nick says.

"I need to know what you're doing before I say yes."

"We're stealing a Byakugan from a young Hyuga in the ninja academy."

"Not interested, all Hyuga's with the Byakugan are protected by special guards before they can handle themselves."

"I have a strategy to make him ditch his guards and meet us in the forest based on the premise of a secret. This is the best dojustu after all. The plot points are certainly hefty. There may even be a B-level plot point for the one who kills him."

"Hmmm, I'll help. Who's getting the eyes though. And what do you mean by the best dojutsu?"

"I'm getting the eyes obviously, and by best, cost effectively and upper limit wise the Byakugan is certainly better than the Sharingan. 360 degree vision, visible chakra points, long distance reconnaissance. This is common knowledge though."

Thinking about it does seem the Byakugan is better, of course that is under the premise that there is no Mangekyo Sharingan. The Mangekyo is obviously not common knowledge among reincarnators. Thus on the final day of the mission space Zack met up with the other reincarnators and headed to the forest.

The Hyuga kid was tricked based on the premise that everyone has a big secret to tell him. Everyone consumed their favorability while remaining out of the eye of natives. As they wait they discuss the plan.

The weaker reincarnators will use shurikens and kunai to harass from a distance while five of the strongest close range reincarnators will fight him hand to hand. This includes Zack and Nick. Eventually the Hyuga kid arrives and looks around in anticipation.

"What's the secret you have?"

Nick walks up while saying, "We just wanted to say to you—" he hurriedly punches forward finishing, "Go die!"

The offensive begins, however this Hyuga from the main family is really capable. Relying on his Byakugan he manages to survive for a few minutes under the onslaught of so many people. No shurikens or kunai manage to hit but the five close range reincarnators successfully beat him down.

After a quick melee Zack finally sees an opening and turns his hand into a wooden spear secretly. Rushing forward he quickly pierces the heart of the Hyuga reverting his hand back as he withdraws it.

The kid falls down with despair barely getting out a, "Why?"

Nick steps forward and leans down, "Your eyes, what else?"

Zack at this moment is feeling horrible while looking at the prompt of the hidden mission. He only did it because Nick is from the Culver's, a very large and powerful family in America. If he can get their favor maybe they will send someone to protect his parents while he's away.

Nick walks over to Zack, "Thanks for your help, I know killing kids is gut wrenching but this is the Main God Space. It's kill or be killed."

"Ya, no problem, I benefited too right" Zack says this sadly.

"Hey bud add me on the Main God platform before the mission ends, you have potential." Nick pushes Zack.

"Let me set a user. Ok. My names ZackB."

"Okay I'll add you later, end mission."

As Nick says this he disappears from the ninja world and Zack follows ending his mission. Sitting on his uncomfortable chair in his wooden house in the space Zack looks over the prompts for his mission this time.

[Basic Mission: Study ninjutsu at the ninja academy. Evaluation: F. Rewards: Nothing.]

[Hidden Mission: Help Orochimaru with his experiments. Evaluation: C. Rewards: C-level plot point, 500 reincarnation points.]

[Hidden Mission: Successfully transplant Hashirama cells and a sharingan onto yourself. Evaluation: B. Rewards: B-level plot point, 1,000 reincarnation points.]

[Hidden Mission: Kill the kid from the main Hyuga family and steal his eyes. Evaluation: C. Rewards: C-level plot point, 500 reincarnation points.]

Zack was not as excited as the first mission but it was equally rewarding. The only unfortunate thing is he has to pay back the guide for his medical knowledge. With the contract paid he is left with one A, B, and C-level plot points each, plus 4,500 reincarnation points. The guide was really happy to see the plot points rolling in but in retrospect he wished he tortured the strategy out of Zack. He honestly didn't think Zack could pay it off in one mission.

Zack immediately heads to the auction house. He would like to upgrade his elementary Senju body further but it needs two B-level plot points to do so. Thinking on it he decides to upgrade his Sharingan to three tomoe. The price of a two tomoe sharingan at the auction house is one B-level plot point and the price a three tomoe is equivalently an A-level plot point.

Buying the two sets of eyes isn't too hard as people are not fond of the Sharingan in the main god space. He uses them both and instantly notices a difference in his visions quality. Exiting the space and showing up on the bus he activates the sharingan and time seems to slow down. He can easily see the rat on the side of the road that would otherwise be invisible.

Sitting on his bus seat Zack proceeds to fall asleep. After his alarm on his phone rings he wakes up and turns his phone all the way off to avoid the frantic calls of his parents that will likely ensue this morning. However luckily in this world when you enter the Main God space the first time you are considered an adult. He doesn't have to worry about the authorities bringing him back to his parents. His brother would never let him live that one down.

He arrives at San Diego in the late morning and makes his way to UCSD. After going through the procedures to get ready for classes and put into his team he is lead to the dormitory where his team will stay on campus. The RA of this building leads him to his room while explicitly stating no partying, smoking, or jiggy jiggy. Whatever that means.

Zack walks into his room and sees a familiar face.