
Main God

Our Main character dies and seemingly travels back in time to his high school years. However what’s with the home room teacher having books slowly floating around them? Why are my classmates focused on how to effectively kill goblins? Isn’t it just World of Warcraft, a video game? (Basically reincarnated to a world where a VR game is the center of the world. This VR game encompasses all fiction on Earth, but what’s more surprising for the MC is technology, skills, and items can be brought out of the game.)

Seabass · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ch. 7 Meeting Roomates

Nick Culver from the previous Shinobi space is sitting on one of the bunk beds, he turns as Zack walks in. He looks the same as in the space except now his eyes are the pure pale white of the Byakugan.

"Hey there! I added you after I got out of the mission and into the Main God Space. What are you doing here?"

Zack gives a polite smile and says, "I'm a part of the team associated with this room."

"Really? No way! I only got in after getting the Byakugan, as far as I know you've only trained with Might Guy for a few months." Nick exclaims in surprise.

"That was actually my second mission that I took on the bus ride here, I started in DC and became a super strength, speed, and regeneration meta-human."

Nick whistles understanding, "No wonder, anyone who can do that well their first mission in DC, even through luck is worth investing in."

"Thanks buddy, although I wonder why a Culver like yourself is only in a UC on the west coast not in some place like Harvard..."

"I have my reasons." Nick dodges the question.

"That's fair." Zack tacitly understands and doesn't push further.

The two talk a little on what power system they'll focus on. Both seem to be set on ninjutsu for the time being, it grows very well through missions and has many unexplored opportunities. Of course Zack is set on wood release jutsu as well as a long term goal the rinnegan.

Over the next two days before school starts their two other teammates have arrived. One is a short swarthy guy named Charlie Root and the other is a super tall skinny guy with an exaggerated slouch name Kobe McDonald.

All of them are rather talkative and get to know each other rather well. Through initial impressions Charlie is a social butterfly and extremely charismatic, but has had bad experiences with marijuana leading to a small divide between him, Nick, and Kobe. Both of whom are prolific smokers of the dope.

Kobe is a bit of a goofball but through his previous experiences with depression Zack can tell the man has his own issues. He also has a chest defect from his birth that makes his inner organs more vulnerable than they normally would be.

Nick brings up the question, "So, what world did you guys choose to start in?"

Charlie speaks up first, "I started in Star Wars, but I chose the more dangerous timeline of The Old Republic. I became a Jedi Padawan. I set my long term goal for the force, but focused on understanding advanced technology in the first mission."

Nick and Zack's eyes turn to Kobe who responds saying, "Nothing special over here, I started with the wizard route in the Harry Potter world. But seeing as it's power ceiling is not clear I plan to transition to DND"

Nick proceeds to point his hand to his eyes and says, "Obviously I started in Naruto and got the Byakugan."

"I noticed that, how the hell did you manage it?"

Nick looks over at Zack, "Well this guy helped me do it."

"Another ninja? No complaints."

Nick pipes up before Zack can respond, "He led me to believe that was his first mission too while we were in the space, but this guy actually started in DC."

"No way! You crazy son of a gun! You must have done really good to get a full ride." Charlie exclaims.

"Yea, I became a meta-human with super strength, speed and regeneration through luck basically." Zack says somewhat embarrassed.

"Physical meta-human with ninjutsu, that's a scary combo." Kobe says

"No joke man!"

The four explain their basic capabilities to one another however they all keep secrets from each other. Sharing ace in the hole cards is just stupid. In Zack's case he keeps quiet about the immortality, and wood release jutsu. Kind of a lot looking back on it but the more hole cards the better. They all were surprised Zack managed to get a sharingan in his second run.

"And a sharingan? Damn dude!"

"Yea well, did you hear we're doing our first team mission tomorrow?"

"Really do we know what world it is?" Zack questions, to him this information sets his next plans.

"From what I know the world is called Pirates of the Caribbean." Charlie let's them know.

"Does anyone know anything about it?" Zack asks.

Nick answers, "Well, from what I know there's not much supernatural danger and the world is mostly used to train teamwork among students in the college system."

"Hmmm." Zack pretends to be typing into the Main God Friend Chat list.

"What are you doing?" Kobe asks.

"I'm contacting a senior reincarnator who's eye I caught in the DC world about Pirates."

Of course Zack isn't doing anything of the sort, but it will allow him to explain knowing plot points in the Main God Space. He doesn't intend to give them the best benefits but as teammates they can't be dead weight. He finishes 'typing' and looks up to see the three staring intently at him.

"What did he say?" They question.

"Ahem, he said a pirate named Jack Sparrow is the key to this space, and to start in Port Royal." Zack coughs then replies.

"Jeez, not only are you an overpowered newcomer you also have caught the eye of a big man. Good for you though." Kobe seems envious as he says this but also somewhat happy to have him as a team member.

"Okay boys, let's hit the sack so we can kill it in the space tomorrow." Nick says as he pushes the group to sleep.

The lights turn off and everyone has good dreams, not just in sleep but also for the future. The next morning the RA wakes them up and tells them to go a specific classroom in the field work building. They arrive and see quite a few teams. Eventually everyone arrives and there are some female teams and some male, an equal amount with 20 boys and 20 girls, five teams each. It seems this was planned.

A older looking man with an unshaven face walks to the stage and the group of young adults hushes. "Now everyone, as you may have heard the mission space we are throwing you into is called Pirates of the Caribbean. We don't have much knowledge on the space, but recommend joining a navy of some major country despite the title of 'Pirates.' Any questions?"

A red haired girl with freckles raises her hands, "Is conflict between teams allowed?"

"I'm required to say no but, team wipes do happen in the space occasionally."

Taking his hint the teams look at the others with colder eyes. The man asks, "Anyone else? No? Okay, then here are the cards to enter the space at the same time and the booklet of what we know so far."

The man hands out black cards with 'Pirates of the Caribbean Team Card' on their backs. The four fronts have the same color indicating they are on a team together. All ten teams have their own color. The man looks at his watch on his hand, "At 9:00 you will enter the mission space at the same time by crushing these cards in your hands."

"Aaaand now!" He says.

Everyone crushes the cards within the ten same seconds and disappear from the room. The space prompts him to choose a place to spawn into the mission world. It also asks him wether to use his identity modifier and he refuses. He then proceeds to say "Port Royal." Zack comes to in a grungy alley with with the smell of feces. Charlie is currently using his now poor ratty clothes to wipe something brown from his face. Nick and Kobe are still unconscious. Zack first checks the space prompts,

[Basic Mission: Join the navy and fight pirates.]

[Allowed Mission Time: 5 months.]

Noticing Zack's awakening Charlie gives him a death glare, "Don't you dare tell anyone about this! I woke up facedown."

Zack puts his hand to his lips and zips them shut then throws something invisible away, "Zipped, locked, and the keys thrown away."

"Better be."

Nick and Kobe wake up shortly after Charlie finishes. They dust off their peasant clothes and the four discuss their plans. Zack doesn't give much information on how to find the man saying his senior only gave him the hint 'Blacksmith Turner.'

Asking around, the towns people seem confused at first until an old gossip lady burst out, "Oh you mean apprentice William! He's not in the shop right now though, I heard he's taking a new sword to the governor's mansion this morning but he should be back later..."

"Could you point us in the direction please?" Zack asks nicely.

"Of course!" The lady motions and says further, "Ask for John Brown's smithy and people should show you the way."