
Magus of the Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter X Marvel Fanfic] After reincarnating into the body of a young Wizard on the Hogwarts Express. Matthew decided he wouldn't waste this second chance. He will explore the deepest secrets of the Universe on his path to power. Will he reach the peak with the help of his AI Chip or will he die trying. Follow Matthew on his next great Adventure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advanced Chapter consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arrowinmyknee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Wizarding World and the Marvel Universe belong to their respective owners.]

Arrowinmyknee · Book&Literature
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143 Chs

The Mirror of Erised

Matthew was now fully awake again and monitored his mental Map that was connected to the Wards. Harry was nowhere to be found and his tracking charm only told him he was on the move. It seems the Invisibility Cloak of Death was able to hide his presence from the Hogwarts Wards and his tracking Spell even if he used Chaos Runes. One thing still confused Matthew, in the Movies Harry could still see himself on the Map while being under his Invisibility Cloak, he could only guess that it worked because he was under the Cloak together with the map which circumvented the cloaking effect of the Deaths cloak.

After a while Matthew observed how Filch entered the restricted Section of the Library, Harry was at this moment most likely leaving the Library after alarming Filch with one of the cursed Books that started to Scream. Filch himself headed somewhere on the Fifth Floor and met up with Professor Snape who was currently patrolling the floor and looking for any students that broke curfew. He now knew that the Mirror had to be somewhere on the fifth floor since Harry would find the Classroom with the Mirror inside close to Snape's and Filch's meeting spot. He monitored the area carefully for Harry who needed to appear any moment now. There he was! Harry appeared in one of the abandoned Classrooms on the left side of the Fifth Floor, which must be the location of the Mirror of Erised.

Suddenly Dumbledore who until now was in his personal Quarters above the Headmaster's Office appeared in the abandoned Classroom behind Harry. Apparently, the Boy didn't notice the Headmaster since he still stood in the middle of the Room turned away from the Old Man right in front of one Wall.

'It seems the Door to Classroom with the Mirror is warded and will alarm the Headmaster if someone entered it. Sarah saves the location of the Mirror and actively monitors it.' Requested Matthew Mentally while keeping an eye on Harry.

The young boy stood for over an hour standing before the wall of the Classroom while the Headmaster left after a while and returned to his Quarters. Harry suddenly left the Classroom and hurried in direction of the Gryffindor Common Room.

'Time to confirm the Mirrors location.' Thought Matthew as he opened a Portal to the empty Corridor before the Abbadonded Classroom with the Mirror inside. While standing before the Door he cast some scanning Charms and let Sarah analyze the Door, 'Indeed there is a simple alarm Ward on the Door, obviously connected to the Headmaster. But something like that won't hinder me.' He mused as he opened another blue circling Portal to the other side of the Wall which allowed him to enter the Classroom without alarming the Headmaster.

Inside he found an unused Classroom. The dark shapes of desks and chairs were piled against the walls, and there was an upturned wastepaper basket – but propped against the wall facing him was something that didn't look as if it belonged there, something that looked as if someone had just put it there to keep it out of the way.

It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Matthew felt as if he needed to look into the Mirror, there was clearly some kind of compulsion worked into the enchantments of the Mirror.

Matthew began to use his Occlumency on full power in order to protect himself from the influence and enchantments of the Mirror. 'I show not your face but your heart's desire.' He read the inscriptions on the Top. 'What a dangerous artifact. You really could waste your whole Life before the Mirror without realizing it or just get mad.' Concluded Matthew as he began to study the enchantments on the Mirror without letting himself get distracted by the Mirror itself while using his Occlumency.

'So the Headmaster is currently changing the Enchantments of the Mirror in order to hide the Stone there. That's why it is currently in this Abbadonded Classroom.' Analyzed Matthew, 'It's at least 150 years old according to Sarah's spectral analysis, the magical energy, unfortunately, falsifies the exact age. Sarah record all enchantments on the Mirror.' He requested from his AI.

The Mirror contains one of the most complex enchantments Matthew has seen up to date, it was a combination of multiple spells using and affecting the deepest feelings of the Person in close proximity to it, luring them to stare into it. It definitely wouldn't hurt to add it to his database since it may be able to give him further information on emotion-based magic like the Patronus.

It wasn't enchanted with Runes but with Charms woven directly into the Materials of the Mirror during the creation. Dumbledore was currently modifying the enchantments of the Mirror by laying new ones based on the Original above it. This was one of the weak points Matthew could exploit to gain access to the Stone, the new enchantments would fade much faster than the Original ones since they were only cast on the Mirror, not into it. But thanks to the Elder Wand Dumbledore was using it would take too long for them to fade out even if Matthew helped the process to exchange the Stones before the end of the Year.

Another weak point he tried was to let the AI Chip load fake memories and intentions into his Consouisness so he could fool the Mirror-like he did with the Sorting Hat and other Legillimency Users. That was also his main Idea on how to gain access to the Stone. But unfortunately, that didn't work out he only got a blurry mess of Pictures. Since the Mirror not only affected his memories and Conscuisness but also his deepest emotions inside his Soul. The enchantments were a bit Soul magic, which was even more reason to add them to his Database. That must be the Reason why Voldemort didn't try to fool the Mirror with Occlumency. Maybe Matthew would be able to do it once he finished his Occlumency training that allowed him to control his Soul but for now, he wasn't able to.

Now he was happy that he decided to check out the Mirror beforehand since he expected that his Method to fool the Mirror would work. There was one weak point he could exploit now. Dumbledore was still modifying the enchantments of the Mirror, once they were completely modified and the Stone was inside they couldn't be easily changed. But since he was still in the middle of the process Matthew could add his own backdoor to the Mirror allowing him later to access the Stone. At the bottom of the Mirror frame, he added a small rune formation that turned invisible once he was finished. Since he didn't have much experience in enchanting with Charms yet he used Runes to add to the enchantments with a few concealing Runes. As long wasn't specifically looking for them he shouldn't be able to find the backdoor Matthew added to his enchantments since he used Chaos Runes.

After he was finished and made sure that his traces were hidden he took a look at the Mirror. 'Should I drop my Occlumency Shields and look at my deepest desire.' Asked Matthew himself while standing before the Mirror for a few Minutes. 'No, I know what I want. I don't need some meager Artifact to show me how I reached the peak of the World as Immortal and absolute being.' Thought Matthew as he turned around with conviction and opened a Portal to the Ravenclaw Tower.

For one moment as his back was turned to the Mirror his Occlumency shields faltered an image appeared on the screen. It was Matthew with a group of smiling shadows some were female, some of them were Children only his Parents could be clearly recognized. Some of the Shadows looked a bit familiar but it wasn't clear discernible. The World in the Background looked extremely peaceful.

But Matthew didn't see that, neither did the AI Chip register it since it only could see images through Matthew's eyes. He returned to his Dorm Room and got to sleep for the night.


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