
Magus of the Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter X Marvel Fanfic] After reincarnating into the body of a young Wizard on the Hogwarts Express. Matthew decided he wouldn't waste this second chance. He will explore the deepest secrets of the Universe on his path to power. Will he reach the peak with the help of his AI Chip or will he die trying. Follow Matthew on his next great Adventure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advanced Chapter consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arrowinmyknee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Wizarding World and the Marvel Universe belong to their respective owners.]

Arrowinmyknee · Book&Literature
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143 Chs

Destroying the first Drone

To make a long Story short, that dinner party was over. The mood was at an all-time low, and the Dursleys were speechless or rather out of ideas how to save the Dinner. Mr. And Mrs. Dursley were now starring at Matthew with disgust, while unsure how to proceed while already Dudley run out of the Living room to hide in his own Room. Matthew's Mom wasn't amused about that Piglet tail joke Matthew made. In the end, Matthew's Parent's had to lead the discussion, since the Dursleys no longer desired to have them in their home.

The results were that Grunning's would have that Contract as long they treated Harry decently, which meant no more Chores, enough food, access to his Homework, no longer locking Harry in his Room, and Hedwig was allowed to fly during the nights. Which made Vernon particularly unhappy but in the end accepted it since his Career was pretty much at risk for that. With that Harry's living conditions improved during the Summer's at least for a while.

Harry would also leave in a few days and stay with the Weasley's this Summer since he got an invitation from Ron with his Mail. This time Mr. Weasley will pick him up personally instead of his son's stealing the cars. This was probably as good as Matthew could make Harry's life during his stays with the Dursleys.

Once he managed to prove Sirius's innocence Harry would stay with him. Fuck Dumbledore and his blood wards. The Wards at 12 Grimmauld Place the ancestral home of the blacks were equally powerful, if they added a Fidelius Charm to it, it would become the safest place for Harry.

After that whole discussion was over, the Mason's were basically no longer welcome. They weren't thrown out or anything, but the icy looks they received sent a clear message and made them excuse themselves. After making sure Harry took his Trunk upstairs and saying goodbye to him they left Privet Drive and drove home.

Matthew's Parents were disgusted about the Dursleys and their behavior towards magic and especially Harry. They demanded from Matthew to regularly ask him how his treatment was.

'Well, that went as expected.' Thought Matthew as he lay down in his bed and fell asleep.

~ Scene Break ~

"— that's basically why Harry didn't reply to any of our Letters. Well, at least his situation at home should be a bit better from now on." Finished Matthew his explanation of the events from last night to Hermione.

"I can't believe they would treat their own relatives that way. Are they even Humans?" complained Hermione with disgust, "And what kind of danger could Dobby have spoken of?"

"No idea, but you guys should stay out of it and don't endanger yourself. Let the Teacher handle it. It's their job after all." Said Matthew, well in reality he was joking since he knew that there was no way that would happen.

After informing Hermione about everything and confirming that she would write Ron, they had a bit of small talk before finishing their Call. Once he hung up the phone he headed into his room and entered the Laboratory in his house Trunk. Now that he infiltrated Azkaban, finished his exams, and improved Harry's Living Situation he had no troubling matters to attend and could try something a bit risky.

But there should be no actual danger for him, after all the simulations he did with Sarah beforehand confirmed that it should work. He now wanted to try out if one of the main reasons why he even created the magi-tech Drones worked. His plan was actually pretty simple, he wanted to read the Scroll of Sin through his drones. The effect of the mind magic and corruption on the Scroll shouldn't work on a Drone since it wasn't a living and thinking thing. His analysis of his last try reading the first scroll showed that it directly affected the brain of the person who tried to read it, in theory, if the drone read the scroll and processed the information it shouldn't affect Matthew.

His past interactions with beings line Nightmare and the Creator of the Scroll made him extremely cautious and wary. He created all the safety nets and alternative plans he could think of. Be it mental defenses for the Drone itself, temporarily disconnecting it from the main AI until it sends a signal, self-destruction protocols, and more. He was as prepared as he could be, using all the knowledge he gained for these safety measures be it from Hogwarts, the Flamels, or Voldemort.

Matthew placed the box in his ritual chamber, he isolated the whole room. Nothing could leave without his permission. "Drone 01 are you ready?" asked Matthew the metallic-looking robot which glowed with the Runes all over its body.

"All Systems ready. Beginning Sin Protocol. Waiting for Permission." Replied Drone 01 with the mechanic voice of Sarah.

"OK, you can begin." Ordered Matthew.

"Disconnecting from the Main Frame. Protocol Start." Began the Drone as it entered the Ritual Room. Matthew closed the door behind it and sealed the Room by activating its protection. Now he was only able to feel what was going on inside through a beforehand prepared echolocation formation.

Drone 01 opened the box and took the Scroll of Sin out that Matthew found below Azkaban. As it began to read the Scroll a dark and red mist raised from it and tried to enter the Drone. But it was currently resisting the effect of the magic. It continued reading the Scroll without Stopping. The head of the Drone began to glow in red color as if it was heating up. But no matter what it read and read without stopping.

Its leg began to melt. The magical energies of the Scroll were overloading the magi-tech Drone and slowly destroying it, but the mental magic did not affect it. As it's finished reading the scroll it dropped to the floor together with the Drone's arm's as the shoulder connection was molten. Then its eyes exploded but it send the Signal to Matthew that it was finished and ready to re-establish the connection.

"Of course, its eyes had to explode the most expensive part of that whole thing had to break." Muttered Matthew as he activated a rune formation integrated into the containment Box from outside the sealed Room. The Scroll began to float and entered the box which closed after it.

Once that was done Matthew unsealed the Room and entered it. Inside was an extremely strong smell of smoke and burnt remains. "Sarah begin scanning the Status of Drone 01. If the Systems are intact and show no sign of corruption connect to it and download the processed content of the Scroll into the database." Requested Matthew.

[Beep! Confirming Task. Beginning Scan… 30%… 60%… Beep! Finished. No Corruption was detected. All Rune Circuits are damaged but Sub AI Chip remains intact. Reestablishing connection to Sub Unit. Beginning Download of new data. Success!]

The whole operation was almost a perfect Success. He found a way to read the Scroll of Sins without facing the Creator of them. Only negative point was that he would have to repair his Drone and replace a lot of parts. And that probably every time he read one of the Scrolls if he even found others since he had no idea where to find them.

There was a lot of new information inside this Scroll. It was mostly Spells connected to the so-called Nightmare Dimension. Probably the place that Nightmare ruled, but it wasn't one of the things explained there. There were Spells about how to control beings that inhabited that Dimension like Dementors, how to conjure and use energy from it, curses related to fear and nightmares, and even how to harness the fear of others into magical energy. This Spell could be extremely useful, if his opponents feared him enough they would be unable to overpower him.

Ekrizdis used the Spell to summon energies from the nightmare Dimension and infused them into the Prisoners that he tortured during his experiments and created Dementors that way. He controlled them with the Spells from the Scroll and basically had an immortal army. In reality, Matthew believed that Ekrizdis was more dangerous than Voldemort and the World had Luck that he killed himself during his experiments. Or they would have almost no chance of stopping him.

The knowledge inside the Scroll was powerful but dangerous, and Matthew will have to be very careful of how he used it. They should be his trump cards and not casually used since all of them were dark in nature and would affect the humanity of the Caster. Matthew didn't want to end up as a total mad man.


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