
Magus in Marvel

Baldur Mikaelson has just completed his Magnum Opus and he prepares to open a portal to another world. What will await him on the other side? Will it even work? discord code: F9G9ub4NDr

Pineappl3 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 Part 5

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 4 Part 5

By: Pineappl3

Hilda POV

I miss Balder. It's been months but I can't stop thinking about him. Did he drink the serum? Is he living a good life? I also couldn't help but wonder about his behaviour. Before he was always so quiet and reserved. Now? I feel like I don't even know him.

I don't love him any less, honestly it kinda makes me happy he left his shell. After a few more years of doing contracts for the family, I can finally see my son again. I wonder what he would be like then.

I laughed at my own musings which granted me a side eye stare from the lady at the front desk. I put her out of my mind though, I just returned my room keys and finished checking out of the hotel.

Once the matter was settled I headed towards the parking lot, waiting for me was an imported Chevy Impala 1967. The blood sucker I liberated it from wouldn't be needing it anymore.

After quickly starting the car to warm the engine, I made my way around the back to open the trunk. Inspecting to make sure I still had my gear under the false bottom in the back, I did a quick inventory before closing it back up.

'Once I finish this up and head back to the states, I should see what Balder is up to. Now I'm even more motivated to do this shitty job. Oh if my parents could see me now.' With that in mind I put the car in reverse and navigated my way out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

'Russia has fantastic weather during the summer, I should take Balder here sometimes. Let's just hope he doesn't come here without me now that he has all that money I left him.'

I was having some serious doubts on whether it was a good idea to leave him everything, but I wanted to have a little faith in my son. Sadly it wasn't long until my mood turned sour.

Looking down at my SATCOM I scowled, 'Uncle Eric. I wish that old fogey would keel over and die.' Biting the bullet, I answered, "Hey Uncle, how's it going?"

A gruff voice responded, "Let's cut the chit chat, I don't like you and you don't like me. So just listen. Your next target has been identified. One Strahd von Zarovich. He's a Mutant Vampire, all the strengths and none of the normal weaknesses."

I sarcastically added, "Aw. Sounds like you're worried. Don't worry I'm not the best for nothing."

"Not anymore," Eric said, oozing with glee. "My grandson is the best. The elders are saying he's fast as lightning in taking down Vampires, true to his namesake."

"Yeah? Well, you can tell Donar my Balder is way better in every way." I proudly told my uncle besides knowing full well Balder hadn't trained a day in his life.

"I guess we'll see then won't we?"

"Wait!" I looked down at the phone with a shocked expression, "What do you mean by th- Damn bastard hung up." With a grunt I tossed my SATCOM to the backseat and decided to floor the Impala.

'I need to get home quick. URGH those damn rat bastards. We had a deal.' I seethed with anger at the implications of the call. My uncle had implied that Balder would be signed up for the trials, one of the many old traditional ways to prove who was a better hunter.

My poor boy wouldn't survive even with the serum, not when Donar had one made from a Royal Vampire. I grew hasty as the moments passed and I still yet to receive the coordinates of my target.

Right as I was about to abandon the mission to come home, my SATCOM ringed once again. After a short moment, before I could attempt to find the phone and answer it started playing the coordinates.

'These fuckers really mess with everything. The damn phone answers itself? How have I not known this? Alright Hilda, Deep breaths.' Calming my breathing I found my exit and made my way to the location of the target.

I pulled into what looked to be a meat storage facility and noticed an unusual amount of cars. 'How subtle. Makes my job easier I guess.' I exited my vehicle and took my gear from the trunk.

Armed with my silver shortsword, my M9 and the newest addition, a Spaz-12 Shotgun, I made my way towards the entrance. Walking through the open doors in the front, I made my way through the halls cautiously before entering the meat freezer.

Hanging all around were carcases of all types and I could faintly smell people through the scent of meat. I moved towards it, creeping my way through the rows of bodies until I saw a large man.

He was most likely the bouncer to what ever lied behind the door he was guarding. 'Looks like these old charms still work, they can't even smell me.' I grinned at the fact my gear still worked and crept my way towards the doorman.

Once I was close enough, I drew my sword and lunged towards the man. He held a shocked expression as my blade pierced his stomach and flick it was removed. His body turned to ash, leaving a charred skeleton and I merely walked over it.

I turned the latch and entered the room, now able to hear in the distance the sounds of a club. A multitude of smells assaulted my senses and I knew I'd be in for a real treat. As I walked through the vampire filled club one by one they started to stop and stare at me.

They began to whisper, "It's the Red Death," and as those around them regained their wits, they began to stuffle out behind me. Some braver fools thought they could challenge me despite my reputation and charged me.

I quickly dispatched them with a single shot from my shotgun each and the crumpled to dust like that bouncer. I slowly walked through the quickly emptying club and eyed those that remained.

Before me was my target, Strahd von Zarovich. He looked straight out of a movie with his old noble garments and flashy red cape. He had pale skin that looked to be from foundation rather than actual skin pigmentation and his fangs looked fake.

All around him though were seven genuine vampires, sadly for Strahd they were a part of the lowest rung. "This is all you managed to gather? You disappoint me Strahd. I can't believe they sent me after you."

He scoffed at that, "You'll regret those words in seconds. I alone am more than capable to fight even an army of you." As soon as he finished those words he lept towards me with his claws at the ready.

Behind him his seven underlings started to spread out and flank me, creating a semi circle to keep me from retreating. I smiled as I felt my adrenaline spike, 'The only part of hunting I miss. . . The thrill of the hunt.'

I tightened my grip on my Spas-12 and quickly let off a few shots, with quick movements I dodged Strahd's attack and managed to kill two of his minions. Before I could attempt to shoot another, I had to use my gun to block another slash from Strahd.

His claws were sharper than I anticipated and he actually managed to slice my shotgun into pieces. I threw myself backwards and rolled to a better position. Knowing this would be a tougher fight against his sharp claws I drew my shortsword.

The remaining five vampires, mad at what I had done to their friends also began to challenge me. Their attacks moved slow in my eyes and I was able to deftly dodge and counter attack, dispatching two more before Strahd attacked once again.

He wasn't faster than me, but he was definitely stronger than me. I tried to block his slash, but the force almost knocked me to the ground. 'Dodging it is then.'

Strahd roared, "STOP RUNNING COWARD. YOU AMOUNT TO NOTHING SO LET ME GRANT YOU A SWIFT DEATH." Strahd pulled a strange red vial from under his cape and smashed it on the ground. I could smell the scent of blood and I was immediately put on guard at the strange action.

He began to wave his hands and the blood rose, forming five floating blood spears. With a forceful flick of his wrist he sent them forward and I attempted to dodge. I managed to deflect one, and dodge three more, but the last hit me in the thigh severely limiting my movement.

"You're one strange bastard, I'll give you that Strahd." Using my sword to stand, I quickly drew my M9 with my free hand and attempted to fire off a few shots, but I had been too focused on Strahd and lost track of his underlings.

The last three rushed me, one knocking my gun from my hand and the other two pinning me to the ground. They pulled my hair to force me to look towards Strahd as he slowly made his way over.

I tried to struggle but the goons merely slammed my head on the ground, causing my vision to swim. I could feel blood run down my face and I knew I had only one chance to get out of this predicament.

Guessing about the type of person Strahd was, I was hoping he would give me the cliche 'Villain Monologue' to buy me enough time to gather my strength. Finally Strahd arrived, roughly two paces from me and he crouched down to get a good look at my restrained form.

"You were so arrogant moments ago. What happened? Vampire got you down? I must admit, if I was a lesser man, I would have fallen to you. But. My superior brawn and brains allowed me to win this scuffle."

He looked at me and licked his lips before continuing, "You know, I have been needing a Queen for my growing kingdom. I think with your beauty and talent we would be a perfect match. I'll just have to fix that attitude problem. There is also the matter of you not being a full blooded Vampire. Simple fix though." As he said so, he pricked me up just enough so we were level and with quick motions he moved to bite my neck. I felt his fangs enter me and instead of his sucking my blood I could feel something enter me.

I was truly afraid, I was normally immune to Vampire bites as a result of taking the Dhampir Serum but then I remember Strahd was not a normal Vampire. My blood began to boil and I felt the changes take place.

"You can let go of her now, she should be completely obedient." Strahd dropped my now convulsing form and his followers did the same. In the back of my mind I could feel a suggestion to follow each and everyone of Strahd's commands and no matter how I tried to resist my mental walls continued to crumble.

Right as my last defense was about to fall a strange presence made itself known in my mind. From within my mind where I had been struggling with the forieng mental suggestion that came with my forced transformation, I saw a scene.

In my mind I saw a faint memory from long ago, before Balder was diagnosed with cancer, before his father passed away. It was a lovely memory of Balder hugging me and telling me he loves me, and he wished I didn't have to leave for 'business trips' so much.

'Balder? Son, is that you?' The figure that looked like my son simply smiled while he hugged me and I decided I had to see my son again, no matter what. Once I found the will to resist, I was pulled out of my mindscape and I found myself on the cold floor of the club.

"Well? Come to me, my new Queen. Give your King a kiss." Strahd looked at me with anticipation and glee. I picked myself up off the ground and I slowly walked towards him.

I could feel more strength flowing through my body, probably as a result of his bite and I couldn't help but question if I was still living, or if I had just joined the living dead. I pushed the thoughts aside and came close to Strahd.

I moved to kiss him, but before our lips met Strahd's eyes went wide. He backed up and looked down to see my hand embedded in his chest, firmly grasped around his heart.

"Fuck You." I squeezed my hand and felt his heart turn to mush, I kicked him away and he began to cough blood. At the sudden attack the remaining vampires rushed me, one of them now brandishing my shortsword. I moved to him first, meanwhile noticing my speed received a significant boost, and I sent my first towards his face. He tried to block with my sword, but before my fist could meet silver, I stopped and used my other fist to punch him in the stomach.

As he began to keel over, I wrestled my sword from his hand and impaled him with it. The last two, knowing this was a losing fight, attempted to run, but I simply moved to my M9 that was still lying on the ground.

Picking it up and taking aim, I fired two shots and both vampires crumpled to dust. Standing up, I noticed Strahd was still moving, albeit very slowly. With labored motions, Strahd tried to stand to face me, but he couldn't even pick himself up off the ground.

I moved slowly toward him, mimicking his earlier moves when I was in his position, and stopped a few paces before him. I crouched down, using a single arm to hold him up. With my next thoughts, I could feel my canines growing into fangs and I plunged them into Strahd's neck as he did to me.

I began to feel his blood flow through me, but I derived no pleasure in doing it as many Vampires had recounted. The blood tasted every bit of copper to me and I wanted to puke, but I kept at it. By the time I was done, Strahd was nothing more than a withered husk and I could feel a slight improvement to my strength.

After the deed was done I looked down at the corpse of Strahd, "Why. . . did I do that?" I tried to find the answer to my action, but I could find none. Instead, I decided to think about my son, and how a strange image of him appeared in my mind, seemingly saving me from doom.

'My resolve to see my son must have kept me from falling under Strahd's control. That's the only thing that makes sense. Yeah, that's it. Speaking of which. It's time to go home, I wanted to keep away from him but I just can't help it. I miss him.'

I'm not feeling well, so I'll be taking a break. The next chapter will come Wednesday my time.

Join me on discord and use this code F9G9ub4NDr

Or don't, really up to you.

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