
Magus in Marvel

Baldur Mikaelson has just completed his Magnum Opus and he prepares to open a portal to another world. What will await him on the other side? Will it even work? discord code: F9G9ub4NDr

Pineappl3 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 Part 4

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 4 Part 4

By: Pineappl3

Baldur POV

College was, enlightening, for a lack of a better word. At first I was slightly sceptical, albeit hopeful, of the intelligence coming from a populace that was spoon fed knowledge rather than one that fought tooth and nail for it.

For once I was happy I was wrong. I'm arrogant, sure. Definitely stuck in my ways, but I can only count the times I admitted I was wrong on one hand. Dr. Richards had a brilliant mind, there was no room for doubt.

He was every bit as hungry for knowledge as I was and had some fascinating ideas about the world. While his thoughts were mainly about the science behind them, I was mostly able to understand with my mystical knowledge.

Besides the occasional pointless mentios of some girl he was infatuated with, he did talk about his plan to create a spaceship of sorts. I was interested, sure, but I had much to learn on this planet, not to mention the wider galaxy.

The most interesting he mentions that day was about his old roommate from State University, one Victor von Doom. He was working on an interesting machine that would project the astral self to another dimension.

Although Dr. Richards didn't quite understand the mystics behind the invention, he did realize the flaws. He mentioned Doom refused to listen to him and would even conduct a test run of said machine this afternoon.

I would not miss this, not if I could help it. I left the gates of ESU and promptly teleported myself nearby the location of where Dr. Richards knew Doom to be experimenting.

Before me was a private university known as State University, located in Hegeman New York. I had no clue how Dr. Richards knew about the things Doom was up too, but to me the info was more important than the source.

Casting a minor illusion to make sure no one would notice me, I traveled the grounds in search for Doom. It wasn't long until I found him in the forest ground behind the dorms standing over a small machine.

I made my way over, and stood behind him. Noticing the flaws Dr. Richards mentioned and even a few from the mystical side, I dispelled my cloak and cleared my throat.

"These runes don't project astral bodies to another dimension, they only separate them from your physical self. You also need to swap the yellow and green wire, if not the device will short circuit and explode."

With a start Doom turned to look at me. The tall Latverian man looked at me inquisitively, "I've spent countless nights on this, I'm positive it will work." The man exuded confidence and arrogance that I myself held in similar amounts.

I shook my head disappointedly, "You know nothing Doom. How much experience do you have with the mystic arts? Obviously not much. I could chalk that up to ignorance, but the swapped wires? Negligence on your part for not checking your work. I've recently had a project go haywire and I will NEVER let that happen again."

Doom bit the bullet and faintly nodded his head. He gave his machine a onceover and paled once he finished. "I- you were right. Thank you. As for the matter with the runes, I will solve my own problems. Tell me your name, stranger, you know mine, it's only right."

I nodded my head at his sensibility, "I'm Baldur Mikaelson, Archmagus and CEO of Baldur Technologies. I suggest you buy our new product once it comes out. If you are ever interested in learning the Arcane Arts, find me."

I would have liked to converse more, but knowing his type all too well, I left him alone to finish his project. With one last trick to impress him, I snapped my fingers and faded into the background. Seeing his shocked reaction at my spell left my ego satisfied enough to silently teleport back to my home.

Once I was in my room, I made my way over to my desk and pulled out my prototype. It was a stylish creation birthed from the minds of myself and Athena. To an unknowing eye it was a simple watch, but to those who know anything about magic, it was an artifact. A massproduceable one at that. It had taken months, but with the abundance of materials and two great minds, our three dimensional printer was complete. Taking from the earlier rune printer, we added enchantments and machines that could manipulate metals to form our desired shape.

The machine was nothing to scoff at, but sadly the quality was not quite up to par. There were no problems technically speaking, but if I wanted any artifacts for long term use, I would need a real skilled blacksmith.

My skills alone could craft a wondrous item, but shortly after coming here I knew that I would have to utilize artifacts to enhance my power. With these thoughts in mind, I determined my previous lack of reliance on artifacts has stunted my skills in their creation.

'Wait. Aldebaran's friend was named Balrog Michealsen, his mutant abilities make him look like a fire giant from Azum. Michealsen, fire giant, Michealsen. Where have I heard that before. . . AH! I know.'

A smile began to creep its way onto my face. 'This had to be more than a coincidence. The Michealsens are the current royal family in the Mun Thurim Mountains back on Azum and they're FIRE GIANTS. If I remember correctly the rulers are always the current best smith.'

Once the idea seeded itself I became obsessed with the inclination that more people from my world were on this planet. 'Let's have a chat shall we? If my guess is correct, Balrog is a smith, or at least knows a smith. I wonder who else came to Earth with him.'

Getting up from my desk, I simply teleported down a floor and appeared in the common area of the residential floor everyone else stayed on. Currently Nixie was cooking a meal for everyone while Balrog and Sofia battled each other in a game of connect four. Felicia and Aldebaran were out of sight but I wasn't interested in them.

I made my way over to Balrog, "What is a member of the royal family doing on Earth?"

Pausing his game, he turned to me with a confused look on his face. "Sorry pal, I have no clue what you're talking about." He gave a simple shrug and resumed his game.

I was not one to give up though, "Does the name King Klaus Michealsen ring any bells?"

Almost as if a light had gone off in Balrog's head, he held that 'oh' face. His movements became rigid and he turned towards me, "Tell me more, I'm starting to remember."

"How you got here is a mystery to me, but Klaus is the current king of the Mun Thurim Mountains, the largest and most prosperous of the nations on Azum. Slavery is illigal, technology is at the peak, and the ruler is determined by the best smith. Each king is blessed by the God of Smithing, at least that's what people say."

Balrog quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around me, "I remember! My family- Oh no. My family. First I lose a wife I have no clue exists and now I lose a family." His arms fell limply to his side and he walked to his room completely ignoring the game he was playing with Sofia.

I gave her a forceful smile, "Sorry for ruining your game." I began to walk away, but Sofia spoke.

"Master Baldur? Does that mean you and Balrog have the same last name?" She raised a brow and tilted her head for added effect.

Her question stopped me in my tracks and I almost stumbled over my feet. I quickly turned around to face her, "NO. I mean, no. Mikaelson is not the same as Michealsen, they are not even close to spelled the same. The origins of our names don't even come from the same region. I'm from the Isira Empire, and he is from the Mun Thurim Mountains."

Not wanting to hear more nonsense, I quickly teleported away while Nixie laughed in the background. 'I have no idea where she gets that idea from. Forget it, back to thinking about productive things.'

With a twirl of my finger my chair moved beneath me and I sat, "Athena are the watches ready for mass production?"

"Yes Father, one factory has been purchased and Nixie was able to place the prefabricated teleportation circle. With that we can now send golems to and from the building. Once I finish rendering the commercial they will be ready for sale. I've also taken the liberty to open a 'Baldur Pharmaceuticals' in light of your recent experiments with the X-Gene suppression."

I grew serious at the mention of my secret project, "Make sure only Nixie and I know of that project, I want the most defense, magic or otherwise on that project. From what I have seen from the three mutants here, I'm afraid one day one will be born with the ability to sneeze and create whole universes."

"Don't worry Father, we are the only three that know about the project. Also, four figures have entered the lobby."

I exhaled heavily, "I felt it, someone doesn't understand manners." With a thought I appeared in my lobby behind the group of people. As I materialized, one of the figures whipped around to face me.

He grew metallic claws and held a snarl on his face. Behind him the three other figures turned to face me. I recognized one of the figures, the bald male that was seated in a wheelchair was none other than Charles Xavier.

Maneuvering his chair was a strapping lad wearing ruby red shades and to his right was an ebony goddess with white hair. 'White hair seems to be common with beauties.'

"Calm down Logan," Xavier commanded. Only when he did so, did the man, Logan, do so. Xavier cleared his throat to speak but I interrupted him.

"Look. You come into my home, uninvited I might say, and try to probe my mind. No doubt you tried to probe everyone else. If I wasn't paranoid after meeting that Frost girl I would have paid dearly."

Xavier looked shocked at my accusation, but I was far from done. "The probing, I can understand, as rude as it is. BUT, what I really hate is this whole 'I'm trustworthy' subliminal message you push out. Trying to Mind Control me? Foolish."

Xavier and his party tensed as I continued to talk and Logan once again looked ready to attack. The ebony woman rose to the sky and the man with the shades brought up his hands to his glasses.

"Big mistake. Who attacks a Magus in his own tower? I think I'll have to put you all in some 'time out' while I think on what to do with you." As the group began their assault on me, dozens of golems rose from the floor and a transparent dome of space trapped the four trespassers.

"You're making a very big mistake Mr. Baldur," Xavier exclaimed. As the dome finished forming, the glasses-wearing man took off his shades and beams of pure light poured out in a beam. It looked as if it would break the barrier, but seconds later a similar red beam shot out from another spot of the dome destroyed Xavier's wheelchair.

The red beam continued to travel as if it was being reflected off every surface and with a panicked expression the man put back on his shades. Sparks of lightning began to coalesce off of the white haired woman and she struck the dome to similar effect as the other.

Ignoring their antics, I drew from the well of energy in my ring, burning out the Arc Reactor within, and even utilized some of the tower's reserves to separate the four into pocket prisons that they could not hope to escape without space related abilities.

I shook my head in disappointment, "Never meet your idols kids, seems to end in disappointment."

My earpiece chimed, "Was Charles Xavier your idol Father?"

"No," I gave a chuckle, "It was just a joke for myself." I waved my hand to show I was done talking about the matter and teleported myself to the floor below my underground lab.

It was a large expansive space, reinforced with more wards than my Magus Tower. It was built to be a shelter of sorts, or a training ground for once I became an Archmagus. "Athena, send me a few golems, and reset the ones in the lobby. I need to make a few prisons before I run out of mana. Can't have our guests lost in the vast expanse of space now can we?"

"Right away Father, and I also wanted to let you know I've met my idol and I wasn't disappointed."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, "I'm sure Nixie would appreciate the thought. Now lets begin"

Join me on discord and use this code F9G9ub4NDr

Or don't, really up to you.

Tomorrow we have a Hilda POV

Also let me know what you think about these side characters. I reall enjoy telling the story from their side, but I also want to know what ya'll think. Cya tomorrow.

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