
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAlien · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Nexus Sword

The bid currency for this auction is naturally mana stones and not coins.

Mana stones are graded into three tiers based on their quality.

Low-tier Mana stone's, mana stones that basically do more harm than good. In other words, instead of increasing your mana, it's more like poison. The quality of mana inside low-tier mana stone's are beyond poor and if you refine it, it isn't even worth the hassle as the mana contained inside is miniscule after refinement.

Mid-tier mana stones, these are mana stones that contain a decent amount of mana and even after refinement, you can feel an increase in your mana pool unlike the low-tier mana stone. Mid-tier mana stones are also the ones that are often used to power up magic circles, and is also the most appropriate use of currency in terms of magical items.

Finally, the High-tier mana stones, in other words one of the most potent mana stones. There is little to no impurities inside a High-tier mana stones and can significantly increase your mana pool. However, High-tier mana stones are beyond rare and is monopolized by nobles and strong people.

If Noah wanted to get one, he either had to steal it or kill for one — which really didn't sound all that different.

All this was the info he got from Nulla. This world of Elenoise was vast and filled with complex concept unlike earth, however, instead of discouraging Noah, on the contrary, he felt excitement course through his veins. Waking up in another world with the ability to use magic and grow powerful by his own strength, who wouldn't get excited about this?

Nulla slowly unwrapped the next item. The next item to be revealed beneath the piece of cloth was a sword.

"This..." Shock filled the face of Leno's as he witnessed the absolutely beautiful piece of weapon infront of him. The weapon that lied infront of him released a very deadly aura, it was as if the blade itself was alive. It was roaring and growling making the very air seem to tremble, it was as if it was announcing it's presence.

The unblemished and smooth surface of the blade reflected the ceiling of the room, streaks of blue ran across it's center part till it's top-edge — giving a semblance of cool air with each swing. It's edges ran cold as one slash would be like cutting a piece of paper. It's hilt wrapped by a sort of cloth that gave comfort and strength to who wields it.

The blade was crafted with precision, the idea of power and control in mind, with just the right length and the right weight. The blade was neither too thin nor too thick, it was just balanced.

At the lowest point of the blade, one could see ancient runics engraved on its surface.

"Nexus Sword."

"This is... isn't this a sentient weapon?!" Leno could barely believe his eyes, drool was seeping out his lips and he wasn't even aware of it.

"Well no—," Nulla wanted to answer but he was cutt of by her uncle.

"Yes, yes it isn't exactly fully sentient but you can clearly see it has a will of its own!" Leno's eyes were brimming at this point, his heart was pounding and he could barely reign in his excitement.

This..this thing could go for more than just mere mid-tier mana stones.

A sentient sword — an item that is as rare as a sun in night time. Truly, without any hint of bias or exaggeration.

A sentient sword was basically, in simpler terms, a sword that has its own will built through the passage of time.

A sentient sword is different from normal magic swords or even magical equipment as a whole is because it is sentient. It has its own will and will choose the master it suits fit to be it's wielder. It is only then that the sentient sword can release it's true power, it is said that a sentient sword is a sword that contains an S-rank skill — limited only when using the sword naturally.

There have only been a few cases where the appearance of a sentient sword had been recorded. Much less someone being able to wield one.

Even though this sword right here isn't fully sentient — meaning it's will is very weak and faint, it is a matter of fact that it is a sentient one.

Leno wasn't an expert when it came to swords but his class allowed him to disregard that, what made Leno reach where he was now was the class he was born with, "High Appraiser", a class that allowed him to appraise many items that he had come across.

And with his class, he could see this sword was a masterpiece. Crafted with precision and durability that could endure the passage of time — eventually gaining a will of its own — no matter how weak or frail, was a very evident testament to it's quality and value.

If...if given a few hundred years more, this sword come truly become a full sentient sword. At that point it would be priceless and would be something that would cause war to break out.

Leno was practically drooling at this point, such a magnificent piece of weapon landed in his Auction House, he could only imagine the outbreak it would cause if this news spreads across the kingdom, even reaching the capital.

He looked at Nulla with all seriousness in his face, "Are you sure you want to auction this? This..is something that someone can only come across in their hundredth lifetime. It would be a waste if you ask me..."

Nulla furrowed her brow but then it relaxed, "Yes, it is. And as much as I want to keep it since it is indeed a weapon of high value, I cannot afford it right at the moment. Our house is crumbling and I have to take this risk, if I keep it then whats the point if our house crumbles."

Determination filled the face of Nulla, she too understood the significance of that weapon that she had offered. Such a weapon...in a few hundred years would be something that would cause war to break out just because of its value.