
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAlien · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Beast Egg

A sentient sword?

Noah heard this and looking at the sword that laid bare on the table, he could see what the hype was all about. The sword indeed looked alive with it's blade pulsating with blue light.

The air around it seemed to tremble as if it was roaring. Noah could barely believe that something used for fighting can gain a will of its very own. If he tried saying something like that on earth, he would be branded as insane and deranged.

Still, Noah had seen and heard many things about this world and he was here for only two days, so many things were too much to explain.

Looking at the sword, Noah could feel it's will — and right now, it was rejecting them. The four of them in this room, the sword was rejecting them.

"Well, it wouldn't be a complete loss anyway, and even after hundreds of years, say you kept it, it isn't really guaranteed that it would accept anyone in your house, after all, it is a sentient sword." Leno brushed his hands off in the air and showed a smile.

"Still, this would fetch a very high price in the Auction House and would cause an uproar, moreover, I can just imagine the faces of those sword fanatics and sword collectors bidding for this little baby right here." Leno rubbed his hands, really he looked more like a child rather than an adult who managed a whole Noble House.

His actions right now we're unbefitting of a Noble Head.

"Well, what you've shown me has been really amazing and very rare, I wonder about the last one." Leno set his sights on the last wrapped item on the table.

Nulla slowly opened the piece of clothing wrapped around something oblong. Slowly revealing the item behind the layer of cloth, the smooth surface of intricately patterned shell revealed itself.

Noah raised his brows once all the piece of cloth was removed, it looked like one of those pekomen eggs on earth. The egg was slightly bigger than the size of a human adults head, its surface glistened as it reflected the light.

Upon closer look, the egg's patterns formed miniature snowflakes as it wrapped around its whole surface. The egg released a very cool and icy aura that could make ones hair stood on ends.

The egg subtly pulsated with icy mana — as if it was breathing.

"This...is a beast egg."

Beasts — animals that have grown accustomed to the mana and evolved into a monstrous killers. Creatures who can breath fire, shot out beams, control wind and many more. Creatures who can use skills the same way humans could — but in a much more destructive nature.

Beasts could be commonly found in forests or mountains abundant in mana. There are a range of variety of such creatures with also different abilities, adventurers and mercenaries often hunt these beasts and even tame them if they could.

Beasts were dangerous and deadly but they could become a good strong companions if you could tame and bond with them — the best way to tame and bond with a beasts is to start from young.

In other words, the best way to gain a beast companion was to be recognized as it's creator — to be the first thing they see when they hatch, to be their mother, their giver and their friend.

There were many benefits that could come along with a beast companion, aside from the obvious fact that you would have a strong beast on your side once it matures, you could also gain an exclusive skill that would allow you to enter a state of symbioses with them enhancing your skills and physical capabilities beyond that of a human.

Of course at the end of the day, it all depended on how strong and how potent the bloodline of your beast is. 

And looking at this one on the table right now, it looked pretty powerful. The markings on its surface was also unique and hinted at the element of ice - which is pretty rare for a beast to have. 

With the help of Leno's class, he could definitely tell that this egg would grow to a very powerful beast.

"Hohohoho, the auction for this year's is definitely packed." Leno's smile reached his ears.

With these three items alone, people would go crazy but coupled up with some of the items they too intended to auction, it would cause an uproar on the capital once news gets out.

Leno was especially excited about the quasi-sentient sword, the swordsmen and sword fanatics would go crazy for that. For him, it was the highlight of the auction.

He felt like he was on cloud nine.

Nulla looked at the three items that laid on the table, there should have been four but she had given it to Noah as a form of gratitude and down payment for his service.

"Heheh, I will do everything I can to spread the news so money will come rolling towards the auction house." Leno's declared with a solemn face. His eyes shining as if trying to say to trust him.

Nulla nodded and smiled reassuringly.

"The Auction will be held in four days, I need time so that powerhouses and greedy people will come and spend all they have on their hands."

"In the meantime, you don't have anywhere to stay in right? You and your guard can sleep here. The mansion is big and it has many rooms." Leno offered his hand and said with all seriousness. His eyes looked sincere and worried for what might happen to Nulla outside of his manor.

Business was business but he was still her uncle. Also, a businessman would of course take care of his customers always.

Nulla seemed conflicted, but she was rejected before she could even answer, "Do not feel burdened, this is my house and I am your uncle, no need to worry. We are basically family, I have known you since you were a kid."

Nulla could only smile gladly and nodded.

She was truly grateful, at least even in her current situation, she had someone to rely on.