
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAli3n · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Training Grounds

"Sebas, show them around the estate first and then lead them to the guests room." Leno gestured for Sebas — the butler, also his right hand man.

"Yes sir."

"In the meantime, my dear Nulla you can relax here and even explore the city — of course with appropriate security. As long as you are in this estate, everything will be provided for and your safety is guaranteed. You are our guest and therefore will be treated as such."


Noah and Nulla walked through the large and grand corridors of the mansion, each wall plastered with beautiful paintings and decorative lights.

Noah felt like he was walking through the halls of royalty. Nulla on the other hand seemed to be in thought and couldn't be bothered about the aesthetic appeal of the place.

They had already walked down this hallways from when they entered but he could never get used to it.

The butler made a turn gravitating to another path. As they walked, they passed many rooms and large hallways leading to different areas around the estate.

Sebas — the butler did his job and showed them around, giving brief descriptions of the happenings in different areas of the estate.

One time, they were lead to a garden.

And Noah felt like he was in another world more than ever.

The garden looked like the world of fairies, the flowers were beautiful and they came in different color, shapes and sizes. There was also a statue of a seahorse spitting out water to make a very gorgeous painting of a fountain.

Another was the library. The library wasn't like anything he had ever seen, it was a massive room filled with towering bookshelves housing thousands of different book with their own genres and concepts. Surely there would also be a topic about history there and information about this world as well — hopefully even the geographic landscapes, the continents, different countries, and more.

Noah wanted to visit there when he could, information was valuable especially when you know nothing but surface-level information.

With necessary information, he would be able to maneuver himself much more easily around the world.

Finally, the highlight of the tour — the training grounds.

Ha! Ha!

On the open area, Noah could see hundreds of soldiers wielding swords and shields. They wore fitted clothes showcasing their lean and muscular bodies. 

They were either swinging their swords or were sparring against each other. The training ground was noisy and full of spirit. Noah felt like he was seeing a medieval version of a gym on earth. 

The sounds of tired breaths, clashing swords and shields echoed in the training grounds. The men were disciplined, determination and utmost devotion present in their eyes.

"These are the elite soldiers of the Quint House. All with the class of knights and even more, equipped with martial arts and combat training as well as experts in various weapons. One such elite knight could take on at least three of normal adventurers...even mercenaries." Sebas said with pride as he gazed at the ongoing training of the elite knight, his last remark deliberately for Noah.

It seemed he had harbored some hostility to his earlier behavior at the gates of the estate and even in the office of the head, Noah didn't bow or show respect at all, he was mostly passive as if he could not be bothered.

If Noah was asked why, he would simply answer with 'why should I'. Noah in his whole record of living and dying, he had never bowed his head down to anyone much less for a stranger - even if he was powerful, Noah had principles he holds to value.

Bowing his head down was for him, a surrender - and Noah hated nothing more than surrendering, he may run away, he may retreat but never surrender. He would run away indeed, but someday, he will come right back up and achieve victory no matter the odds, he would rather die trying than surrender. 

Moreover, for him, one single fight wont be the last there is. 

Noah ignored his remark flatly as if it didn't concern him. Noah looked around the training grounds and saw a man walking towards them. 

The man had a very bulky body, compared to the other knights, he looked like an absolute beast. His thin clothes that accentuated his muscles looked like they would get ripped at any sudden movements. His thick brows were pressed, as if he looked furious all the time, there was also a very noticeable scar that ran down his forehead to his cheek. It looked ugly and increased his already scary aura. 

He looked like he was in his late thirties and could look like he would have a family and a son waiting at home. Just looking at those sharp and serious eyes one could tell he was a stoic man.

This man was the captain of the Quint Knights, he was also naturally the strongest among the knights. 

The aura he carried was no joke. He stood there with a massive presence. Noah could not deny the mans power, his guts were telling him that if he fought with him he would not stand a chance.

Of course this was if he could not use his exclusive skill, Noah had a hunch that if he could pull out his guns fast enough and use it for even the tiniest opening, he would be the one to come out alive. 

Moreover, this man was strong indeed, but compared to Khan, he was pretty weak. The two couldn't even be compared. 

"Hmm? Are these the guests Sebas?" The leader of the Elite Quint Knights asked, his voice rough and deep.

"I greet the young lady of the Venis House, I am Regor - the leader of the EQK, Elite Quint Knights. We are honored to have you in our grounds, if I had known you would personally come here, then I would have prepared an official spar to have you entertained." Regor with his deep voice bowed, showing respect.