
Chapter 8

Azazel "I guess it's time for you to go. I'll miss my research buddy and Vali will definitely miss your battles together."

Solomon "Well it's not like I'll never come again. I'll come to hang out every now and then, so it won't be too bad."

Azazel "See you later Kid. I look forward to your next project."

Solomon "You too you Old Crow."


It's been 2 years since I left Grigori and nothing major has happened so far just training and increasing my magoi reserves and every now and then releasing a new magic spell.

Where the real fun comes in is the magic race that has been going on. The Grigori has managed to make quite a lot of new artificial sacred gears so they're doing well. A lot of people are saying it's due to my help, but I didn't really help I only gave advice every now and then while doing my own projects.

Then there was the Norse pantheon. They did quite well for themselves and managed to increase the efficiency of their Runes and managed to steal some ideas from mine making their magic almost equal to the other in speed while keeping its power. It did lower slightly for much higher speed, but most would agree a 50% increase in speed is worth a 5% loss in power.

Other than that, it's come time for me to get my evil pieces even if I don't plan on using them. It may be helpful but to be honest I don't think I'm leader material. Well, if I find someone, I want to join me I'll see what I can do. Seeing as 3 of the Satans don't have peerages it shouldn't cause any problems. Hm... I wonder if I should try to make my own Evil Pieces. Or maybe increase the efficiency of them. It may be fun, but I don't know what to do with them since I couldn't do anything with them. Maybe I should focus on my current projects.

Anyway, the point is that right now I am sitting down in a large area that is really fancy with Rias and uncomfortable clothes on to get some chess pieces I don't plan to use.

Solomon "How do you wear clothes like this with no problems? They are so uncomfortable!"

Rias "I could ask you the same thing Sol. How are you able to wear such little clothing and not even shoes?"

Solomon "Ria it's much more freeing. I would recommend it to you but that would be sexual assault."

Sairaorg "I see you're the same as ever Sol. It's nice to see you again."

Solomon "It's nice to see you as well Sairaorg. I hope you didn't miss me when I wasn't in your training sessions recently. You must have been lonely."

Sairaorg "That I have! I miss training with the legendary Magic King and teaching him about hand-to-hand combat!"

Sona "It seems you're all as energetic as ever. It's nice to see you all again."

Solomon "It's nice to see you as well So-Chan. Would you be up for a game of chess after this?"

Sona "I told you not to call me that but yes, I would be happy to play chess with you. I have been training quite hard recently so it would be good to relax a little."

Solomon "Hm? Who are you training with?"

Sona "I've been training with my sister and my father whenever they are available."

Solomon "I see. It's nice that me and Sairaorg aren't the only one's training anymore."

Sairaorg "It's nice seeing my friends train and get strong! We should have a battle at some point."

Sona "I don't think I'm ready to fight you just yet. Maybe next time."

Rias "We should get ready Sona, Sol. It's almost time to go up."

Solomon "Finally I won't have to wear these horrible clothes!"

Sona "I guess we should follow him. We'll see you all later."


(Solomon Pov)

Ajuka "Will Solomon Aphelion, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri please come up."

Man, these people are annoying even during the turns before us I could hear them whispering about me being the Magic King and how to build a relationship with me but that's not what today is for! Today is for Rias and Sona and the other devils here to begin their peerage and for me to be a side character. Well, I wasn't really expecting it would go like that, but I hope it would have.

Grabbing a set of red chess pieces, I prick my finger and let a drop of blood on it, making it bind to me forcing them change to a golden color since they change to the color of the binder such as Rias having a crimson color and Sona having a blue. I managed to get an unbounded pawn piece from Ajuka before the ceremony started so I will be able to research that piece later on as well.

Ajuka "I have high hopes for the three of your peerages in the future. Good luck as you will represent the new generation of devils. This concludes this year's Evil Piece ceremony. I wish you all well during the year till the next."

That wasn't that long which is nice. I don't want to spend any more time in these damn clothes! Although I will meet up with my friend group since it's rare for all of us to meet like this. This should be a good day even if I did have to wear proper clothing.