
Chapter 9

It's been a while and by a while I mean 2 years. It's been pretty uneventful since I am the only one producing magic advancements, but I did get to talk to Ajuka Beelzebub about my Evil Piece upgrades I made. It was nothing major just making it more efficient and stuff like that. It was already pretty high level so there wasn't really anything I could do without messing something up or making my own.

Enough about magic for now though. In devil society it's normal for devils to get arranged marriages set up at the age of 12. I was able to get out of it using my fame and Sona used chess, which is why I can't play with her anymore, but Rias wasn't able to. She is going to be getting married to Riser Phenex who is famous for not being great husband material. I assume the only reason it would be is because the other options were worse for her and for the family. I for one would not want to marry Diodora since he has the nun fetish and the Phenex clan can offer Pheonix Tears. Hey, maybe I should try to make some phoenix tears. That's a pretty good idea. Since there will only be two healing items it won't hurt the Phenex clan's finances while the devils can have more healing items. Of course, some will get to the other supernatural but that's to be expected.

I was able to finalize my sealing ring and it should work perfectly, not like I have a chance to test it though, so all that is left now is to add my 'noble phantasm'. I plan on straight up copying the fate series isn't in this world, and I think it'll be useful against beings on the level of Great Red if he becomes a problem. I don't know if it would kill him, but it should weaken him enough to seal him if it doesn't.

Well, enough about that one more important thing has happened this year and that is Grayfia Lucifuge has gotten pregnant. He was born just last week and as one of Rias's friends I was invited to see him today. I'm quite excited as well since I've never seen a baby before since none of my friends ended up having one this life or the last. My father was also invited but he's been pretty busy lately so he couldn't come. Well, I am the reason he's busy since he has to deal with all the spells I create, and he goes through a list I give him and decides which ones to publish. Of course, I made sure those are the weaker spells that I have made.

Sirzechs "Solomon it's nice to see you again. Please come this way! I can't wait for you to see my beautiful child."

Solomon "It's nice to see you as well Sirzechs. Are you going to be both a sis-con and a doting father?"

Sirzechs "Of course I am!"

Solomon "I feel bad for your wife."

Sirzechs "I do as well sometimes. I myself know I am not the easiest person to be married to."

Solomon "Well I would be in the same boat. I focus more on research than anything after all."

Sirzechs "Well come meet my child Millicas Gremory."

Solomon "He certainly has your hair, but I think he got his charm from Grayfia."

Sirzechs "Haha! I would have to agree. Solomon I would like to ask you, not as a Satan but as a parent, will you watch over my child. With how busy I and Grayfia are, it will be hard to raise him with love and my mother and father have the same problem. Rias will watch over him, but I would like to ask you as well.".

Solomon "That's fine. I would be happy to befriend the son of a Satan and watch over him. It also allows me to look at the Power of Destruction a little bit more."

Sirzechs "Feel free to look all you want. Once he reaches the appropriate age of course."

Solomon "Of course. I may be a researcher, but I have morals. I would not make a young child do anything like that."

Sirzechs "Thank you Solomon. Now why don't you pick up my son. You will be doing that more often from now on after all."

Solomon "Grayfia, do you mind if I hold him?"

Grayfia "Please go ahead."

Solomon "Is this how you do it?"

Grayfia "No. You have to hold him like this."

Solomon "Like this…?"

Grayfia "Haah~. This will take a while."

Sirzechs "Haha! It seems like the Magic King loses to holding children!"