
Chapter 7

It's been 6 months since I arrived at the Grigori, and it's been an eventful time during my stay here so far and I have made quite a bit of progress. I sparred with Hakuryuukou every now and then and I have managed to improve quite a bit not only in my battle power but also in my item. In devil terms, I would be a pretty good ultimate class devil currently but that isn't really where my progress went. It mostly went to my staff and rings.

My staff now increases the rate my magoi can be put into a spell dramatically and a lot of my rings were changed and fixed slightly such as the ring of strength since in game terms instead of giving a +100 it gives a percentage bonus which I hadn't thought of until recently, but it will help more in the long run. I also managed to fix some of the flaws of the Ring of Illusions since Hakuryuukou told me they don't attack the senses making them easy to see through which is why my illusions now make sounds, have a smell, and can be felt so overall it's better.

Through my sacred gear research on Albion, I also learned that he isn't really trapped there and instead has nowhere to go so if I change up the sacred gear and make him a body, I can make a temporarily free Albion. He would be weak, but he would still be free. Gotta asks Vali about that.

Solomon "Hakuryuukou. Are you interested in freeing Albion?"

Vali "Hoh? And how would you do that?"

Solomon "It seems that Albion isn't actually completely sealed in there and instead his soul has nowhere to go as he has no body. So, all I would need to do is mess with his seal a little and make him a body. So, what do you think?"

Vali "I was going to use my favor for this anyway, so I have no reason to decline. But how are you going to change the seal on it that was made by the God of the Bible? It can't be that easy."

Solomon "That's true it wouldn't be so easy normally. However, I made a spell just for this. It is called Structural Analysis and it's just as straightforward as it sounds. Making the body will take some time though. Albion what kind of body will you like?"

Albion "Would Vali still be my host?"

Solomon "He will. The body will only be a vessel and your 'main body' will be in the seal."

Albion "I see. I would like to keep my Dragon body since it will be easier to manipulate into other forms."

Solomon "That's fine. I should have it done soon so get ready."

Vali "Thank you very much Magic King."

Solomon "Haven't I told you to call me by my name Hakuryuukou?"

Vali "You have but as someone I have decided to be my rival along with the Sekiryuutei you deserve that much respect from me."

Solomon "I'm your rival, am I? Very well Hakuryuukou, I will happily become your rival."

Vali "I look forward to our future battles, Magic King."

Solomon "As do I Hakuryuukou. Well for now I will leave as I do have quite a bit of research to do. I wish you well with your training."


Solomon "Azazel I did it!"

Azazel "You better have. You've been holed up in that room for over a month. But still that was really fast. I doubt I could do that in less than 100 years."

Solomon "That's because people tend to be constricted when thinking of magic. They need to be a little more flexible."

Azazel "I don't really get it, but I'll keep it in mind. It's advice from the Magic King after all. Maybe I should write it down on a big statue for future generations to look at. Haha!"

Solomon "Get that grin off your face. I got enough of those requests from parents at this point."

Azazel "Back to the point though. When will you show it to Vali since he is quite busy you know?"

Solomon "Isn't that because he does the work you don't want to do?"

Azazel "Moving on. You got lucky he's just got done with his last mission and is training again. Let's go and see this new body of Albion's."


Azazel "How did you manage this?"

Solomon "Manage what? The huge dragon body or expanding my room?"

Azazel "I'd like an answer for both preferably."

Solomon "Well, to expand my room I just made a new spell called Expansion to do it since Albion's body wouldn't fit in my room. As for the dragon body it is actually the highest-level homunculus in the world. It is a homunculus that can do anything since it is made of material made for evolution and adaptation. It will adapt to any situation and evolve to fit it. If he bathed in a volcano, he would get a pretty good fire resistance and stuff like that. Only problem is that he will be incredibly weak at first and will have to retrain all his strength and abilities. The sacred gear still works when Albion isn't in it, but Albion won't be able to stay out for long. I assume it will be and about 1-2 hours."

Azazel "I see and what is it made of? I've never heard of a metal that can evolve continuously like that?"

Vali "I agree I am curious about what could do that."

Solomon "Well the main reason it can evolve infinitely is because of two things that only Albion and Sekiryuutei can do because they are dragons and because of their strength. Dragon's themselves are the peak of evolution and as such constantly evolve and dragons as strong as Albion and Sekiryuutei are more adapted to evolution. The metal itself only has half the effect on a normal person or dragon. Also, the metal doesn't have a name and I won't hand the method of making it to you. Hakuryuukou, why don't you name it as you are the first test subject."

Vali "I'm not so good at naming so it'll be basic but what about Evolnium?"

Solomon "That's good enough! Now Albion get in there!"

Albion "Got it. Since you messed with the seal it should be fairly easy, correct?"

Solomon "Yeah and since this body is made after your body it should be easier for you to adapt to it. Oh, you already did."

Albion "It's strange. I feel myself weaker than I was even as a hatchling, but I can feel myself getting stronger constantly as well. Is this the evolution you are talking about?"

Solomon "That's right. If you survive extreme danger your body will adapt to that level of danger and get much stronger. It's the same for environmental danger as well. It also works passively but that is much slower. Also, magic is a bit different as instead of getting stronger it gets easier to use since your body is used to using it, well it also increases your magic reserves. I would guess it would take around ten years to get to your full strength even if you do get into quite a few battles."

Albion "I see. This body truly is perfect. I thank you, Magic King."

Solomon "Don't worry about it. But if you want to do something for me you better get that partner of yours stronger for our future battles."

Albion "Haha! I was planning on doing that without asking since he is still my host and partner!"

Solomon "Now get out of here! I still have a few more projects to finish with Azazel!"