
Chapter 4

It's been about a month since the party and I have since gone to my new friend's houses and had a bit of fun. I especially enjoyed training with Sairorg and playing chess with Sona those were fun. Well, I'm getting off-topic. Today is the day I show my father my new magic formula.

Solomon "Father do you mind if I come in. I have something important to talk about."

Dad "Come in. It should be important if you're coming out of the library for anything other than sleeping."

Solomon "Yes I believe it is quite important. Even if it does mean I leave my little home for a while. Getting onto topic though I believe that I have improved our magic formula. It isn't perfect but it's quite a bit better."

Dad "Haah~. That's going to cause quite a few problems, isn't it? Show it to me. I'll have an area in the backyard prepared for a test."

Solomon "Ok. I have already prepared the area though. It's about 500 meters into the forest near my little sleeping tree."

Dad "Let's go. Get into the teleport circle."

Wow, that was fast. I guess he knew where I was training then. I thought I would have to walk around a bit to get there.

Dad "Go ahead and show me a normal fireball and then a fireball with your formula."

That's pretty easy. Making a fireball with the normal magic circle in my hand I launch it towards the tree and went through slightly making a pretty big dent in it and surprise surprise it charred around where it hit. Creating a rune on my hand a fireball is instantly created and I launch it at the tree. The fireball went through the tree and went straight through it and even a bit into the one behind it.

Dad "That was Norse magic wasn't it? No, it was too fast. Son what exactly did you do?"

Solomon "Norse magic is the strongest of every kind of magic I could get my hands on in the library but its only problem is that it is extremely slow to form the runes used to attack. This is compared to our magic's unparalleled casting speed but slightly lacking power so I decided to merge them. Of course, the Norse runes didn't have anywhere near enough runes so I made my own to fit any situation possible."

Dad "I see. How many runes did you manage to make? If there aren't enough currently we can get some workers to make some and maybe even get Ajuka to help out."

Solomon "Currently I have made just over 100 thousand. It should be enough to fit just about anything especially since a single rune has over 10 meanings each."

Dad "I see 100 thousand huh. Wait? A hundred thousand! Where did you get the time to make that many?!"

Solomon "What do you mean? I have been working on this project for a little over 2 years at this point. It was quite easy."

Dad "You mean to tell me that you started this before you were 3?"

Solomon "Yes. It was quite the project but I finally finish.

Dad "I see. You really do fit the name Solomon. It seems you may be the next [King of Magic]. I'll bring this up at the next council meeting with the 4 Satans. I ask that you bring a manual on how it works and a list of all the runes and their meanings for me to bring."

Solomon "When do I need to hand it in. I do have the notes but they aren't the cleanest so I would like to redo them if possible."

Dad "I would need them in two weeks. I'll get you the help of the head butler so it should be done fairly quickly."

Solomon "I see that should work. I'll go and finish those notes. Thank you very much for the help father."

Dad "It's fine you rascal. I hope you bring more surprises soon they are a rare joy in this long lives of ours."


It's been 2 months since I talked to Father about my magic formula and things have recently started going crazy in the devil world. It makes sense though. I, a five-year-old child, made a brand new magic formula that will greatly increase the strength of the Devils. I even got a nickname out of it, [The Reincarnation of Solomon] which isn't entirely wrong I guess. I even got to give a shock to my friends about it since I have taken the lead in the fame race we were having. It used to be Sairorg since he is one of the strongest young devils currently but I have surpassed him but quite a bit since I have fame from other races and pantheons.

The biggest benefit from this isn't the growth of the devil's strength or my newfound fame it is that magic will now be advancing at a rapid pace. The more magic there is the more things I have to learn and the more the world will develop. I have single-handedly started a magical revolution which in my books is quite an achievement.

I have already heard the news from my father that the other races and pantheons are trying to evolve their magical formulas but that will take quite a while. I don't know exactly how long but it will be quite some time since the supernatural of this world are stuck to this world's standards and that means they won't be able to think outside of the box. I am even willing to be most of them will even try to copy me and merge two different magic formulas but that only worked with Devil magic because of how versatile it is and other formulas will be much harder. I am the leader in this magic race and I am excited for its developments.