
Chapter 3

It's been a while, hasn't it! I am just a day short of being 5 and starting my physical training but before that, I have to go to a party, which I will not enjoy. I could be reading and studying magic during that time! I'm so close to completing my magic formula and I can't wait to be done.

Mom "Honey do you mind helping out with setting up the party!"

Solomon "Sure mom!"

I guess I'll talk about my studies while working. I found out that Devil magic while versatile is also lacking in power whereas something like Norse magic is powerful but it is slow to make. So I decided to do the only obvious thing and merge them! It was a pain but I made it so that when you imagine a fire for example it would instead of creating a magic circle it would make the needed rune.

Solomon "Where is that pesky broom! Oh, there it is."

Now of course this does still have problems, mainly that there is only a limited number of runes that can be used so I decided to make my own runic language. It was a bit of a pain, but I made over 100,000 different runes that do different things. Each also has multiple meanings and some have the same meaning but different end results. Basically, I made a new magic formula based on Norse magic, of course it was just a framework and it only worked when combined with Devil magic. I also made the runes more efficient by seeing how the Rukh react to it so it's overall much better than the original that is the Norse magic formula. I did have a few hiccups here and there, but I made a pretty good system so far. The only things left are to fix up a few problems, do some more testing, name it and show it to father.

Solomon "There we go nice and clean… That's not very good. I'll have to redo it."

Since it's basically a mix of Devil and a little Norse magic it still follows the same three rules that I listed before but there's nothing I could do about that not that I would it would probably cause lots of problems if people went around deleting atoms. As for the learning curve, it still has about the same difficulty as devil magic so it shouldn't be too hard for people to learn and use. The only reason somebody hasn't made it, yet it is because they all don't think of it. They think their magic formula is good well there are people like Ajuka who made his own but he never shared it and it was made tailored for him but mine can be used for any devil so it should be popular. I do have to be careful since I don't want to accidentally cause a war with the Devil's newfound strength,

Enough about my own magic formula though I can finally use my gravity magic! There are only 7 spells right now, but they cover almost all situations that I would need it in, and I was finally able to use the first one. The first one is called [Dhoruf] and it basically is used to crush things with gravity. Right now, I can only use it on small objects, but I still can use it!

The only other real thing I accomplished was being able to increase my mana pool with Rukh. It was a lot simpler than I would have thought and all I have to do is run a few Rukh through my body get used to that amount of mana and then my mana will have expanded. It's kind of like a sponge in the way that it grows when it has water and after you get rid of the water it's a little bigger than before. It does bring you into a slight meditative state where you can't really do anything, but the position doesn't really matter. I usually lay down on a tree when I do it and bask in the sunlight. Well, I can only do that because I can still use my mana to sense around me and I can leave the meditation at any time, so I won't get assassinated or anything like that.

Mom "Honey can you help your father over in the living room!"

Solomon "Sure Mom!"

Haah~ This is going to be a long day not even mentioning I'm going to have to clean my room later too. I knew I shouldn't have left my notes all over the floor.


It's the day of the party and I can say without a doubt that things are looking good. The party venue is extremely fancy, and we even hired the best chefs in the underworld and even some from other races or pantheons, it's definitely a big party but if we do less our reputation as the #1 devil clan will fall a bit. I even put on proper cloths for this occasion and more to my annoyance I am forced to wear shoes. It may be because I have Solomon's body, but I hate wearing shoes. Like a lot. I don't even know if I'll be able to last the whole day with these damn things on.

Dad "What do you think son? It's quite a sight isn't it?"

Solomon "That's true. It's pretty amazing seeing almost all the heads and heirs of every remaining clan all at one party."

Dad "That it is but this is what is expected of us as the strongest clan but you should know that already. Who cares about politics though. What matters is that you have fun today, it is your day after all."

Solomon "Thanks, Dad. I'll do my best. I'll go see if I can talk to some of the heirs and heiresses over there. See you dad."

??? "Ah, David! It's nice to see you again! We really should talk more often why don't you-"

Let's see if I can find anyone to sit with for a bit, maybe make some friends. Oh, that's a good one and we got lots of important people over there but I think I'll pick this one. It does have Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, Sairaorg Bael, and Seekvaira Agares.

Solomon "Do you mind if I join you all?"

Sairaorg "Feel free this is your house after all! Haha!"

Solomon "That's true isn't it. I am Solomon Aphelion it's a pleasure to meet all of you."

Rias "It's nice to meet you as well Solomon. I am Rias Gremory I have heard many good things about you from my brother."

Sona "I as well have heard good things. It seems you are quite popular with the 4 great Satans. I am Sona Sitri. It's nice to meet you."

Sairorg "I am Sairorg Bael. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Haha!"

Seekvaira "It seems I am the last one. I am Seekvaira Agares it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Solomon "It's nice to meet you all. Why don't we all relax a little with the formalities though I am still new to them after all."

Sairorg "I would be happy to. I myself am not very used to them and I am a few years older than you so I can definitely relate."

Solomon "So what do you all think of the party. To be honest this is the first one I'm attending so I don't really know all how good it is."

Rias "It's my and Sona's second time attending one so we can't really help. I can say that it is quite a bit grander than ours were but that is to be expected."

Solomon "I see. If you don't mind me asking-"

(With Solomon's Mother Grace Aphelion)

Grace "Look Dear he's making friends! I was kind of worried since he just spent all his time reading and taking naps by that tree."

David "It's nice isn't it Honey? Let's see if we can set up a few playdates for them."