
Chapter 5

It's been a while since the start of the magical revolution, to be exact it's been a year, so I am now 6 years old, and not much has changed. Yes, there have been some improvements to magic but nothing major. However, that is not what is important, what is important though is my training. I won't say that I'm incredibly strong but in magic alone I am barely equal to an ultimate class devil but for my physical body I am far behind which is why I have been increasing my training with Sairorg but I haven't forgotten my other friends either and I enjoy going to their houses and hanging out and relaxing.

Back to the magic race though I have plans to make my lead a bit more prominent by recreating the 72 Divine Staves from Alma Torran. There is a problem though and that is that I don't know what they do at all! So, I decided to scrap that idea and move into the next. I remember that Solomon from Type-Moon had his 10 rings, and I liked that idea. I plan to make 10 Rings that each have an ability such as one making the user unnoticeable by anyone including the supernatural if they are weaker than the user. Maybe I can hang them on my neck as well since I don't really like rings, plus it would cause problems when I get married.

This project won't take too long since I only need rings made of a metal that the Rukh likes and enchant them with high-level enchantments. I plan on calling them Solomon's Rings since I remember them being called that in Type-Moon and I can't name for crap. I even plan on using his noble phantasm with the rings since it's too good an ability to pass up. That one will take a long while though.

The enhancements I plan are a ring that increases my strength, a ring that hides my presence from anyone weaker and can be used to hide my mana, a ring to negate magical attacks from people that are magically weaker than I am, a ring who blocks physical attacks from those weaker than me physically, a ring that passively creates a magic barrier around me like I have another layer of skin, a ring that makes those weaker than me feel like I am somewhere else, a ring that makes an illusion of me being somewhere I am not, a ring that can heal one fatal wound and can be recharged over time, a ring that can store my magic staff that I plan to create, and finally a ring that can seal any being but it only works once and I must always have the ring on me to keep the seal activated.

I plan on naming the rings, ring of power, ring of hiding, ring of magic, ring of defense, ring of description, ring of illusions, ring of security, ring of staves, and Solomon's Seal. I also plan to make it so that I can use all 10 rings and create a huge attack like Type-Moon Solomon's Ars Almadel Salomonis but I can't do that one yet since I can't enchant it until I have Satan level power.

I've also made various spells throughout this year such as a spell that makes a small space where items can be stored since for some reason nobody made it yet and a few more quality of life spells. I also published all of those so my fame in the magic world is insanely high. This is mostly because a new spell is normally made once every decade at the shortest and sometimes none come out even in 50 years, but I made not only multiple but also an entire magic formula, so it makes sense for it to be high. I was recently given the titles [Magic King] and [2nd Coming of Magic] I don't rely like the second one though, too long. Maybe I should make a pair of noise canceling artifacts for a certain gothic loli it will be quite the challenge to block the hearing of one of the strongest begins in the world so it should be quite enjoyable.

Sona "What are you thinking Sol?"

Solomon "I was thinking about my next project. I still have a few more things to make right now though. What about you?"

Sona "I'm trying to think of how to beat you in this game since I have never won against you so far."

Solomon "Well you're not far off and you are improving so it won't be too long. That is if I don't improve more of course. Well, I'm a little too busy to be practicing chess in my free time so it will be soon that you win."

Sona "You said you were thinking of your next project. May I ask what it is?"

Solomon "That's fine. The main premise is that I will join forces with Azazel the fallen angel governor and make an artificial sacred gear. Well, that's what it is on paper but in reality, it is to show the amount of trust the devils and fallen have by lending me to them for a while."

Sona "I see. That is quite complicated."

Solomon "Well nothing will happen to me though since Azazel is a good person. He gives off those 'Cool Uncle' vibes you know?"

Sona "I don't think that's a valid reason to trust him Sol."

Solomon "Sure it is! Anyway, that's checkmate. I'll see you later So-chan."