
Chapter 12

It's been a few days since the attack of Kokabiel and it seems I am being forced to attend the three races conference about the aforementioned attack. I guess they want to invite me since I have a lot of influence and I was the one who defeated Kokabiel.

Walking in I can see Sona, Rias, their peerages and the faction leaders and their guards. It seems like Vali was brought with Azazel and Michael brought Sekiryuutei's childhood friend from what I heard. Sirzechs has Grayfia and Serafall has

Solomon "It seems like I was late."

Michael "There is no problem as we just arrived ourselves."

Solomon "I see. Thank you all for waiting."

Azazel "Let's just sign the damn treaty already. We all know what we're here for so there's no point putting it off."

Michael "I second that as well. We all are quite busy people after all."

Sirzechs "Then there is no more need for that discussion. However, I do have to question how the Magic King and the Heavenly Dragons feel about this."

Solomon "Peace would allow me more time for my research so I have no problems with it."

Azazel "Then Vali what do you think."

Vali "All I want is to fight strong opponents. I can do that during peace as well, so I have no problems with this."

Sirzechs "Then what about you Issei?"

Issei "Uh…"

Azazel "Think about it this way. Peace would give you more time to fondle Rias Gremory's breasts."

Issei "I'm all for peace!"

Rias "Issei..."

Sirzechs "Then it seems this meeting was much shorter than we thought it would be."

Azazel "Oh? Time seems to have stopped in our area. Does anyone in the area have such a power or sacred gear?"

Solomon "I do but I haven't used it. It's probably Gasper Vladi Rias Gremory's Bishop piece. Though I doubt he would do this himself, so he was most likely taken."

Michael "I see. Then can you restart time or is that outside of your abilities?"

Solomon "I can but we have a few people to deal with first, but Vali would know more about that than I would."

Vali "That's true. I am a part of Khaos Brigade after all."

Azazel "Vali!"

Vali "I have been stagnating as a part of Grigori even with Solomon's help so I decided to join the side that will lead to more battles and strong opponents."

Solomon "I see. It is true that you will grow faster there but can you leave here even with your helpers? Restart."

Vali "I definitely can. While I may be the strongest here, the other person isn't exactly weak."

Katerea "I don't appreciate being called weaker than you, Vali Lucifer."

Solomon "So you're a descendant of Lucifer, Vali? That's quite the background you've been hiding."

Vali "Isn't that a good surprise for you Magic King."

Solomon "I would say so. Well, how about you Sekiryuutei. Your destined rival is not only the strongest Hakuryuukou in history but also a descendant of Lucifer himself while the one he has acknowledged as a rival is renowned as the Magic King."

Issei "I…"

Vali "He's right. I am the strongest Hakuryuukou and you could very well be considered the weakest. You have no chance of defeating me. Oh, I know! Why don't I make you an avenger by killing your parents right in front of you? I could even kill that king and peerage you like so much! What do you think?"


Ddraig "Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!"

Vali "It seems you do have potential! Fight me Sekiryuutei!"

Solomon "While the two dragons are fighting, why don't we have some fun Katerea Leviathan."

Katerea "I would dare decline the challenge of the Magic King. I can't wait to destroy your reputation in front of all of the faction leaders! And then your next Serafall you fake! You took the title that rightfully belonged to me! You fake leviathan!"

Solomon "Har-Har Infigar."

This small flame. A basic attack and she barely dodged it and she dares insult someone I consider my sibling…? She seems to have grown arrogant.

Solomon "It seems you have grown arrogant since you received power from Ophis. You not only blatantly underestimate me, but you also call someone I treat as my own sibling a fake? I will need to show you your place. Dhoruf Luyila. Ala Raqesa."

As soon as those words were said she fell to the ground and couldn't move. She is barely stronger than Kokabiel. What a disappointment. Is this all Ophis's snake can do?

Michael "What did you mean by Ophis giving her power?"

Solomon "From some intelligence I've gathered Ophis is the leader of Khaos brigade though it's in name only and all she does is hand out snakes of hers. There are a few Devils and Fallen that have gotten them as well, so I have been compiling a list. There are quite a few big names on that list and that's not even mentioning the three descendants of the original Satans. I'll submit it to the Satans after this meeting."

Sirzechs "I see. They've infiltrated quite deeply haven't they. Have you found anything for other factions?"

Solomon "I have a decent bit for fallen but Heaven isn't exactly accessible to me, so progress has been slow on that front. I'll submit all I've learned after this. Sirzechs what do we do with Katerea?"

Sirzechs "You can kill her right now if you want but I believe it's a better idea to take her in for questioning."

Solomon "That's fine by me. Has Rias gone to get her Bishop or is she with Sekiryuutei?"

Sirzechs "She's with Issei. I sent her peerage to save Gasper since Issei is dealing with Vali and you already dealt with the only other problem."

Solomon "I see. I'll leave for now. I want to see my rivals in action after all."

Sirzechs "Haha! I hope Issei is up to your standards!"