
Chapter 11

Solomon "Very well then. Let's see how much you've improved. You even get to show off to the Sekiryuutei. But let's make it quick I was at quite the important part of my research."

Vali "The Sekiryuutei is here? Where?"

Solomon "He is the brown-haired person over there. He just recently got his power so he won't be a challenge just yet but maybe our duel will change that."

Rias "Sol why are you fighting the Hakuryuukou!"

Solomon "Don't worry Ria we've been fighting for quite a few years one more battle is no problem."

Vali "Enough chatter Magic King."

Albion "Half Dimension!"

Solomon "That's a tough one to start out with. Cancel."

Vali "You call it a hard one when you stop it casually. Your magic prowess really is immense."

Solomon "I wouldn't deserve the title Magic King otherwise. It's my turn, isn't it? Hat-Har Rasas."

Vali "You said you want to end quickly but you aren't using your rings?"

Solomon "If the Sekiryuutei is your rival then he may be mine as well and I do want to surprise him a little. Well, why don't we get serious. Sharar. Halharl. Zorf."

Vali "I see. You must be serious to use aberrant magic. Is it the remaining anger from fighting Kokabiel?"

Akeno "Aberrant Magic? Rias do you know what that is?"

Rias "No he's never mentioned it. It should be one of the spells he hasn't published before."

Albion "Do not underestimate that attack Vali. I suggest you get serious as well."

Vali "I agree let's get a little more serious."

Solomon "I see you are serious as well. I hope you don't die, Hakuryuukou."

Solomon "I apologize in advance Ria. Great Flash."

A small bluish purple sphere was created going at high speeds but low for a spell from a high level mage let alone the king of magic but all doubts of its strength were erased once it hit the Hakuryuukou. The small sphere created immense destruction destroying the entire area of the school behind it and destroying the barrier where another was revealed to have been created by a golden mana source. This one attack destroyed half of the scale mail of the Hakuryuukou and even damaged his main body slightly. Sadly the exposed areas were hidden away again by the Haluryuukou recreating his armor removing all of its damage.

Akeno "What freighting power!"

Vali "Your spells are scary as always even without your staff so let's make them less useful shall we?"

The Hakuryuukou then vanished, fitting its title of the Vanishing Dragon, and appeared right in front of Solomon who at some point began holding a staff in his hands. The king of magic was able to redirect the attack to the slide with the use of his staff and hit the air next to him destroying the rest of the school.

Vali "I see that you haven't been slacking. That last attack would have at least injured you before."

Solomon "That I have. I do train with one of the physically strongest people in the underworld, you know. I have confidence in my strength."

Vali "I can see that. I hope to fight your trainer at some point. Please introduce me when that happens."

Solomon "I would rather not but knowing him he will accept in a heartbeat in that case then you can do as you please."

Vali "Thank you for that. Now why don't we finish this!"

Vali "I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principle of supremacy from God

I envy the 'infinite' and I pursue the 'dream'

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy

And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise!

Juggernaut Drive!"

Everyone other than Solomon and Ddraig looked in shock at the incredibly large white Dragon in front of them flying and radiating a huge amount of power.

Solomon "You really are taking this seriously. Then I shall do the same. Ala Rodan."

Once again everyone's eyes are shocked even Hakuryuukou as the king of magic did not pick up a small rock with this spell. Instead, he picked up every part of the school area which spans for over a kilometer in every direction. However, that isn't all the shock they received as yet flew away from the rising ground.

Solomon "Dhoruf. Since I do not wish to kill you, I will be sure to miss, however this will be a good show of power to my two rivals. Dhoruf Sabaha. Dhoruf Luyila."

They all watched as the rock compressed itself into a ball the size of a bouncy ball for childen and flew into the sky far enough away that even the powerful devils and the current dragon could not see it before it fell at speeds barely seeable by the Dragon before crashing into the ground and making an explosion that carved out the ground. They could not see the extent of the damage due to the dust cloud, but they all knew, even if they did not want to admit it, that that attack would have killed or fatally injured them all if Solomon had not covered them in his golden barrier. However, they were not prepared for what they saw once the dust cleared due to Solomon's Magic. There was a whole that they could not see the depth of even with their enhanced bodies that seems to go on forever.

Azazel "It seems you are still a little behind Vali."

Vali "Why are you here Azazel?"

Azazel "You we're taking so long I came to see what the problem was, but it seems you fought Solomon again."

Solomon "That he did, and he is much stronger now. That was my strongest Aberrant Magic currently and he would have been able to survive it even if I missed in that juggernaut drive of his. I really must constantly evolve unless he will surpass me. Especially since he did not go all out."

Vali "That is true, but I doubt you did either. I hope you protected Kokabiel?"

Solomon "Give me a second to fix this place and then I'll hand him over. Reverse."

At that simple word the whole that seemed to be able to reach the underworld was simply gone. In its place stood the school looking perfectly fine as if the biggest meteorite in history didn't just hit it.

Solomon "There we go. He's right where the fight started so feel free to get him. I have some more work to do so I will see you all at a later date."