
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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Suddenly, a blue figure flashed over and fell to the side of Yan Mo, looking at the opposite Ouyang Changqing, and smiled indifferently: "This is Brother Ouyang, I heard your case from Brother Yan Mo, although Yan The demon is belligerent and self-esteem is wrong. But Brother Ouyang took the opportunity to provoke, and after a victory, he preached and defeated the disciples of Xizhou in Zong, which made me wait for my face to be dull, and it seems that it was not done by a gentleman. Anyway, we I was also invited to help Beizhou. I am afraid that it would be inappropriate for you to take this opportunity to make a name for us! "

"Why is it wrong, this son is not like the braided man next to you, obviously there is no such skill, it is said that he is the first in Xizhou, after he defeated him, he was happily in vain. Then again, the son The first disciple of the state of Beizhou, will you need to be famous? Huh, the joke! "

Dismissing his mouth contemptuously, Ouyang Changqing didn't take it seriously, and then squinted at the man, saying: "Who are you?"

Unconsciously, with a smile, the man respectfully clenched his fists and said lightly: "In the Lower Qingzhou Taiqing Zongwu Qingqiu, studying art with Shuanglong Academy together with Brother Yan Mo, it would be worth the same friendship!"

I can't help but shudder, Zhuo Fan's face in the house is more solemn, and even Wu Qingqiu is here. It seems that Xizhou's support to Beizhou is really thorough, or to say ... let these elite disciples take this experience and gain insights?

In that case, will she also ...

Thinking of this, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but sink in, hesitantly full of arms, not knowing what to do with himself.

"Wu Qingqiu ... you are also a disciple in Shuanglong Academy?" Didn't notice Zhuo Fan's look changed at all, Ouyang Changqing looked at Wu Qingqiu up and down, and asked suddenly: "I know the status of Shuanglong Academy in Xizhou. , But everyone who can be selected into the Ssangyong Monastery is not a general. Just wonder if you are higher or lower than this flame demon? "

Hearing this remark, Wu Qingqiu couldn't help but smiled humbly and said: "Learn from the same door, we are half a catty, no difference between high and low!"

"He is three points better than me, and I have never beaten him!" But Yan Mo sighed with a long sigh, and Guanglei Lei pointed to Wu Qingqiu, without concealing his defeat.

Nodding his head clearly, Ouyang Changqing knew clearly: "It turns out that you are the real first disciple of Xizhou. No wonder you arrived in Beizhou so late. It really is a heavy finale."

"Er, no, no, Master Ouyang, maybe you misunderstood ..."

"There is no misunderstanding, although this flame demon has only been here for ten days, but I can understand the temper, it is really arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept it. Even if he was defeated by his son yesterday, he did not show his submission. It 's a man! "

First raised a thumbs up and exaggerated the flame demon's perseverance, Ouyang Changqing looked at Wu Qingqiu again: "But today I saw that he was so obedient to you, I knew that he really convinced you. And he is like this People who are truly convinced are not the first disciples of Xizhou, but who can they be? "

He laughed and shook his head, Wu Qingqiu was undecided: "Master Ouyang, you really misunderstood ..."

"You don't need to explain. Are you here today to find a place for your brother?"

With a fierce wave of his hand, he interrupted his words. Ouyang Changqing couldn't help but put a chest on his face and said proudly: "Yes, this afternoon, let's see the true chapter on Wutai! The first disciple of Xizhou and the first disciple of Beizhou Play against each other to see who is the strongest disciple in Wuzhou and the first person in Wuzhou in the future. If the boy loses, I will release the rant that defeated Xizhou yesterday, and I will withdraw it for everyone to see. But if you lose, sorry, You have to honestly admit that the younger generation of strong people in Xizhou has completely stepped on my Ouyang Changqing 's feet. This time, do n't mention anything to me, you are also brave and pretend to be the first disciple of Xizhou Alright? "

With a slight squint, Wu Qingqiu looked at Ouyang Changqing deeply, but a cold arc suddenly appeared, and a flame of war ignited in his eyes, and he nodded and said: "Okay, since the son has said this part Up, if you still blame it under Xia, it 's a little too counseling. Then, see you at the Yanwuchang in Zhongtian Island this afternoon! "

"What is Zhongtian Island, it's the next martial arts field!"

The double pupils did n't feel a moment, Ouyang Changqing suddenly raised his neck and said: "Xiatian Island is a place where everyone in Zong can come, and the audience will be the most. Do n't you want our strongest decisive battle, let everyone Do you see? After all, everyone 's eyes are sharp, and it 's impossible for anyone to try to be lame then! "

Unconsciously, Wu Qingqiu smiled coldly and nodded: "Okay, since Master Ouyang likes to be in the limelight, then we will accompany him to the end. It's just that if he had planted his heels and lost his face, the son deliberately made such a big formation , I'm afraid I will laugh at you generously! "

"My son's shots have always been a triumphant return. The flowers and applause are together. I never know what it means to lose face!"

Can't help but slowly touch his shiny hair, Ouyang Changqing chuckled suddenly: "Brother Wu, you still ask for more blessings, don't lose too bad!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Wu Qingqiu sneered unconsciously, clenched his fists suddenly, and shouted: "Goodbye!"

When the words fell, he left with a path of flames and fierce enthusiasm. Seeing them leave, Ouyang Changqing collapsed anxiously and ran back to Zhuofan's house, anxiously saying, "Hear, I have just received a tactic from my son, and I will talk to Xizhou in the afternoon Those gangs are competing for the number one spot in the world, and I will not chat with you now. I have to inform all the brothers and sisters of the ancestors to watch my performance in the afternoon! "

"Uh ... of course, the son of Ouyang son's arrogance, he will definitely win, hehehe ..." Zhuo Fancan smiled with a respectful fist, but in his heart he exhaled for a long time.

Great, this girl is finally leaving, so that at least all day today can be considered safe and sound. After all, Ling Yuntian sent this kid to investigate them. Before there was no result, it would be impossible to do so quickly, and tonight is when they do, so the chance of success will be quite large.

Anyway, even if it is a real Zhongzhou spy, it is impossible to start immediately after mixing in, but his Zhuofan team wants to make this impossible, that is, to beat them by surprise.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Fan gave a restful look to everyone else, and everyone else nodded slightly, showing a knowing smile.

However, they did n't wait for them to put their hearts in their stomachs, but Ouyang Changqing was also neurotic: "Also, money manages things, today you take your caravan with you to see how I crush the Xizhou Gang Don't be late, boy! "


Unconsciously, Zhuo Fan was stunned: "Ouyang son, we have been a guest from afar, and not a person of noble ancestry. We still don't want to join in the excitement!"

"Alas, what are you polite, your caravan has a hard time traveling, and it is rare to come to this sect, and it will be a bit lively, as this son is helping you all!"

"How dare we do it, we just talk about businessmen, but we can't be bothered by our sons. Such a thing, we love peace, we are not militants, those who kill or kill ..."

"Oh, everyone says that businessmen are the most observant, how can you not understand?"

In the end, when they saw Zhuo Fan, they still did not move their colors. Ouyang Changqing could not help but stomped his feet fiercely and said angrily: "You are businessmen, you travel south and north, you are well-informed, or you are the people who walk the news. My son told you to watch the battle I want you to spread my heroic posture to me, so that the people of Wuzhou will know that today I am Ouyang Evergreen, defeating all the strong generations of the younger generation in Xizhou, and being the first person in the future. Otherwise, only the disciples of Benzong know that when we go out to spread the news, they will be described as villainous by others, and it would be better not to say, what good is the son who won today? "

Slightly stunned, Zhuo Fan glanced at him deeply, and nodded suddenly: "Oh ... So, the son thought really long-term, and even the media thought about it, and it was true that both wisdom and courage, Beizhou First. High, really high! "

"That is of course, but I am not bragging, but a fact. After all, the wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Peerless geniuses like this son, if no one preached it, let the world see the hero's heroic power, Is it a pity? "

Touching his shiny hair again, Ouyang Changqing could n't help but look arrogant, and then slammed Zhuo Fan 's chest, raising his eyebrows, saying: "Arrive early in the afternoon, otherwise the son will not see Your caravan will inevitably send someone to invite you. If the people who come by then do n't have a good attitude, do n't blame your son for being rude. After all, some people just do n't eat toast, they have to eat fine wine, and they are so cheap! "

The cheeks couldn't help but fiercely pumped, Zhuo Fan gave him a deep look, but nodded helplessly, but under his heart was a sullen belly.

This oil-faced noodle brother is really shocking enough, I really want to beat him!

Not knowing what Zhuo Fan thought in his mind, Ouyang Changqing nodded in satisfaction, then left happily, and murmured from time to time: "I have to quickly inform Xuemei of the news of this battle. In the first battle of the demon, Xuemei hasn't come yet, and has no chance to see this young and heroic hero. This time, she can't let her miss it anymore, hehehe ... "

Looking far away at this young man, Zhuo Fan could n't help but sigh, and then looked at the others: "Lao is the most annoying of these dudes, too self-willed. Many things are disrupted by them, and I really do n't know that they are thinking about it every day. What, hum! "

"It's called no tricks to win, you can appease those old-fashioned old guys, but you are not wrong with these self-willed boys, and it is really a thing!" Evil laughed, and Baili Yuyu quietly said.

Reluctantly shook his head, Zhuo Fan pondered a little, and his face was suddenly clear, and he said coldly: "This kid just wants a lively and let him give him support. In this way, in fact, there are so many of us, less than one or two It doesn't matter. And, he is so arrogant, he will definitely manage how big this scene is. By then, Zong's protection must be lax, and maybe it is still a good opportunity for us. "

"Yu Yu, when the battle starts in the afternoon, you do n't have to go, let me find out the situation of Shangtian Island, especially where Feng Tianjian is. Remember, you only have one afternoon. When it is late at night, start immediately. The rest wait After holding the scene for the kid, he immediately went to Zongmen and was about to evacuate. Do you understand? "

"Understood!" Everyone shouted, all with solemn faces.

Baili Yuyu looked at his still counting eyes and smiled happily ...