
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"Brother ... Bang Bang Bang ..."

"Brother ... Bang Bang Bang ..."

In the afternoon, in the magnificent venue that could only accommodate 10,000 disciples on the stage of the martial arts stadium on the next day island, there were more than 50,000 people squeezed out, each with a sad face, each holding two spirit soldiers. , Ding Ling knocked there and kept crying, cheering for Ouyang Evergreen.

Zhuo Fan wore a flying eagle mask, ringed around the head, and looked at the crowd of black pressure around him, his ears were deafening hissing cracking lungs, his cheeks could not help but pumped fiercely, and laughed out loud: "This girl It's really a home battle. The audience's aura can suppress the gang of people in Xizhou! "

"Hehehe ... who made this the Haiming Sect site, and Ouyang Changqing is the ground snake here?" With a grin, the guard next to him nodded slightly.

Dismissing his mouth disdainfully, Zhuo Fan was noncommittal: "Although the words are so, this battle is a bit overdone, a bit of a bullying feeling, but it is a drop-off. Even so, even if he wins, But it is the same as a nouveau riche, and there is no connotation of some modest gentlemen, but it is unpopular. Alas, in the end, it is a young man, impetuous! "

"Puff ... Mr. Remarks, as if Mr. is already an old man!" Unconsciously, covering his mouth with a chuckle, a guard immediately laughed.

Shaking his head recklessly, Zhuo Fan sighed: "Ah, after much experience, my heart is old, and he is no longer as domineering as he was then. But this is also true, the young man is reckless, but he is just a poor man, trying to find an opportunity. Just like the Ouyang Evergreen nowadays, at the time of magnificence and vigour, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. How can he know the dangers in the world? Become a daddy. "

"But the old ones are different. They have a lot of them, and they start to do it. They are afraid of losing everything and becoming more and more stable. Everyone is the same. So what young people lack is experience and they are easy to cheat. Although the old people are spicy, but There are too many constraints, but it is easier to control. The key is that they are afraid of losing something. If they control a little, it means they control all of them! "

"Thank you, Mr. Thank you for your enlightenment!" Slightly bowing, the man couldn't help but chuckled with a smile: "But Mr. Guan's shot is fierce, but he is doing it step by step, very comprehensive. I don't know if he is old or young?"

Slightly pondering a little, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but chuckled and said: "Old ... hehehe, I'm an old devil!"

"If Mr. is old, I didn't find any breakthroughs from Mr.!"

"That's good for me to hide from others. If I expose my weakness to others, it's equivalent to putting a knife on my neck. At this point, many old guys are paying attention, and I've done a good job, Ha ha ha ... how, how do you want to treat me? "

"Uh, dare not dare, we just listen to what the second son said, Mr. is a man of great wisdom, and wants to listen to the teachings of Mr.!" The man hurriedly bowed, the man said urgently.

He smiled and shook his head, Zhuo Fan was undecided: "Wu Randong's boy experienced a great difficulty. Although he has revenge, he won't believe anyone anymore. He let you follow me all the way. Haven't you explored what I mean? But I Do n't care, if my old man is exposed in front of you, then I should be dead and do n't have to mix it up! "

"Mister filtered, we dare not!" Shake his head anxiously, everyone immediately bowed.

He laughed and shook his head, Zhuofan didn't care, and his eyes exuded a little bit of fineness.

At this moment, a loud laughter suddenly sounded, and the figure of Ouyang Changqing appeared in front of them. When he saw the mask on Zhuo Fan 's face, he could n't help but say: "Hey, money is in charge, how can you dress up like that? Appeared?"

"Hehehe ... Master Ouyang laughed, but just played with the little girl and bet on losing. As a result, the little girl had to let this mask be worn for a day, acting like a ugly, there is no way!" With a chuckle, Zhuo Fan pointed aside. Queer, said spontaneously.

For a moment, Ouyang Changqing gave Zhuo Fan a deep look, but he chuckled and said: "It's just playing with children, why should it be true, seeing this grand scene of my son today, I just need the gentleman to shake the flag and shout, give me cheer The kid 's mask is too funny, but it 's still good! "

With that said, Ouyang Changqing is already picking it up!

"Don't pick it, my father promised me, hum! Hate, go away!" At this time, Queer shouted and stopped in front of the two, Zhuo Fan also hid behind him, flashing his magic palm, light Smiled: "The son forgive sins, no one can stand without trust, in front of the child, I should be a role model as a father, please forgive me!"

"Well, Qian Guanshi is really a good father, and he leads by example!"

Nodding his head clearly, Ouyang Changqing no longer reluctantly, but admired: "This can't help but remind me of my father, when I was a kid, I coaxed me like that, let me ride his neck as a horse!"

"What about later?"

"It didn't happen afterwards. He lied to me and never ridden me until I waited until now!" Lips flickered, Ouyang Changqing couldn't help lamenting: "So I hate this most in my life Someone lied to me. Yesterday the flame demon dared to lie to me, and today I must give them a memorable lesson from the Xizhou people, hum! "

With a deep glance at him, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but stunned, and then nodded clearly: "So it turns out, Master Ouyang still has such a painful childhood shadow, it's really heartbroken!"

"Yeah, I don't tell him about this matter, I will talk to you!" Ouyang Changqing glanced at the bird below, then looked at Zhuo Fan, solemnly. Road: "Promise me, don't lie to her!"

"Uh ... I will!" Zhuo Fan grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Then after giving Zhuofan a suspicious look, Ouyang Evergreen turned around and left, but there was still a lingering look on his face.

Looking at his slightly arrogant back, Zhuo Fan felt for the first time that such a back is sometimes quite funny, and he could n't help looking at other people: "In words ... every bear child seems to have a sad childhood. It 's no wonder that Ouyang Changqing is now so arrogant that he owes his father a promise to be a horse rider. It is still very miserable. He was deceived by his father for so many years! "


Everyone lowered their heads and smiled, but couldn't help but shake their heads. These elder brothers, I really do n't know what is suffering ...

"Ouyang Evergreen, a great battle!"

However, at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded, and when I looked around, I saw a familiar figure and slowly stepped into this performance martial arts field, but it was the Yanzhou and other Xizhou elite disciples, and among them, There was also a familiar Qianying, which struck Zhuo Fan's eyes.

The body couldn't help but shake, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but stunned, and in the eyes, there was a trace of sorrow, two fists clenched fiercely, his teeth clenched his lips tightly, bleeding out, Nothing was found.

Unconsciously, everyone looked at Zhuo Fan and asked, "Sir, what's wrong?"

No answer, but Zhuo Fan's eyes under the flying eagle's mask were getting wet.

I have never seen Zhuo Fan who has always been wise and calm like this. Everyone can't help but be shocked and look forward in his eyes, but they suddenly saw a piece of white silk flying in the wind, and under that white silk, A weak shadow, in the soft breeze, was trembling in the wind, as if it would be blown down at any time.

Fortunately, there were two women beside him, otherwise I was really worried when she would fall!

At the same time, Ouyang Changqing also raised his head and raised his head. In a thunderous rumble, he walked to the people of Xizhou and squinted at them: "Why, this is Haiming Zong, I invited some brothers to watch Isn't it better this time? "

"of course can!"

With a slight smile, Yan Mo was about to step forward, but he was stopped by Wu Qingqiu and said indifferently: "This is the boundary of Guizong. Guizong wants to watch the decisive battle between the strongest disciples between the two states. The patient should not be frightened. Can you make your disciples quieter and convenient? "


Brows raised, Ouyang Changqing could n't help but squint at the messy white hair, she could n't help but laugh out loudly, "You said her? This time you came to help Beizhou, I do n't know if you brought her What are the meanings? Three days ago, I was ordered by the suzerain to greet the place of Guizhou. I knew that you had this patient, and I was weak and not in a state of trance. What use did you bring her to Beizhou? Now you actually told me that she could n't even hear the loud noise? Then you still brought her here? "

"I'm sorry, after suffering the pain of her bereavement five years ago, she has been in a trance and lost her mind. We tried many methods and used many Elixir, but it still didn't work. I can only watch her recover!"

With a helpless sigh, Wu Qingqiu couldn't help but glance at the white silk and lamented: "Her husband was killed in a huge explosion, so she couldn't hear the loud noise, which would make her afraid. But her husband was also a world institute. A rare genius master, the most striking battle is the battle with Ye Lin, the first disciple of Xizhou. So we guess that reproducing such a scene may help her recover her mind. Unfortunately, There are not many people who can compete with my brother Ye Lin in this world, maybe Ouyang is one of them, maybe we can bring her to try! "

Hearing this, Ouyang Changqing could n't help but feel angry and scolded: "Oh, you used this war as a cure for this fool! You know, I take this war very seriously Yes, what are you guys, use me? "

"Of course not. You want to fight against the first disciple of Xizhou to establish your position as the first disciple of Wuzhou. We just took a ride and saved us a sister. Why not do it?" Staring fixedly at Ouyang Changqing, Wu Qingqiu spoke lightly.