
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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The space seemed to freeze, and even the air no longer circulated. Everyone looked at the scene staring blankly, all stunned, Zhuo Fan stiffened, and his head was a little down, motionless.

Feeling the pair of ambiguous eyes around him, and this slightly embarrassing atmosphere, Shangguan Qingyan seemed to have just remembered the previous impulsive behavior, and he couldn't help but flushed his face, his cheeks were full of blood, he didn't say anything, and suddenly turned around Then he ran away.

Lost people ...

After stunned for a while, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then spit out a long time before calming himself down again, and then as if nothing had happened, slowly closed the gate, closing it gently, turning to look To everyone, said lightly: "You just heard Miss Shangguan's words, you all heard it!"

"Uh ... I heard it, hehehe ..."

They glanced at each other, everyone couldn't help but laughed silly, and several guards bowed down and said: "I didn't know the name of the sir before, I don't know how to call it, but now I know that it's Mr. Zhuo, disrespectful sorry!"

"The key point is ... Is the name Zhuo Fan also fake?" Glancing at them obliquely, Baili Yuyu couldn't help laughing and sneering.

Rolling his eyes helplessly, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but stunned and shouted, "I'm not letting you listen to this, I mean, from what the Shangguan girl said just now, there are three points mentioned. First, Ling Yuntian and Murong's siblings both doubted It's our turn; second, they can't walk away now, and they are cracking the seal of Chongtianjian; third, cracking the seal this time, even Beizhou's first master, Ouyang Lingtian, has been recruited. What do you want to say? "

"But please ask Mr.!"

Looking at each other, everyone shook their heads slightly, and then solemnly bowed to Zhuo Fan.

Long breathing out a long breath, Zhuo Fan nodded slightly and decided: "From these three points, we can see the current situation. First, we are pressed for time and there are many crises. However, Fan Haimingzong and Murong 's brother and sister Either party found that we are all in danger! Second, our opportunity is here. Now that the Seal of Heavenly Sword is happening, it is estimated that all the masters here are busy working together to seal, then Feng Tianjian will ... "


Unconsciously, a guard immediately said: "Mr. mean, take advantage of this opportunity, steal Feng Tianjian, and then directly break through the enchantment and rush out? But ... will the time be too tight?"

"All we need is to fight fast, we don't have time!" Zhuo Fan said solemnly with a wave of his hand: "If they wait for them to unravel the seal of the Sky Sword, and take time out, we will fall into a passive state. Opportunity! When it is broken, it will be chaotic. Instead of that, we might as well start acting now. Yuyu, you can steal the sword! "

Unexpectedly, Baili Yuyu slightly stunned: "You let me go, you are not afraid that I ran away with a sword?"

"Just take the sword, where do you love to run?"

Waving his hand impatiently, Zhuofan refused: "Anyway, I do n't want to seal the sky sword, as long as the enchantment is opened, so that I can enter the North Sea. If you are willing to take the Excalibur to lead me away, I ca n't help ! Moreover, here is only you, the strength of the sword king, the success rate of stealing the sword is the biggest! "

Nodding with a chuckle, Baili Yuyu said: "This is a good deal, I agree!"

"Also, everyone is ready to run. Once Yu Yu successfully steals the sword and breaks the enclave to escape, you will also let me run and run, and as many as you can run away, it depends on your character!"

Glancing at them deeply, Zhuofan said a little heavily. After all, once the chaos is caused, Baili Yuyu's escape is not a problem, but the rest are likely to be scapegoats!

But fortunately, these people can be regarded as the deceased people cultivated by the Haichuan Chamber of Commerce. As long as the Chamber of Commerce can make a comeback, it has already put its life and death out of the ordinary, but there is not so much worry.

Qi Qi clenched his fists, everyone's eyes were firm colors: "Mr. Zun Zun ordered, but sir, when are we going to act?"

"The sooner the better, take action tonight!" Zhuo Fan couldn't help but say aloud in his eyes.

Nodded clearly, everyone nodded slightly and was mentally prepared!

Bang Bang Bang!

However, at this moment, a heavy knock on the door immediately sounded, which was completely different from the crisp door sound of Shangguan Qingyan.

It seems that Ouyang Evergreen, who is exploring us, is here!

He glanced at each other, everyone knew that Zhuo Fan smiled slightly, and said loudly, "Who, I do n't know what your job is?"

"In Ouyang Changqing, a disciple of Mingzong in Xiahai, I learned that all of Qian Qianshi escorted supplies to Benzong all the way, and the journey was tiring, so I came to visit it. I wonder if it is inconvenient?"

There was a loud call from outside the door, which was polite and polite, but from the tone of voice, I could hear a strong sense of superiority.

Can't help but dismissed his lips contemptuously, Bai Yuyu looked at Zhuofan, lowering his voice and saying, "Brother Gongzi!"

He smiled and shook his head. Zhuo Fanjing came to the gate and opened the heavy gate with a squeak, but it was right in front of the scene where Ouyang Changqing was grooming the mirror, but he couldn't help but stunned. , And laughed out loud: "Hehehe ... Master Ouyang, I have been admiring for a long time. When we introduced a little businessman, we actually drove Ouyang to visit him in person, I am really ashamed to be a dare!"

"Long Yang Yang Yang ... Why do you know me?"

The double pupils didn't feel bright, Ouyang Changqing looked at Zhuo Fan, and immediately laughed out loud: "But yes, my father is the first master of Beizhou, Ouyang Lingtian. I am the first disciple of Beizhou, Ouyang Changqing. No one knows, no one knows. You have heard my name and it is a matter of course. It is a great honour to see my son to see you personally now, hehehe ... "


Unconsciously, Zhuo Fan looked back at the corner of Baili Yuyu's mouth, and nodded with a wry smile. It seems that the son of the first person in Beizhou is indeed a brother of a son, and a brother of a son with a great sense of superiority!

"Hehehe ... Of course, the son of Ouyang can come to visit, which really made me wait and see, and you are glorious!"

"You're welcome, although it's all true, ha ha ha ..."

Can't help laughing, Ouyang Changqing immediately walked up with his chest and looked up and said to everyone around him: "Everyone is a member of the caravan, there is no fish eye mixed!"

He couldn't help laughing, Zhuo Fan knew that he was tempting, but also knew that he was not sure in his heart, so he was not afraid, and said lightly: "Where and where, Master Ouyang will really joke, hehehe ..."

"Huh, this is Mrs. Sister, isn't she still having a child, isn't it a biological one, thrown away? Hahaha ..."

After taking a deep look at Zhuo Fan, he saw that he was calm and natural, without any cowardice. Ouyang Changqing couldn't help but upgrade the temptations at once, even a little provocative.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone couldn't help but look slightly changed, looking at Zhuofan.

Although this provocation seems simple, it is in the heart of the person. If the biological parents hear this, they will be unhappy and gloomy. Even the people who are flattering have their faces.

However, if there is any strangeness among them, the parties may deliberately calm down in order to hide their bodies. Between this calmness and anger, there is a degree. If this degree is not well grasped, it will immediately reveal flaws.

You ca n't be too angry because you are a caravan, after all, how dare you offend your disciples? It 's too calm and it does n't. It proves that everything is disguised and more suspicious.

But just when Ouyang Changqing stared at everyone's expressions and wanted to find some clues, an angry shout came from the back room immediately: "Little Bunny, you are not a biological one, and ran to my house to fart You dare to talk nonsense, I will let my father beat you out, hum! "

With a snap, Queer sprang out of the back room and looked at Ouyang Changqing glaringly.

"Hey, why is this kid scolding casually, is there any tutor?"

"Uh, don't be angry, she just made me spoiled, childish, you don't mind, ha ha ha ..."

The cheeks couldn't help but pumped. At the critical moment, he was scolded by Queer. Ouyang Changqing couldn't hold his face anymore. Zhuo Fan smiled for a while, and then glared at him. Badao, don't you want to go back soon? "

With a groan, Queer got into the back room again, but just before leaving, Baili Yuyu secretly gave her a thumbs up.

Taking a deep breath, Ouyang Changqing felt depressed for a while. He came to investigate these suspicious people, but before he said anything, he was scolded by a child.

Could it be that ... this kid is also a suspicious character? Was it just deliberately spoiling?

No, what does a little boy know?

Not at all, Ouyang Changqing, after just a while of coaxing, also gave up entanglement in the problem of Zhuo Fan's couple and was ready to inquire from other places.

But he didn't wait for him to speak again, but a familiar rage came out of the house immediately: "Ouyang Changqing, you come out to me, yesterday's competition is not over yet!"

Hey, this sound is so familiar, who?

Brow shaking, Zhuo Fan's face puzzled, but Ouyang Changqing rolled his eyes helplessly, dragging his lazy body and walked out immediately: "Flame devil, anyway, you are also a head and face person in the young generation of Xizhou, My son taught you, did you not teach enough? Did you dare to come to your door? "

"Less nonsense, it's just a battle with me. I dare to claim that the younger generation, the first person in Wuzhou, has stepped Xizhou firmly under his feet, so shameless!"

At this moment, there was another scolding outside, which was full of anger.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Fan murmured under his heart, Flame Demon ... They also came? Oops, they know me and can't let them see!

Thinking this way, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but look at the others dignifiedly, pointed at his face, and at the outside, shaking his head slightly.

But everyone shrugged helplessly, I do not know what to do!

Ouyang Changqing, who was not far away, apparently did not notice Zhuo Fan 's abnormal behavior at this time, and was still scolding the flame demon outside the house: "What, you tell me that you have defeated you now, it does not mean a great defeat Xizhou? But yesterday I asked you if you could represent Xizhou in battle, but you boasted proudly that you are the strongest in Xizhou. Now that you have lost, you said you cannot represent Xizhou? "

"Huh, what's there!"

Dismissing his mouth contemptuously, Yan Mo didn't care at all: "Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second. Life can have a vigorous battle, but it can't be met. Since I met, how can I let it go easily? I think, sooner or later, I will be the first in Xizhou, which is enough. But who ever thought that your son, who is the first person in Beizhou, dare to claim to win Xizhou after winning a game, it is shameless Extreme! "

"Your sister, you are shameless, bragging and cheating me!" The cheeks couldn't help but smoke, Ouyang Changqing was speechless for a while ...