
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 62: Another One.....

Things had gotten even livelier since the bidding for Pasia at the Human Auction Hall. The dancer's price started at 800,000 Berries, and she ended up being sold for a whopping 7,200,000 Berries!

At that moment, Charloss and his valets had finally arrived.

" Finally, we're here, " said Charloss. " Looks like the auction's almost over. "

As he got off his "steed"…THWAK! He kicked the man in the head, again.

" That's for being so damn slow! " he shouted. " You piss me off! Hey, sell this one for me! I don't need it, anymore. "

" Right away, my lord. " said the man in the black suit.

" I want a mermaid. " Charloss said, shoving his pinky in his nose. " I wonder if they're selling any, this time. "

" Forgive me, my lord. " said the man in the black suit, " but mermaids are hard to catch, so they may not have any in stock. "

" Celestial Dragons…slaves…human shops," Kid said while watching the Celestial Dragon trio.

At that moment, some of the staff noticed him and his crew.

" That's 'Captain' Kid from the South Blue…! " one of them whispered.

" Compared to the mighty and their simple 'pure hearts', " Kid began, " The world's villains are much more humane. Scum rule the world and give birth to more scum. Don't they know that? We may mean to do harm, but we're sort of…dare I say…'cute' in comparison. Wouldn't you agree, Killer? "

" Definitely captain. " Killer replied.

" If we should happen to see someone interesting, perhaps we should buy them. " Kidd said.

Just then, he spotted somebody sitting in the seats just a short distance from him.

It was Law with his crew. They were also staring at them and chatting among themselves.

" Hey, Boss. " said one of Kid's crewmates. "Check it out, isn't he looked somewhat familiar. "

" I know that face. " Kid said, " That's Trafalgar Law from the North Blue and his crew. Law's got 200 million Berries on his head. I've heard lots of stories about him…plus, he's got some bad manners. "

Law seemed to hear Kid, for he turned to him and stuck his middle finger up at him, wearing a smug grin.

A moment later, Disco reappeared on stage with a large object covered with a tarp.

" My apologies, everyone! " he said through the microphone. " It appears that entry 16, Lacuba, was so nervous that he had a nosebleed and passed out! So, we'll auction him off at a later date! And now, ladies and gentleman, the product that I will now introduce is guaranteed to make you forget this trouble in an instant! I now present OUR GREATEST STAR ATTRACTION~! "

The spotlight shined on the tarp, revealing a familiar silhouette behind it.

" Behold, this silhouette! I know that a great many of you have been sought out for one of these! I won't say anymore! See for yourselves! "

The audience with wide eyes, anticipating the next "product".

The tarp was removed, revealing Camie and Pappug within a tank of water, with exploding collar around her neck and chain cuffs on her wrists.

" From Fishman Island, it's Camie the Mermaid and Pappug the Starfish....."

CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP! The audience roared with applause. They had been seeking a prize like this for who-knows-how-long, and now, here it was, right before them!

" OH~! " Charloss exclaimed, " A MERMAID! FINALLY! " he suddenly stood up and declared, " I AM BIDDING 500 MILLION BEllY ON THIS MERMAID! "

Disco gasped. The crowd fell silent and instantly dropped their jaws in shock. There was a long, death-like silence.

" Damn it. Can't compete with 500 million. "

" Neither can I. "

" Shoot. I wanted that mermaid! My best friend has one! "

But the silence didn't last long as a loud noise made everyone turn around towards the hall entrance except the World Nobles.

Everyone could see the wall started cracking and with loud boom the entrance was blasted open.

** Crack.....Crack....Boom **

Dust covered the area, so only three unknown silhouettes could be seen walking form the entrance.

When the dust settled down, everyone could finally see the faces of the newcomers. It was Luffy along with Yamato and Robin entering the Auction House.

Luffy looked around and immediately spotted Camie, so he sighed and gestured to his friends that their mission was successful.

Then his gaze landed on both Law and Kidd, who were also looking at him.

Law was looking amused and curious whereas Kid was smirking.

Luffy first thought to Kill Kid and handover his body to Bonney but soon he decided against it as it would be unwise to rob someone else's revenge.

Some of them recognised Luffy, so they started whispering.

" Hey, isn't that Dragon King Luffy... Captain of the Devil Dragon Pirates with a bounty of 1.3 billion belly. "

" Yes,yes...i have heard about him. He had killed a World Noble two years ago. "

" You are right, he is that infamous Pirate Captain Monkey D Luffy. "

" The…the entire hall has fallen silent! Uh…do I hear more than 500 million Berries? Anyone? If not, the bidding shall stop! " Disco shouted and everyone stopped paying him any attention.

Luffy grinned and shouted, " 1 billion Belly.." As he thought the atmosphere instantly turned chaotic due to his outrageous bidding price.

Disco frowned, " You pirates, stop messing my business here. Go away somewhere else. Otherwise..." Luffy asked him calmly, " Otherwise what???? "

Disco gritted his teeth and said, " This auction house is owned by Mr. Doflamingo one of the Shichibukai. You should think twice before doing anything foolish but even if you have sufficient money i won't accept your bid. " Hearing Doflamingo's name Law paid more attention to the conversation.

Luffy sneered, " I know that already but you don't have to worry about that, because he is my next target. So i am doing this to draw his attention. Now that you are refusing my kind intension then i have to use force. "

" Swap...." said Luffy and Camie and Pappug vanished from inside the tank and appeared in front of him. Law was petrified when he realised Luffy was using a power similar to him.

Then Yamato destroyed the explosive cuffs and collar. Luffy told Camie that they were Hachi's friends and were here to rescue her. Camie sobbed silently as Robin and Yamato tried to console her.

Charloss stood up and braked at them, " Hey, you Pirate scum, give me back my mermaid. " Luffy glared back at him, so he felt pissed, " What's with that look??? "

** Boom....Boom **

He immediately shot two bullets at Luffy which Luffy easily evaded.

" You disgusting bubble headed bastard...do you know the consequences of ruining my mood!!!! Now let me show you. " Luffy said and unleashed his Haoshoku haki to knock everyone unconscious. Soon after that except the Celestial Dragon trio, Robin, Yamato, Law and Kid Pirates everyone else fell unconscious.

Luffy started walking towards Saint Charloss. When he arrived in front of him he gave him a loud slap and as a result Charloss felt dizziness in his head.

Then he cut off on of his left ear, then left hand followed by his right hand. He was screaming in pain and begging to Luffy to stop.

" Hear me out i will torture you then heal you and then torture you. I will repeat this process until you understand what is pain. " said Luffy while laughing like a maniac.

Luffy then bought a green poison knife from the system store and cut a deep wound on his left cheek.

The poison started working and green vein like patterns started appearing on Charlos's whole body but he didn't die.

He began screaming loudly with all his strength and began to writhe on the floor due the pain of flesh corrosion. He had never felt like this kind of pain before, it was hundreds of times more painful in comparison with cutting his limbs or ears.

He felt like thousands of insects were biting her inside and outside, making him vomit blood continuously in agony as time passed.

" Ahhhhhhhhhh...."

He couldn't say anything as he continued to thrash the ground and scream at the top of his lungs. After a while he was laying on the floor with blood leaking from all over his body. After feeling satisfied, Luffy killed him.

During the whole process, Luffy was grinning sinisterly which made both Kidd Pirates and Heart Pirates shuddered in fear.

Roswald and Shalria came out of their stupor and stared at the motionless form of Charloss. Even they didn't have the gall to kill him like Luffy just did.

" HOW DARE YOU DAMN LOWLY COMMONERS TOUCH MY SON! " Roswald yelled. He used the black Den Den Mushi first to summon an Admiral then raised his staff at Luffy.

KABANG-BANG-BANG! Roswald raised his walking staff, which turned out to be a rifle, and opened fire. Luffy just dodged the bullets.

" We are the descendants of the creators of the World Government! " Roswald exclaimed, " We'll show you what happens when scum like you DARE to mess with- "

" Treinta Fleur...Clutch.." Robin stopped his rambling by finishing him and Shalria. Then she looked at Luffy with a smug smile. Luffy smiled at her cute expression and thanked her.

** Boom **

Just then Rayleigh entered the hall by destroying the wall with the same giant but when he looked around the Chaos Luffy had caused he became dumbfounded.

Luffy looked at him and said mockingly, " Old man Rayleigh, looks like only you can think of such wretched way of earning money, No??? "

Rayleigh coughed, " Cough....cough..Ahem, don't misunderstand. I was just--- " Luffy cut him off, " Should i reveal this secret of yours in front of Shakky. " Rayleigh startled by his response and hurriedly shook his head.

" Don't...do that Luffy. I beg you please, don't inform this to Shakky. " He hurriedly explained. Luffy grinned with satisfaction and nodded, " Okay..okay let's go. I don't want to stay here any longer. "

Drop some POWER STONES my brothers and if you want to see something in my fanfic then tell me beforehand. So that i can try to use that in my story.

You can always share your ideas about the upcoming war arc.

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