
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 61: It has begun.....

Author note:-

Please donate some POWER STONES to make me motivated for writing this fanfic.

This is the beginning of the War Arc, so sit tight and wait for the War of The Best.

That's all, now enjoy the latest chapter.


Luffy left Skypiea the next day as there was nothing special about the island anymore. Before leaving he collected all of the treasures and turned them into sp.


One week later.

The Sea Empress was sailing calmly in a cloudy weather. All members of Devil Dragon Pirates were busy in their daily activities. At present Luffy was enjoying his music playlist while sleeping on the palms of the figurehead.

Suddenly Luffy's gaze landed on a tiny wooden boat and a pink coloured octopus man was sailing away on it.

Luffy instantly recognised the man as Hachi. So he stored his headphones and phone in his system storage started shouting at him.

" Hachi..Hachi....." Shouted Luffy. Hachi turned around and seeing the person, he was first stunned then he nodded and started sailing in his direction.

But just after he boarded the ship, he started sweating because he saw Nami on the ship. Soon everyone gathered to see the newcomer.

Hachi said nervously, " Human brother, thank you for sparing my life that day. " Luffy laughed it out, " Don't worry. By the way I'm Luffy, so you can stop calling me human brother. " Luffy then introduced everyone to him while ignoring the glaring Nami.

" So, why are you here? Don't you know this area is famous for kidnapping and as a fishman, you shouldn't come here. " said Luffy but Hachi sighed, " Actually my friend is missing, so i came here in search of her. As you just said its very possible that my friend is kidnapped by those traffickers. "

Zoro asked, " So how do you plan to rescue her, when you don't even know her location. " Hachi just kept silent as he was also not sure.

" Just let him do whatever he wants, we should be on our way. " Nami said with a smirk and continued, " Hey fishman, you should get out of here. " Everyone looked at her with different expressions.

Hachi instantly nodded, " Yes...yes, sorry for the inconvenience. I'm leaving right now. " He wanted to go but Luffy grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

" You.." Nami wanted to say something but Luffy cut her off, " Enough, i have decided to help him. Although you have a grudge against him because of your past, you should know that currently he is in urgent need of help. "

Luffy asked Nojiko, " What do you think about him? " She replied after thinking for a while, " He didn't kill anyone and the main villain was Arlong. So i am not blaming him but we should help him for now. " Luffy nodded in satisfaction but Nami stomped her feet and went inside. Nojiko nodded and went after her.

Then Hachi explained everything about his friend. After hearing the story Luffy told Yamato to speed up the ship in the direction of Sabaody Archipelago.

Hachi also didn't stop him as he was also heading there.


Sabaody Archipelago, Auction Warehouse:-

Inside the warehouse, where other people who were to be sold in the auction were put in cages (among them a giant), it is revealed that Camie was now struggling against two of the staff.

" Let me go, you jerks! " she cried, " That hurts! Hacchin is gonna get you all for this! I swear it! " Disco arrived in the warehouse. He approached Camie and cupped her chin in his hand.

" Oh-ho! " Disco chortled, " We should get a lot for this rare beauty! So lively, she is, and what firm skin she has! So, who's the seller? "

" Peterman and the Hound Pets. " answered one of the staff.

" I see. " said Disco. " Peterman does such good work. The Flying Fish Riders have been awfully quiet, as of late, though. They really need to step up their game. "

Suddenly, Camie stuck her tongue at Disco, who responded by slapping her brutally in the face.


" You damn dirty fish! " Disco cursed, suddenly dropping his friendly smile. Just when he was prepared to beat Camie senseless, the staff grabbed him and held him back.

" No, Disco, no! She's a rare product! If you damage her, her price will drop! If you're gonna hit her, hit her where it won't show! "

Camie sobbed silently and furiously wiped the tears from her eyes. She then looked up and yelled at the top of her lungs, " HACCHIN IS REALLY GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS! "

Disco just grunted, " The damn little minnow is still mouthing o- " But suddenly, he put on a look of shock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, foam began pour from his mouth, and then…he fell back on the floor, unconscious.

"Disco? Disco! Hey, you okay? What happened?"

"Get him to a doctor! Hurry!"

As the staff took Disco, the giant behind the cage bars looked over to a mysterious figure who was sitting on a crate, next to him.

Yes, Rayleigh was the so called mysterious old man.


Marineford, Fleet Admiral chamber:-

Meanwhile, at Marine Headquarters, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp was eating his rice-crackers while being informed by a Marine captain about some goings-on on the Sabaody Archipelago.

"' Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh, eh? " Garp repeated.

" No one seems to have noticed. " said the Marine captain. " He's being sold as a slave at the Human Auction House, like he's just a regular old man. "

" They're selling 'Dark King' as a slave? " Garp questioned before he broke out in a ruckus laughter.

" But do you think it's really him, sir? " asked the captain. " My subordinates aren't 100% sure. "

" Tea, please. " Garp said.

" Uh…yes, sir. " said the captain as he took Garp's teacup and began to pour him some tea from the pot. " Anyway, if…if it really is him, sir…"

" Oh, it's him, all right. " said Garp as he munched on another rice cracker, " No doubt about it. "

" Huh? " the captain muttered. " Well, sir, this isn't the first time I've heard reported sightings about him! He's probably sold himself to repay his gambling debts! "

" Rayleigh may seem like a feeble old man. " Garp started as he took his teacup, " but if we aren't careful about how we approach him, then the Marines could end losing a lot of sailors. Right now is an especially bad time. Do you want the Marines to take on TWO legends at the same time? "

His subordinates stopped complaining as his back was drenched in cold sweat. Grap didn't give a damn about the report and continued munching his rice crackers.


Back to Sabaody Archipelago:

Luffy's crew finally reached Sabaody Archipelago. After disembarking Luffy divided his crew into three groups to search for Camie as he didn't want to take any risk.

The first group consists of Zoro, Reiju and Kaya, the second group was Hachi, Bonney, Nami and Nojiko while Luffy, Yamato and Robin were in the last one.

Luffy's group started walking towards the Auction House. Although Yamato was reluctant to waste her time in finding someone, she still nodded and Followed Luffy and Robin.