
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 63: Mass Destruction....

Sabaody Archipelago, Grandline:-

Luffy sent Rayleigh and Robin with Camie and Pappug to go ahead while he told them to gather everyone at Shakky's bar.

Then Luffy looked towards Law and he also looked back at him, " Surgeon of Death Law, bounty 200 million Beli, nice to meet you. "

" Oh, Dragon King Luffy have you investigated us? " Law asked with a smile.

" No no, i often read about you guys in the newspapers, even if I don't want to know you, I can't help it! " Luffy replied with a grin.

Kid also joined them, " Hahaha, really interesting! Dragon King, do you know how famous you are? In Marine Headquarters, in this Sea Territory, it is estimated that your crew is the strongest one among all of the ten supernovas. " Luffy just laughed but didn't make any comments.

Law said suddenly, " Okay, Dragon King your own mess, clean it up by yourself. Well I won't get mixed up, but I want to say thank you..."

Luffy looked at him suspiciously.

" Thanks to you, I saw a good show! " Law said jokingly and Luffy also smiled back.

Then Luffy asked with a smirk, " Are you scared after hearing an Admiral will come here? " Law's face turned ugly, " Humph...i am not scared. I just don't want to engage in hopeless fights. " Both Kid and Luffy grinned at Law's reaction.


Down in the lawless part of the archipelago.

" We got trouble! " shouted one of the pirate captains. 'Straw Hat' Luffy and his crew just beat up the Celestial Dragons! It happened at the Grove 1 Auction Hall! "


" Kidd and Law are down there, too! "

" How's the coating on the ship? " asked Capone to one of his crew members.

" It was finished, yesterday! "

" Good. " Capone said. " We're setting sail for Fishman Island, right away! We're getting out of here before the Admiral arrives! "

" Yes, sir! "

" What a troublesome crew of pirates. " said Urouge.

" Prepare to set sail. " ordered Drake.

" Yes! Right away, Captain Drake! "

" Now. " Drake started, " I just wonder which Admiral they'll be sending. The last time Kizaru was beaten up very badly by that Dragon King. "

" Considering the situation. " Apoo began, " There won't be mass arrests. They're only after Dragon King Luffy. I want to stay and see what the Admiral is gonna be like. "

" Apoo! Please, don't say that! Let's just run! " said one of the On-Air Pirates.

Hawkins and his men were about to take their leave.

" Captain Hawkins! " said one of the Hawkins Pirates.

" Relax. " said Hawkins. " I didn't get a reading that today is my dying day. "

Every Supernova had different reaction about the incident of auction house as the news spread like wildfire throughout the whole island.


Fleet Admiral Chamber:-

" That damned boy, again! " growled Sengoku. " One disaster after another! What is wrong with that family's bloodline? He killed a Celestial Dragon again!!! "

" According to the report. " said a Vice-Admiral, " In addition to the Devil Dragon Pirates, the Kid Pirates and his men, as well as Trafalgar Law and his crew have been spotted. We've confirmed that the main perpetrator is most likely Monkey D. Luffy, as he is the one who directly attacked the Celestial Dragons! Contact with the guards of the Human Auction Hall- err, I mean the Employment Assistance Office has been severed, so we can assume that all of them have been defeated. In any case, we are treating this as an unthinkably atrocious incident, in which two Celestial Dragons have been taken hostage, while one is already dead. "

" Have they made any demands? " asked Sengoku.

" Not yet. " said the Vice-Admiral. " At least, not that I know of. "

Sengoku looked at a sleeping person and said calmly, " You sleepy head wake up. Hurry up and go deal with them. But be careful, your first priority is to make sure the safety of those World Nobles. "

" Arara...what a pain in the ass. Because of them i can't even take a nice nap. " Kuzan removed his Sleeping mask and yawned, " Alright, I'm off. "


Outside the Auction Hall, the Marines had the place completely surrounded.

" Please evacuate as far away and quickly as possible! " said a soldier to a noble.

" We will not allow any spectators! Please! The pirates inside are very dangerous people! "

While that was being taken care of, other Marine soldiers were preparing for a fight.

" Have the mortars arrived, yet? " asked a Marine captain.

" Yes. Well, most of them have. We're preparing them as we speak. "

" What did headquarters say? "

" Admiral Aokiji is on his way…however, it will take some time. "


Meanwhile inside the Auction House Luffy and Yamato freed all the slaves and suddenly a kid pirate rushed in.

" Boss," said one of Kidd's men, " The Marines have got this place completely surrounded. "

" Attention, pirates! " announced one of the Marines outside. " Release the Roswald Family, at once! The Admiral will be arriving soon, so we highly recommend that you give yourselves up, immediately! "

Law heaved a sigh. " Well, well. " he said, " It appears that we're not even seen as victims. Just accomplices. "

" I got to see just how crazy Dragon King Luffy truly is. " Kidd said, " I guess the rumors are true. I got no complaints, but I sure as hell don't wanna mess with an Admiral. "

Luffy smiled mischievously, " Alright, go hide somewhere. I will take care of the Marines, so I'm going out first and I'll be the one to save you guys. Yamato let's go. "

Luffy started walking towards the exit with Yamato while Law and Kid also done the same as they couldn't back down for now to retain their prestige.


Outside, the Marines were readying their weapons, prepared to arrest the pirates inside the building, until they saw a bunch of figures marching out in the open.

" There they are! "

" Take aim! "

" Those three at the front are all captains! "

" It looks like they're going to be the front line for the attack! "

" It's a 1.3 billion, 315 million, and 200 million bounty counting from the right! "

Indeed it was. Luffy, Kid, Law and their crew had just came out from the Human Auction House, all prepared for battle.

" Mortars! " shouted a Marine captain. " FIRE! "

KABOOM-BOOM-BOOM! The Marines fired their mortars at the three pirate captains.

Luffy just stood there as the cannons just passed through him because of his Logia defence, whereas Law and Kid countered the cannon attack.

The Marine Captain was startled, but he was also an experienced character. Seeing that the mortars were useless, he immediately ordered the soldier to charge.

As time passed Luffy became bored, so he decided to not waste his time anymore. So he started walking towards the Marine soldiers step by step.

Seeing such a dangerous man approaching them, all of them started trembling in fear whereas Law and Kid stopped fighting and looked at Luffy with confusion.

Luffy stood in front of the soldiers and said in calm tone, " Looks like you are looking down on me don't you. I know you all are waiting for the arrival of the Admiral but i can't wait anymore so Goodbye. "

" Shinra Tensei...." said Luffy.

In the next moment everyone saw an incorporeal vortex of repelling force generated around Luffy and started expanding itself taking Luffy as its centre.

** Boom....Crack..Shhhh..Crack..creesk..**

With a blast the vortex accelerated its pace while destroying everything in its path. Deep earthly trench started appearing and in the blink of an eye frightening screams of surrounding soldiers, pirates and civilians filled the whole groove one.

Dust and fragmented objects filled the area blinding everyone's sight. The mass destruction continued for a while and finally after some time the dust cleared up.

But when Law and Kid saw the destruction Luffy caused with a single attack they became petrified on the spot. Mutilated dead bodies were laying everywhere and the beautiful town a moment ago had turned into ruins. A 50 meters deep hole with a radius of 80 meters was now present where Luffy was standing a moment ago.

Luffy and Yamato had already left the area as Luffy had no intrest in fighting an Admiral for now.

They looked at eachother and could see the horror in both of their eyes. Then they left the place in a hurry.

After an unknown amount of time.

Aokiji finally arrived at groove one and when he saw the ruins and the destroyer land he frowned. The whole area looked like it had gone through a magnitude 10 earthquake. But his soul almost left his body when he saw the state of Auction House where the remaining Celestial Dragons supposed to be.

He immediately shouted, " Hurry up and search for the bodies of the World Nobles. Clear the rubbles, we have to atleast find their bodies. "

The Marine soldiers started cleaning the rubbles and the search operation begin immediately.

Aokiji's frown deepened when he looked at the dead bodies scattered around the area like trash.


Author note:-

Did you enjoy this chapter? If yes, then donate some POWER STONES as my reward.

I will use Luffy's personality occasionally to make some comedic interactions but his original personality will become more ruthless as the story continues.

May be a lot of violence scenes will appear in future, so read this with your own violation.

I am in urgent need of some fresh ideas about the story, so if you have any please share with me.

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