
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 21

I wake up with 2 lovely ladies on each side. Iris and Nina both open their eyes and look at me. I look at them back back and smile.

"Morning ladies. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes darling." Iris said before kissing me.

"I think that's the first time I slept in the arms of a man." Nina said.

"How was it?" I asked.

"I felt wonderful. I felt safe, secured, and loved. And you're warm."

Nina looked at me after saying that. Our eyes met. The color of her eyes are emerald. I think I'm falling for her as she is falling for me. I'm not going to curse this moment. We edge closer. Then we kiss. At that time, I felt we were the olny ones that exist. Just me and her, Our lips part.

"And that was my first kiss."

"How did you like that?"

"I want another, hehe." Nina giggled.

I kiss her again. This kiss didn't last as long as the first but still, I feel awesome. I turn to Iris and I see her smiling.

"I knew was behind last night and now. What am I going to with you, Iris my love."

"Kiss me?"

I kiss iris again. I'm loving this morning. We get up and get ready for the day. Today we begin our 3 day march towards the orcs and for me, a chance to play with my new toy, the minigun.

One hour later...

The sun has been up for an hour and a half, The tents are down and we had already ate breakfast. Nina is coming with us since she knows heal and detox. I would have had Liza come with us but I didn't think she was ready yet with her training but it worked out..

We head out to begin our march. The day was hot but not too hot were I would be worried about heat exhaustion. We past a village along the way. Looks like they're preparing to leave. I sent Lydia and the battle maids ahead to scout out the orcs. I gave orders to them to rescue anyone if they are being kept as poisoners. I hope that won't be the case.

Night falls, we made a lot of head way as we might be ahead of schedule. We set up tents and have dinner. Both Nina and Iris stayed the night at my tent but no fooling around. I want everyone at their best while we're in this situation. We slept going after walking all day. Morning comes and instead of staying in bed for 30 minutes like the day before, all 3 of us get up and get ready. We ate breakfast and got the tents down quickly. all in all, it took 45 minutes to do all that.

We start marching again and past 2 more villages that were evacuating. I wish we could have helped but we have to keep on top of the time. if we arrive late. That could be trouble. Another day where's it's hot but not too hot. Nina tells me what each village's name is and how many people live there. I told her what it was like to live in my world. She was fascinated about the technology that was in my world. We really hit it off.

Night came at the end of the second day. We set the tents up and eat dinner. Then I gather everyone around to tell them that they did a damn good job these last 2 days and that I was proud of them all. Everyone cheered. Then I told them of the plan that I was going out there alone when Lydia comes back with the scouting report. Everyone looked worried but I told them not to worry. I summoned my minigun to show them that they had nothing to fear. I can feel everyone spirits go up a lot more after they saw the minigun. I cuddled with Nina and Iris again and we fell asleep.

2 hours before sunrise, Lydia and the battle maids come back. The orcs numbers haven't changed and they have no prisoners. I told Lydia and the battle maids to wake everyone up and get them ready for battle. After having a quick bite to eat. I head out to meet the orcs. took me at least 3 and a half hours before I saw them. Big, green, hairless, and ugly. There's definitely 3,200 orcs in this force. I head back, this time running. took me an hour and a half to return. I told everyone to get in formation and then gave the command to forward march. Nina stayed in the back with Iris since I was leading the troops up front. Lydia and the battle maids was behind me and the nights were behind them, the archers was in the middle of the soldiers.

an hour later I see the orcs and yelled hail to my troops. I walk forward 50 feet and stopped. The orcs got in range of my minigun.

"SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" I yelled trying to sound like Al Pacino when he was Tony Montana in Scarface.

It took a few seconds for the minigun to get to full speed but then it started to fire and orcs started falling. I saw blood, guts and body parts flying. It was brutal but war is always brutal. in 3 minutes the orc battalion was half it's size. I continued to fire for another minute. The orcs numbers were at 1,000 before I stopped and unsummoned my minigun. I brought out my M 16 and held one hand up then dropped it, My soldiers charged and the archers fired their arrows. It was devastating. Lydia was killing orcs fast and the battle maids was also hitting the orcs hard. The knights was making quick work of the orcs. the elven archers after shooting the first volley of arrows was on stand by. We had a few casualties. But the orcs was rocked badly.

The battle was over after 30 minutes. The last orc was the toughest but I took him head one and didn't hold back. One punch to the head and it exploded. All 3,200 orcs was killed in the battle. Our casualty count was 231 injured, no deaths. I was glad that we lost no one. I looked up and saw a bat.

"HEY DARK LORD, GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I yelled at the bat as it took off north. I knew it was only a messenger that's why I did what I did. Everyone cheered when I yelled that. Iris and Nina laughed.

"Lets go home!" I shouted. Everyone cheered again and got right back in formation. The Injured was healed quickly my Nina and myself. I chipped in so she wouldn't get too exhausted. She hugged me when the last injured soldier was healed. Before leaving, I casted fireball on the pile of dead orcs so they wouldn't decay and bring diseases. Plus the smell would be horrible.

2 and a half days later...

I'm back inside the Marks castle. I gave my report and Nina confirmed that my report was accurate. I shook Fred's and Beth's hand as they thanked me and King Marks to me that he would allow one request. My request was simple, I wanted to marry Nina. Nina looked at me smiling with tears in her eyes. King Marks wasn't surprised. He knew his daughter was infatuated with me and then he found out where Nin was the first night I was here. He gave his blessing and Fred came over to shake my hand again. Beth hugged Nina and told her congratulations for landing her hero. We kissed and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iris walking up to us. She was the mastermind of this. Nina, packed her things and everyone went to the teleportation room.

Back at the Hearth castle, I see William in the dining hall waiting for me and Iris but when he saw Nina, he knew I had another fiancé.

"I see you landed another one." William said smiling.

"Your sister was the mastermind of this union. By the way, what's this about you kicking a chicken so many times that all the other chickens at Marks Castle and around Grey to chase you to the point they pecked a big hole in the seat of your pants and undies?"

William's face went pale.

"I guess you was really em"Bare ass"ed." I said before I started to laugh, Iris and Nina couldn't hold it in before laughing.

"Fuck you Michael and fuck you Fred." William said.