
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 20

I walk out of the war room to meet with my troops and set up camp but it seems that I'm being followed. Nina is behind me. This woman is might give me trouble. but she's a fan girl. I might as well give her an autograph and talk with her.

"Nina, is there anything I can help you with?" I asked without turning around to look at her. Nina was surprised on how I knew that she was following me..

"Um, can we talk when you got time. I would like to know you a little better for my fan club." She said.

Member of a fan club at the age of 20? If she was a young teenager, I would understand but 20? I stopped and looked at her. I'm trying to see if she is just a fan girl or someone who want's something more.

"Are you the president of my fan club?" I asked. Please don't say yes. It would be easier to walk away from her if she isn't the president.


Fuck me running. I start walking away again and she continues to follow me. This time, I can't stop her. I hope Iris is there when I get to my troops.

15 minutes later...

I found where my troops are. Looks like the Marks kingdom was prepared to receive help from the Hearth Kingdom. I yell, "LINE UP! ON THE DOUBLE!"

Everyone lines up in formation. Even the knights (Except Iris), the archers. and the battle maids went in formation. Some of the top brass from the Marks army was observing the what was going on. I Looked at everyone under my command.

"I don't know if most of you are aware of what is going on but I believe in being up front with you all. Eariler today, a battalion of 3,200 orcs was spotted on the northern shores of here and heading towards here. It will take a week for the orcs to reach here. However. tomorrow, we will start our march to meet them in 3 days. It gives Grey time to prepare, if you are thinking that. But I know WE can beat them. And WE WILL STOMP A MUDHOLE IN THEIR ASSES AND RUN THAT SOME BITCH DRY!. WE ARE TO BRING HELL TO ORCS. ARE YOU READY?"

(All) "SIR YES SIR!"


I hear a voice that I started to get use to for the past hour.

"That was inspiring. A natural born leader." said Nina. I was flattered.

"Nina, is that you?" Iris asked. Nina turned around and ran to Iris and they hugged.

"Iris, it's been a while. I see you're a knight and a strong one at that."

"it's all due to my future husband here. He helped me train and taught me some moves."

"So you're marrying the hero? Lucky you."

"I'm not the only one marrying him, Yuna and 3 others are engaged to him too."


I think Nina fainted.

I walk up to Iris who was holding Nina. I check to see if she's alright. Nina opens her eyes and her eyes lock on me.

"Are you ok. princess Nina?" I asked. Don't get me wrong, she may have been a bit annoying in the beginning but she has started to grow on me. Must be the red hair and her ass. "Wink"

"Yes, I'm ok. Just what Iris said that took me by surprise. That's all."

"let me help you up." I said.

I help Nina up and she blushed. There we go again. Another one is falling. Am I that much a ladies man to certain women in this world?

"Let's go to my tent so you can sit down and we can talk."

We all 3 head to my tent and sit down. After sitting down, one of the battle maids come in a offered tea. I accept and so does Iris and Nina. I look at Nina.

"So you asked to see my weapon earlier. Well, let me summon both of them so you can look."

"Summon and both?"


I summon my Glock and then my m 16 into both hands. Nina's eyes grow wide.

"Wow! I have never seen these weapons before. What are they?"

"Guns. One is a pistol and the other is a rifle."

"Interesting. I heard that the viscount was killed by a small weapon that made a loud noise. Same with Kain. But the cyclops king was killed by something else."

"Yes, my M 16 A 2 assault rifle. It has a maximum range of over 3,900 yards."

It's been a while since Iris was shocked but she was when she heard the maximum range of my rifle. Nina was shocked too but seeing Iris shocked brought that nostalgic feeling.

"That's far."

"Yes but there are over rifles that has longer range."

Then my phone rings. No need to guess on who it is.

"Girls, I need to take this, I'm stepping out for a bit."


Before I walk out of the tent, I lean towards Iris's ear and give her to go ahead on telling Nina about my background.

"Hello God."

"Michael, I have a gift for you but once again you choose what you want."

"What are my choices?"

"MPS AA-12 Sledgehammer, M-134A2 Vulcan minigun, or the Thompson Submachine Gun."

"Minigun considering what the situation is currently."

"Ok, and the same with unlimited ammo and no reload."

"You know what I was about to ask, haha."

"Ok Michael, anything else?"

"Can you save the other 2 guns for later?"

"Yes, I can."

"Thanks God."

"You're welcome my child."

"Talk to you later."

I hung up and head back in. That minigun is going to make this a one sided victory. When I reenter the tent, Nina locked her eyes on my, then my junk and blushed. I know the barndoor is closed but then I remember what I told Iris before i answered my phone call with god. I look at her and she is giggling. She's teasing Nina. I'm rubbing off on her. Muhahaha.

"S-So, you're from another world?" Nina asked.

"Yes, a world where magic is a fantasy as well as most races in this world and technology reigns supreme."

"Speaking about technology, let me summon my new little friend."

I summon the minigun. Both girls eyes almost pop out.

"WHAT IS THAT!" Nina shockingly yelled

"A minigun and the key to stopping the orcs."

"You mean that will help us?"

"Yes, Nina." I said before unsummoning the minigun.

I hear the somebody yell "DINNER". I hear Nina's belly rumble. Then Iris's belly rumbles, Finally Mine growls loudly.

"Let go get something to eat."

30 minutes later...

Nina, Iris and I walk back into the tent laughing about the story of me calling Kain the after birth of a bastard monkey. Seems like Nina has warmed up to me a lot thanks to Iris. Iris walks over and I lean down and kiss her lips. Nina blushes watching the scene. I look at Nina, She's blushing. Cute. let's see if I can get her cheeks redder.

"Nina, if your cheeks get any redder. it will match your hair color."

That did it. I don't understand why my heart flutters around women with red hair. Maybe it's my Irish blood. We keep telling stories until nightfall. I look at Iris and she winks at me. Hmmm, she's scheming again.

"Michael my love, I'll see you in the morning. Nina, come walk with me to my tent."

"Ok, sweetheart, sleep well and I'll see you 2 in the morning." I said as I kiss Iris passionately good night and then wave at the blushing Nina. I get ready for bed and lay down.

2 hours later...

I was sleeping when I felt 2 pair of eyes staring down on me. I'm in my boxers. I open my eyes and recognize that it's Iris and Nina. They both where in nightgowns. Knowing they want to cuddle, I tell them to get in. Iris on my left and Nina on my right. I fell fast asleep after that.