
Lust And Wizardry

Fate makes a seventh-year student at Hogwarts, the most powerful wizard in the world. Now instead of abandoning his final year, he returns to Hogwarts, determined to use his newfound powers to gain influence and live a hedonistic life. However, His power's dark influence begins to take hold, revealing its true nature as a conduit for an ancient malevolent force. As he navigates the school year, he is torn between his ambition and the threat of losing himself to darkness. Adrian Lanceworth, a libertine but talented and enigmatic student at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, receives an unexpected letter that changes his life forever. Due to a mysterious clause in his late father's will, Adrian is transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his final year. With trepidation and curiosity, he returns to London, the city his family abruptly fled shortly after his birth. As Adrian navigates the ancient halls of Hogwarts, he is drawn into a web of secrets that challenge everything he thought he knew about his family and his past. The legacy of the Lanceworths is shrouded in mystery, and Adrian soon discovers that his father's death may not have been as natural as it seemed. Through cryptic clues and hidden messages, he uncovers a dark conspiracy involving powerful forces within the wizarding world. But a teenager can't overcome one this that is Lust. follow as he explores new boundaries with various intriguing characters However, danger lurks in the shadows. The wizarding world is on the brink of upheaval, with dark forces threatening to disrupt the fragile peace.

Playwright · Fantasy
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8 Chs


I was half-listening to Professor Fiona's lecture about the Death Eaters when the door creaked open. Professor Victoria Bliss walked in, her expression as stern as ever. Fiona stopped mid-sentence and turned to face her colleague.

"Victoria," Fiona acknowledged, her tone a mix of curiosity and irritation. "What can I do for you?"

Victoria's eyes locked onto mine. "I need to borrow Adrian for a moment. It's important."

Fiona gave a slight nod. "Go ahead, Adrian. We'll continue without you."

I stood up, feeling the eyes of my classmates on me. As I followed Victoria out of the classroom, I couldn't help but wonder what this was about. We walked down the corridor in silence until we reached a secluded corner.

Victoria turned to me, her face unreadable. "My friend's husband is involved in the investigation at the Malfoy estate," she began, her voice low. "He spoke to the guards who were on duty that night."

I raised an eyebrow, pretending to be interested but inwardly wary. "And?"

"One of the guards mentioned that one of the thieves had an American accent," she said, her eyes narrowing. "Care to explain that, Mr. Lanceworth?"

I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. "Interesting. But what does that have to do with me?"

Victoria's expression hardened. "Don't play coy, Adrian. You're the only American student here with enough nerve to pull something like that off."

I smirked. "Assuming you're right, do you have any proof? Or is this just a hunch?"

She took a step closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't need proof to keep an eye on you. And believe me, I will."

"Suit yourself," I said coolly. "But unless you have concrete evidence, you're just wasting your time."

Victoria studied me for a moment, then nodded curtly. "You can go back to class now. But remember, Adrian, I'm watching you."

As I walked back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.


I was heading towards the common room, my mind replaying the tense conversation with Victoria. Her suspicions were troublesome, but nothing I couldn't handle. As I turned the corner, I saw Cindy hurrying towards me, her expression a mix of worry and confusion.

"Adrian," she called out, her voice slightly shaky. "Something strange happened in my room."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean, strange?"

She glanced around nervously before continuing. "It looked like someone had been in there, searching for something. My stuff was all over the place, but nothing seemed to be missing."

I frowned, considering the implications. "Did you tell anyone else about this?"

She shook her head. "No, just you. I thought you'd know what to do."

"Alright," I said, my mind already racing with possibilities. "We'll figure it out. Keep this between us for now."

Cindy nodded, looking slightly reassured. "Okay. Thanks, Adrian."

As she walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't a coincidence. Someone was sniffing around, and that made things dangerous. Later that day, I ran into Chris in one of the hallways. He looked agitated, his usual bravado replaced by unease.

"Adrian," he muttered, glancing over his shoulder. "We need to talk."

"What's going on?" I asked, already suspecting his answer.

"I felt like someone was watching me earlier," he said, lowering his voice. "I was talking to a client, and I swear, I could feel eyes on me."

"Did you see anyone?" I asked, my tone sharp.

"No," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "But it was creepy, man. Like, someone was definitely there."

I sighed, piecing things together. "Alright, listen. Cindy's room was searched. Someone's definitely onto us. We need to be more careful."

Chris nodded, his face pale. "What do we do?"

"First, we stay calm," I said firmly. "Second, we need to find out who's behind this. Keep your eyes open and don't talk to anyone you don't trust."

"Got it," he said, looking slightly more composed.

As Chris walked away, I knew we were running out of time. Victoria's suspicions, the search in Cindy's room, and now this... the noose was tightening. I needed to stay ahead, to ensure that whatever game was being played, I would be the one to win.

The sensation that jolted me awake was like an electric shock. I lay there, eyes wide open, heart pounding in my chest. I felt it before I saw or heard anything—a presence in the room, something off. My senses were on high alert, every sound amplified in the stillness.

Then, the door slammed shut. The noise echoed through the room, startling me into action. I sprang from the bed, grabbing my wand from the bedside table. The corridor outside my room was bathed in the dim glow of the castle's night lights, casting long shadows along the stone walls. But it was empty. Not a soul in sight. Whoever had been there had vanished, leaving no trace.

I stood there for a moment, listening intently, but the only sound was the faint rustle of my own breathing. Slowly, I backed into my room and closed the door behind me. My heart was still racing, my mind whirring with questions. I moved towards my bed, my eyes scanning every corner of the room, looking for anything out of place.

That's when I saw it—a long, golden strand of hair lying on the side table, glinting in the low light. I picked it up, holding it delicately between my fingers. The hair was silky and smooth, a striking shade of gold. Too long and too fine to be mine, or anyone else's I could think of at Hogwarts.

Whoever it belonged to had been in my room, standing right next to my bed. The realization sent a chill down my spine. This was no ordinary prank or careless intrusion. It was deliberate, a clear message meant for me. Someone was toying with me, testing my reactions.

I sat on the edge of my bed, still holding the strand of hair. My mind raced through the possibilities. 

Victoria Bliss?

I twirled the hair between my fingers, a dark determination settling over me. This was a challenge, and I never backed down from a challenge. I would find out who had been in my room, who dared to invade my space. And when I did, they would regret it. I'd make sure of that. This wasn't just about staying ahead anymore. This was personal.

I placed the hair back on the table, a grim reminder of the night's events. Lying back down, I knew sleep wouldn't come easy, if at all. I stared at the ceiling, plotting my next move. The game had changed, and I intended to play it to win.

After Herbology class the next day, I approached Professor Victoria Bliss with a determined stride. She glanced up from her desk, her expression guarded as she regarded me.

"Professor Bliss," I began, my tone firm and resolute. "I've made a decision."

She arched an eyebrow, a silent invitation for me to continue.

"I've decided to submit all the Nightshade weed to you," I declared, meeting her gaze head-on. "I won't be involved in this business anymore."

A flicker of surprise crossed her features before she composed herself, her expression unreadable. "Is that so, Mr. Lanceworth? And what brought about this sudden change of heart?"

I paused for a moment, carefully choosing my words. "I've realized that the risks outweigh the benefits. It's not worth jeopardizing my future."

Her gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, as if assessing my sincerity. Finally, she nodded. "Very well, Mr. Lanceworth. I appreciate your cooperation. I'll expect the Nightshade weed to be delivered to me promptly."

"Of course, Professor," I replied, masking any hint of hesitation in my voice. "You'll have it by the end of the day."

As the evening descended, casting long shadows across the Hogwarts grounds, Chris appeared at Professor Bliss's office door, his expression a mix of nervousness and determination. He knocked softly before pushing the door open.

"Professor Bliss," Chris greeted, his voice steady despite the apprehension in his eyes. "I've come on behalf of Adrian to submit the Nightshade weed."

Victoria Bliss glanced up from her desk, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in Chris's presence. "Ah, Mr. Porter. How thoughtful of Adrian to send you."

Chris nodded, trying to suppress the nervous energy coursing through him. "Yes, he wanted to ensure the delivery was made promptly."

Victoria's gaze lingered on Chris for a moment, as if assessing him. "Very well, Mr. Porter. You may leave it on the desk there."

Chris moved forward, carefully placing the package containing the Nightshade weed on the designated spot. He resisted the urge to fidget under Victoria's scrutinizing gaze, forcing himself to maintain a composed exterior.

"Thank you, Professor," Chris said, offering a brief nod before turning to leave

The next day, I found myself in the Herbology Lab, a tablet in hand, and a determined glint in my eyes. Victoria Bliss stood before me, her expression composed as ever, but I could sense the tension simmering beneath the surface.

"Professor Bliss," I began, my voice steady as I held out the tablet towards her. "I think you'll find these photos quite... enlightening."

Victoria's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she glanced at the screen, but as the images came into focus, her eyes widened in shock. There, captured in vivid detail, was Chris handing her the package of Nightshade weed.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Lanceworth?" she demanded, her voice tinged with barely concealed anger.

I met her gaze squarely, my own expression cool and collected. "I believe the photos speak for themselves, Professor. It appears that you've been... engaging in some illicit activities."

Victoria's composure faltered for a moment, her face paling as she realized the gravity of the situation. "You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, but I would," I interrupted, a hint of menace in my tone. "You see, Professor Bliss, I have quite a few friends in high places. And I'm sure Headmistress MacGonagall would be very interested to see these photos."

Victoria's eyes narrowed, her jaw clenched in frustration. "What do you want?"

I smirked, knowing I had the upper hand. "Simple. I want you to leave me and my associates alone. No more prying into our affairs, no more suspicions. You stay out of our way, and these photos never see the light of day."

She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options, before finally nodding in reluctant agreement. "Fine. You have my word."

"Good," I replied, a sense of satisfaction coursing through me. "I'll be keeping an eye on you, Professor. Don't make me regret this."

With that, I turned and left the Herbology Lab, leaving Victoria Bliss to grapple with the consequences of her actions. 

The next day, I found myself summoned to Headmistress MacGonagall's office, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I entered, I found both Victoria Bliss and Irene MacGonagall waiting for me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Adrian," Irene began, her tone measured. "Victoria here has brought something concerning to my attention. She claims you've been blackmailing her."

I met Irene's gaze evenly, refusing to show any hint of guilt. "No, Headmistress. I may have evidence that suggests Professor Bliss has been meddling in affairs she has no business in. But I never blackmailed her"

Irene raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "And what evidence would that be?"

Without a word, I handed her the tablet, displaying the incriminating photos for her to see. As Irene's eyes scanned the images, a look of realization dawned on her face.

"I see," she said, her voice grave. "These are quite damning, Victoria."

Victoria remained silent, her expression tight-lipped as she avoided Irene's gaze.

"And what do you propose we do about this, Adrian?" Irene asked, turning her attention back to me.

With a flick of my wand and a whispered incantation, I planted a subtle suggestion in Irene's mind. A seed of doubt, carefully crafted to grow into full-blown paranoia. I made her believe that Victoria was under the influence of Nightshade weed, her perceptions distorted, her accusations unfounded.

Irene's brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced between Victoria and me, uncertainty clouding her features. "Victoria," she began, her voice tinged with suspicion. "Are you feeling alright? You seem... off."

Victoria's eyes widened in alarm, her attempts to protest drowned out by Irene's growing concern. I watched with satisfaction as my manipulation took hold, twisting reality to fit my narrative.

"It's the weed, Irene," I interjected smoothly, playing my part to perfection. "Victoria must have gotten hold of some bad batch. She's been acting strange all day, imagining things that aren't there."

Irene nodded slowly, her expression troubled. "Victoria, considering your reputation and long-standing service to Hogwarts, I am choosing not to take any immediate actions against you. However, I expect you to reflect on recent events and ensure they do not repeat."

Victoria's relief was palpable as she nodded in gratitude, her shoulders sagging with the weight lifted off her chest. "Thank you, Headmistress. I assure you, this will not happen again."

With a final nod, Irene dismissed Victoria, her gaze lingering on her retreating form. As the door closed behind her, Irene turned her attention back to me, her expression unreadable. "Adrian, I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. We cannot tolerate such behavior within our staff."

I met Irene's gaze evenly, my demeanor composed. "Of course, Headmistress. Rest assured, I have no intention of causing any further disruption."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Irene returned to her desk, signaling the end of our conversation. As I left her office, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. Despite the close call, I had managed to manipulate the situation to my advantage once again.